2001 Translation - An American English Bible

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Informace o Studijní on-line bibli (SOB) (CZ)

   Aplikace, kterou právě používáte, je biblický program Studijní on-line bible (dále jen SOB) verze 2. Jedná se prozatím o testovací verzi, která je oproti původní verzi postavena na HTML5, využívá JavaScriptovou knihovnu JQuery a framework Bootstrap. Nová verze přináší v některých ohledech zjednodušení, v některých ohledech je tomu naopak. Hlavní výhodou by měla být možnost využívání knihovny JQuery pro novou verzi tooltipů (ze kterých je nově možné kopírovat jejich obsah, případně kliknout na aktivní odkazy na nich). V nové verzi by zobrazení překladů i vyhledávek mělo vypadat "profesionálněji", k dispozici by měly být navíc např. informace o modulech apod. Přehrávač namluvených překladů je nyní postaven na technologii HTML5, tzn., že již ke svému provozu nepotřebuje podporu Flash playeru (který již oficiálně např. pro platformu Android není k dispozici, a u kterého se počítá s postupným všeobecným útlumem).

© 2011-2100


Information about the "Online Bible Study" (SOB) (EN)

   Application you're using is a biblical program Online Bible Study (SOB), version Nr. 2. This is yet a testing release, which is (compared to the previous version) based on HTML5, uses JQuery JavaScript library and Bootstrap framework. The new version brings in some aspects simplifications. The major advantage should be the possibility of using JQuery for the new version tooltips (from which it is now possible to copy their content, or click on active hyperlinks). In the new version are also available informations about the modules and the like. The player of the narrated translations is now HTML5 powered (he does not need Flash player). I hope, that the new features will be gradually added.





(kontaktné informácie - contact info - Kontaktinformationen - контактная информация - informacje kontaktowe - información de contacto - πληροφορίες επικοινωνίας)


Diviš Libor
URL: www.obohu.cz
E-mail: infoobohu.cz
Skype: libordivis




2001 Translation - An American English Bible

... no information about this module ...





hudson   (27.1.2024 - 14:55)
E-mail: hudsonpotgmail.com
Hello, I would like to contact developers to tell me where I can get "portuguese almeida revised and updated (with strong’s numbers)" because I want to make a website for studies. Please, for the growth of the kingdom of God.

Lukáš Znojemský   (21.9.2022 - 09:55)
Rád tuto stránku navštěvuji a učím se z ní v posledních týdnech. Velmi mi pomohla jazykově a přiblížila mi význam některých veršů, jejichž plný význam nebo zabarvení bylo ztraceno v překladu. "Obsluha" (tady se za výraz velmi omlouvám) je pohotová a technicky znalá. Velmi doporučuji.

Carola Teach   (14.6.2022 - 19:43)
E-mail: carola24681gmail.com
Hallo Libor Vielen Dank für den Hinweis. Die kroatische Bibel reicht. Soweit ich eine Freundin verstand, ist bosnisch und kroatisch das gleiche und serbisch ähnlich, war ja früher auch ein Land, Jugoslawien , nur das eben da zwischen islamischen und traditionell christlichen Streit von aussen reingebracht und geschürrt wurde. Ich leite die kroatische Bibelsuche gleich weiter Einige können lesen, einige nicht und so ist das Super installiert, das man die Bibel auch auf Audio stellen kann. Toll ist es, das auch die Nafterli Herz Tur-Sinai Bibel in deutsch dabei ist, denn da finde ich vieles, speziell Psalm 91 als Beispiel authentischer formuliert, als in allen anderen deutschen Bibeln. Das jüdische Neue Testament von David H. Stern habe ich auch, aber die Nafterli Herz Tur-Sinai Bibel ist mir persönlich sehr wichtig. Vielen Dank Libor für diese kompakte Internet Webseiten- Arbeit für den Herrn, uns sein noch besser studieren und weiter geben zu können Shalom .

CarolaTeach   (14.6.2022 - 12:32)
E-mail: carola24681gmail.com
Wer hat diese Seite ermöglicht und wer wartet diese Seiteund bezahlt die Website Kosten ? Mit dieser Website dient ihr Gott dem Vater zum Bau der Gemeinde Gottes. Und wir wurden im Buch Korinther aufgerufen, da wo wir genährt werden, auch zu unterstützen. Ich bitte den Admin dieser Seite, mir per email die Kontonummer mitzuteilen, dass ich mit Gaben mtl.segnen kann und nicht nur fromme Sprüche loslasse, denn seit kurzem bekam ich den Link dieser Seite und arbeite sehr gerne auf dieser Seite und gebe den Link weiter. Bitte das sich der Webseitengründer meldet. Danke.

Herzlichen Dank für Ihr Angebot. Aber ich brauche Ihre Hilfe nicht, ich leide nicht an Mangel :-) Wenn Sie helfen möchten, helfen Sie bitte jemandem in Ihrer Nähe.    Libor

Carola Teach   (14.6.2022 - 12:12)
E-mail: carola24681gmail.com
Vielen Dank für diese Möglichkeit Bibel-Ausgaben vergleichen zu können. Eine sehr gut aufgebaute Strukturierung und sehr bedien- freundlich. Ich hätte eine Bittende Frage. Habt Ihr auch die bosnische Bibel oder besteht da Möglichkeit, auch für Bosnieer, Kroaten, Serben die bosnische Bibel hier zu hinterlegen. Ich habe seit 2015 sehr viel Kontakt zu Bosnierer , Kroaten, Serben und Albanern Kosovo und muß Bibelstellen immer auf google übersetzen, um ihnen die Bibel näher zu bringen, was sie dankbar annehmen, aber bei Google habe ich nie die Sicherheit, dass die Übersetzung gut geprüft ist. Kommen auch Bibeln als bosnisch - und albanische Bibeln hinzu ? Danke

Außer der bosnischen Bibel ist alles, was benötigt wird, bereits hier in der SOB (Studien Online Bible) enthalten. Diese Übersetzungen sind im Abschnitt "Andere europäische Übersetzungen" zu finden. Serbische Bibel (Kyrillisch), Serbische Bibel (Đuro Daničić, Vuk Karadžić - 1865), Albanian Bibel und Kroatische Bibel. Sie können die bosnische Bibel im PDF-Format HIER herunterladen.    Libor

Joe   (4.3.2021 - 17:49)
E-mail: joe.jace.mail.de
Hallo und vielen Dank für die hilfreiche Suchfunktion bei den hebräischen Bibeln – ich benutze sie seit Jahren zur Überprüfung der masoretischen Zählungen von Wortpaaren. Ein Schreibfehler am Ende von Josua 11,16 (Elberfelder 1905) "und das ebirge Israel und seine Niederung", es müsste heißen "und das Gebirge Israel und seine Niederung". Grüße aus Zittau / Sachsen

Danke. Natürlich hast du recht - ich habe es bereits behoben.    Libor

Josef   (4.2.2021 - 15:51)
E-mail: pepas74seznam.cz
Tak tohle mě velmi potěšilo. Je to dobře ovladatelné na rozdíl od jiných zdrojů. Děkuji moc! :)

Lukáš   (24.11.2020 - 10:02)
E-mail: lukasnemecek536gmail.com
Chyba v textu Kat. lit. překlad. Zjevení 11, 10. protože tito dva poroci jim způsobili hodně trápení.

Zdeněk Staněk   (22.8.2020 - 14:36)
E-mail: zdenek.stanekwhitepaper.bluefile.cz
Chybí 'ě': http://obohu.cz/csp.php?k=2Te&kap=3&v=4

Vskutku. Již jsem to opravil.    Libor

Ani Gallert   (4.7.2018 - 16:24)
E-mail: cactus.gomeragmail.com
Vielen, vielen Dank für diese Seite (und dass wir sie kostenfrei nutzen können)! Sie ist sehr gut gemacht und eröffnet beim Bibelstudium völlig neue Einblicke! Eine dringende Frage habe ich zur Adolf Ernst Knoch Bibel - die Begriffe, die kursiv und hell in den Versen dargestellt sind - bedeuteten diese, die Worte wurden von Knoch hinzugefügt, weil im Original nicht mehr erhalten? Oder wie ist das zu verstehen? Vielen Dank und Gottes Segen, Ani

Hallo, Ani. Kursiv und hell - das sind die Worte, die nicht im Originaltext sind, aber sie sind wichtig für das richtige Verständnis. Sie können es im VERGLEICHS-MODUS gut sehen. Schauen Sie sich zum Beispiel das Münchener Neues Testament an...     Libor

Andreas Boldt   (27.2.2018 - 05:41)
E-mail: andyp1gmx.net
Ich habe diese Seite gefunden um einfach Bibel online zu benutzen in verschiedenen Sprachen - ich bin überzeugt das Gott sein Wort bewahrt hat in allen Sprachen. Und weiß bis zum Ende hin wird sein Wort leuchten. "Denn mein Wort wird nicht leer zu mir zurückkehren..." - Gottes Segen für die segensreiche Arbeit die ihr tut. Leider kann ich kein Tscheschisch aber habe auch Bekannte in der Slowakei und bin Euch sehr verbunden im Sinne des Protestantismus. Ich benutze die Bibel jeden Tag. Andreas Boldt

Ich danke Ihnen, Andreas. Diese Anwendung ist viel mehr als nur eine Online-Bibel. Versuchen Sie bitte herauszufinden, welche Optionen und Funktionen SOB anbietet... (Anleitung) Libor

Juraj Kaličiak   (5.2.2018 - 11:06)
E-mail: juro.kaliciakgmail.com
Nech Vám pán odplatí Jeho spôsobom, toto je nejlepšia verzia práce s Božím slovom. Vyhladávanie, režim porovnávania sú skvelé. Pracujem s touto stránkou už celé roky a cítim povinnosť povzbudiť autorov, že je toto určite požehnaná práca. Veľa to používam aj na mobile, ako rýchlu online bibliu. Oceňujem odvahu vydania prekladu Jozefa Roháčka v edícii Dušana Seberíniho s doslovným prekladom Božieho mena. Výborná je možnosť porovnania s gréckymi originál textami so strongovými číslami. Buďte požehnaní bratia. Juraj

Vďaka Juraj. Je príjemné počuť, že tento biblický program používate už dlhší čas, a že ste s ním spokojný. Snažím sa SOB stále vylepšovať. Nie sú žiadni autori - je iba jeden amatér, ktorý chce (okrem bežných funkcií biblických programov) najmä sprístupniť originálny text biblie pre všetkých - aj bez znalosti biblických jazykov. Libor

John Builer   (30.1.2018 - 07:07)
E-mail: Johnbuilercontbay.com
Ganz, ganz grosse Klasse, diese Seite, besser, als alles andere!!! Vielen Dank!!! Bitte machen Sie so weiter!!! Danke! Regards, John Builer

Danke, ich schätze es wirklich ...

Zdeněk Staněk   (27.12.2017 - 15:34)
E-mail: zdenek.stanekwhitepaper.bluefile.cz
WLC 5M 6:4 v prvním slově chybí souhláska ajin a v posledním slově dálet. Díval jsem se do jiných zpracování textu WLC a tam jsou.

OK. Upravil jsem text podle textu Tanachu.

Vladimir Bartoš   (23.11.2017 - 23:15)
E-mail: bartos.vlemail.cz
Tyto stránky jsem objevil náhodou, když jsem hledal on line čtení Bible. Jsem úplně nadšený z toho, jaké jsou zde možností a chci za to poděkovat!!

Jsem rád, že Vás tento on-line biblický program tolik zaujal. Věřím, že se to ještě zlepší, když si prostudujete návod, případně novinky na Facebooku :-)

Libor Diviš   (14.10.2016 - 08:02)
Vítejte v knize hostů. Sem můžete vkládat své komentáře k nové verzi SOB (Studijní on-line bible). Jen bych Vás chtěl poprosit, abyste si předtím prostudovali návod k tomuto biblickému programu.

Welcome. Here you can write your comments relating to this new version of the online biblical program SOB (Online Bible Study) - your assessment, proposals, error notices etc.




2001 Translation - An American English Bible

Total number of matched verses: 5494
Ps (598); Jer (502); Deut (408); Isa (351); 2Chr (330); Ezek (329); Num (321); Exod (293); Lev (285); 1Sam (243); 2Kgs (215); 1Kgs (208); Josh (163); 1Chr (146); Judg (130); 2Sam (127); Gen (119); Zech (81); Job (77); Pro (75); Amos (53); Hos (35); Mal (34); Mic (33); Ezra (30); Luke (30); Lam (29); Dan (22); Zeph (21); Hag (21); Jonah (19); Neh (17); Joel (16); Matt (15); Acts (15); Ruth (13); Rev (12); Heb (11); Hab (10); Nah (10); Rom (7); 1Cor (6); Mark (6); Obad (5); Jas (3); Jude (3); 2Cor (3); 2Pet (3); 1Pet (2); Esth (2); 2Tim (2); Eph (2); John (2); Gal (1);

Gen 2:15:Then Jehovah God took the man that He had formed and put him in the Paradise of Delights, so He could cultivate and care for it.
Gen 2:16:And Jehovah God gave these instructions to Adam: ‘You are free to eat from all the trees of Paradise,
Gen 2:18:And Jehovah God said: ‘It isn’t good for the man to be alone. Let’s make a helper for him.’
Gen 3:2:And the snake was the wiliest animal that Jehovah had made on the earth. Then the snake asked the woman, ‘Why did God tell you that you shouldn’t eat from all the trees of Paradise?’
Gen 3:8:Then they heard the voice of Jehovah God, as He walked around in Paradise that afternoon; so Adam and his wife hid from the face of Jehovah God, among the trees of Paradise.
Gen 3:9:And Jehovah God called to Adam, saying, ‘Where are you Adam?’
Gen 3:13:Then Jehovah God asked the woman: ‘Why did you do this?’ And the woman replied: ‘The snake deceived me, so I ate it.’
Gen 3:14:Then Jehovah God said to the snake: ‘Because you did this, you [alone] are doomed to punishment among all the cattle and wild animals of the earth. You will travel on your chest and belly, and you will eat from the ground all the days of your life.
Gen 3:21:Then Jehovah God made leather clothing for Adam and his wife, and dressed them.
Gen 3:23:Then Jehovah God put Adam outside the Paradise of Delights to work the ground that he was taken from.
Gen 4:3:After many days, Cain brought some of the fruit of the ground as a sacrifice to Jehovah,
Gen 4:6:Then Jehovah God asked Cain: ‘Why are you so sad and why is your face so long?
Gen 4:9:And when Jehovah God asked Cain, ‘Where is your brother?’ he replied, ‘I don’t know… am I my brother’s bodyguard?’
Gen 4:10:Then Jehovah asked, ‘What have you done? I hear the blood of your brother calling to me from the ground!
Gen 4:13:Then Cain told Jehovah God, ‘My crime is too great for me to [ever] be forgiven.
Gen 4:14:And Cain said to Jehovah God, ‘If you [drive me away] into the land today – away from Your face today where I will be hidden from You and where I must groan and tremble on the land – then anyone who finds me will kill me!’
Gen 4:15:And Jehovah God replied, ‘That isn’t so, for whoever kills Cain will pay seven penalties.’ Then Jehovah God put a mark on Cain, so that nobody who found him would kill him.
Gen 5:29:who he named Noah. And he said: ‘He will stop us from doing the things we do, from working with our hands, and from [living on] the ground (which Jehovah has cursed).
Gen 6:3:Then Jehovah God said: ‘I won’t allow My Breath to stay with these men through the the age, for they are fleshly. So their [lives] will only last one hundred and twenty [more] years.’
Gen 6:5:Now, Jehovah God saw that all the badness men were doing on the earth was increasing, and that the entire motivation of their hearts was always twisted toward evil.
Gen 6:8:However, Noah found mercy in the eyes of God Jehovah.
Gen 6:12:So when Jehovah God looked at the earth, all He saw was corruption, because all flesh had become dirty in the things they were doing.
Gen 6:13:Then Jehovah God told Noah: ‘A season is now before me [that will lead to the end of] all men, because the earth is filled with their unrighteousness. Look! I’m going to destroy both them and the ground!
Gen 6:22:And Noah did everything that Jehovah God told him to do.
Gen 7:1:Then Jehovah God said to Noah: ‘Now, you and your family must go into the chest, because I have found [just] you to be righteous among this generation.
Gen 7:5:So Noah did everything that Jehovah God commanded him.
Gen 7:16:Males and females of all flesh went inside, just as God commanded Noah; then Jehovah God closed the chest from the outside.
Gen 8:15:Then Jehovah God spoke to Noah and said,
Gen 8:20:Then Noah built an altar to Jehovah, and he took some of the clean animals as well as some from among all the clean winged creatures, and offered them whole… burning them on the altar.
Gen 8:21:And as Jehovah noticed the sweet smell, He thought about it and said, ‘I will never curse the ground again for the bad things that men do. Because, the imagination of men is totally bent toward doing bad things from the time they are young. So, I will never again [destroy] all living flesh as I have just done.
Gen 9:12:Then Jehovah God told Noah: ‘This is the sign that I have set [as a reminder] of the Agreement of the Ages of Generations, between you and Me, and every living creature that is with you:
Gen 9:26:Then he added, ‘May Jehovah, the God of Ham and JaPheth, be praised. But CanaAn will be a servant in their homes.
Gen 10:9:He was a gigantic hunter before Jehovah God, and that’s why people speak of Nimrod as ‘the gigantic hunter before Jehovah.’
Gen 11:6:And Jehovah said, ‘Look; they are all the same race and they share the same lips, and now they’ve started doing this. [Before long], they will be able to accomplish anything they set out to do.
Gen 11:8:And Jehovah scattered them from there over the entire face of the earth, so they stopped building the city and its tower.
Gen 11:9:That is why [the city] is named Confusion (Babylon), because, that’s where Jehovah confused all the languages of the earth and scattered them from there over all the face of the earth.
Gen 12:1:Then Jehovah said to Abram, ‘Leave this land, your family, and your father’s home, and go to a land that I’m going to show you,
Gen 12:4:So, Abram did just as Jehovah told him, and Lot went with him. Abram was seventy-five years old when he left Haran,
Gen 12:7:Then Jehovah appeared to Abram and said, ‘I will give this land to your seed.’ So Abram built an altar there to Jehovah, who had appeared to him.
Gen 12:8:Then he moved on from there to a mountain that was east of BethEl, and he pitched his tent there in BethEl, which was close to the sea and east of AgGai. There he built an altar to Jehovah and started calling on the Name of the Lord.
Gen 13:10:So, Lot surveyed all the country around the Jordan and noticed that it had plenty of water (this was before God overthrew Sodom and GomorRah). It looked like the Paradise of Jehovah and like the land of Egypt up to Zogora.
Gen 13:18:Then Abram packed up his tent and took up living by the big tree of MamRe (in Hebron), and he built an altar there to Jehovah.
Gen 14:22:And Abram said to the king of Sodom, ‘I swear by Jehovah the Most High God who made the heavens and the earth,
Gen 15:1:After that, Jehovah sent word to Abram in a vision, saying: ‘Don’t be afraid, Abram, for I am your shield, and You will have a huge reward.’
Gen 15:2:Then, Abram said, ‘Almighty Jehovah; What can You give me, since I’m about to die without a son? EliEzer of Damascus, the son of my home-born female slave Masek, is my heir.’
Gen 15:4:And immediately Jehovah said to him: ‘He won’t be your heir… the one who comes from you will be your heir.’
Gen 15:18:This was the day when Jehovah made a Sacred Agreement with Abram. He said, ‘I will give this land – from the [Nile] River of Egypt to the great Euphrates River – to your seed,
Gen 16:2:And Sara said to Abram: ‘Look; Jehovah has kept me from getting pregnant, so [sleep with] my maid so I can have my children through her.’ Well, Abram accepted Sara’s advice.
Gen 16:5:So Sara said to Abram: ‘I’ve really been hurt by you, for I gave you my handmaid [to sleep with], and when I saw that she was pregnant, she treated me disrespectfully. May Jehovah judge between me and you!’
Gen 16:7:Then a messenger from Jehovah found [Hagar] by a spring of water in the desert (the spring on the way to Sur).
Gen 16:8:And Jehovah’s messenger said to her, ‘Hagar, Sarah’s maid; Where are you coming from and where are you going?’ And she replied, ‘I’m running away from my mistress, Sara.’
Gen 16:9:Then Jehovah’s messenger said: ‘Return to your mistress and obey her.’
Gen 16:10:And the messenger of Jehovah told her: ‘I will make your seed grow, and there will be so many that they can’t be counted.’
Gen 16:11:And the messenger of Jehovah said to her: ‘Look; You are pregnant with a child. You will give birth to a son, and you should name him IshMaEl, because Jehovah has noticed how you have been humiliated.
Gen 17:1:Then, when Abram was ninety-nine years old, Jehovah appeared to him [again] and said: ‘I am your God. So be pleasing to Me and don’t do anything that you can be blamed for,
Gen 18:14:Is there anything that is impossible for Jehovah? I will return to you [next year] in this season and Sarah will have a son!’
Gen 18:19:Because, I know that he will order his sons and the house that is to come from him to keep the ways of Jehovah – to be righteous and just – so that Jehovah can bring all the things to Abraham that He promised to him.’
Gen 19:13:because we’re going to destroy it! A great cry has been raised against [this city] to Jehovah, and [He] has sent us to destroy it.’
Gen 19:14:So Lot went [back] outside and spoke to his [future] sons-in-law who [were engaged to] his daughters, and said: ‘Get up and leave this place, because Jehovah is about to destroy the city!’ However, to his [future] sons-in-law it seemed as though he was joking.
Gen 19:16:However, they were unsure. So the messengers grabbed his hand, the hand of his wife, and the hands of his two daughters… and that’s how Jehovah saved them.
Gen 19:24:Then Jehovah poured fire and sulfur from the sky upon Sodom and GomorRah.
Gen 19:27:That morning, Abraham got up early to go to the place where he had stood before Jehovah.
Gen 20:18:(because Jehovah had closed all the wombs in AbiMelech’s house due to Abraham’s wife Sarah).
Gen 21:1:Then Jehovah visited Sarah and did as [He had promised] her.
Gen 21:2:She became pregnant and bore a son to Abraham in his old age, at the exact time that Jehovah specified.
Gen 21:6:And Sarah said, ‘Jehovah has created laughter for me, because, everyone who hears [about this] will rejoice with me.’
Gen 21:33:Then Abraham planted a field at The Well of the Oath, and started calling on the Name of the God of the ages, Jehovah.
Gen 22:11:that a messenger of Jehovah called to him from the sky, and said, ‘Abraham… Abraham!’ And he said, ‘Look, it’s me!’
Gen 22:14:Abraham thereafter named that place, ‘Jehovah Was Seen.’ [He did that] so people today would say, ‘This is the mountain where Jehovah was seen.’
Gen 22:15:Then a messenger of Jehovah called Abraham a second time from the sky, and he said,
Gen 22:16:‘This is what Jehovah said: I have sworn [an oath] by Myself, that; because you’ve done this thing – because you haven’t spared your loved son for Me –
Gen 24:1:By then Abraham was very old, and Jehovah had blest Abraham in everything.
Gen 24:3:because I want you to swear by Jehovah the God of heaven and the God of the earth, that you won’t take a wife for my son Isaac from the daughters of the CanaAnites, these [people] among whom I am living.
Gen 24:7:Jehovah – the God of heaven and the God of earth, who took me out of my father’s house and out of the land where I was born, who spoke to me, and who swore to me, saying, I will give this land to you and to your seed, will send His messenger ahead of you, and you must take a wife for my son from there.
Gen 24:12:And he [prayed], ‘O Jehovah, the God of my master Abraham; Bless what I’m doing today, and be merciful with my master Abraham.
Gen 24:21:And the man really paid attention to her, but he didn’t say anything, because he wanted to know whether Jehovah was blessing this or not.
Gen 24:26:Then the man (who was very happy) bowed low to Jehovah
Gen 24:27:and said, ‘May Jehovah the God of my master Abraham be praised, [because He] hasn’t allowed His righteousness or His truth to fail my master. Jehovah has led me right to the house of my lord’s brother!’
Gen 24:31:and said to him, ‘Come on in, you who are blest by Jehovah; Why are you standing outside? I’ve prepared the house and I also made a place for your camels!’
Gen 24:35:and Jehovah has greatly blest my master. He is highly respected and has been given sheep, cattle, silver, gold, male and female servants, camels, and burros.
Gen 24:40:‘And he replied, Jehovah God, who has found me to be acceptable in His presence, will send His messenger along with you, and your journey will be blest. You should take a wife for my son from my tribe and from the house of my father.
Gen 24:42:‘So, today I came to this well, and I [prayed]: Jehovah, the God of my master Abraham; If you would bless this journey that I’m now on,
Gen 24:44:and she replies, Take a drink, and I will also [pour water] for your camels to drink until they are satisfied; this is the wife that Jehovah has prepared for His servant Isaac. And that’s how I will know that You have been merciful to my master Abraham.
Gen 24:48:‘All of this made me so happy that I bowed low and praised Jehovah, the God of my master Abraham, who has truly blest me in such a way that I might take the daughter of my master’s own brother for his son.
Gen 24:50:And at this, Laban and BathuEl answered, saying, ‘This thing has come from Jehovah, so we won’t be able to answer you either in a bad or a good way.
Gen 24:51:Look! There’s Rebecca standing before you. Take her and go. Let her be the wife of your master’s son, just as Jehovah has said.’
Gen 24:52:And when Abraham’s servant heard these words, he bowed to the ground to Jehovah.
Gen 24:56:But he replied to them, ‘Don’t hold me back, because Jehovah has blest my journey. Send me away, so I can return to my master!’
Gen 25:21:Then Isaac prayed to Jehovah about his wife Rebecca, because she was sterile, and Jehovah heard him; so then his wife (Rebecca) got pregnant.
Gen 25:22:And [then one day], the babies that were inside her jumped. And she asked, ‘If this happened to me, then why did it happen?’ So, she went to ask Jehovah,
Gen 25:23:and Jehovah told her: ‘There are two nations in your womb, and two races will be separated from your belly. One race will become greater than the other, and the older one will serve the younger.’
Gen 26:12:Then Isaac planted grain in the land, and that year the barley produced a hundred times [more than what he had planted]. So, Jehovah had blest him.
Gen 26:22:And he left that place and dug another well, which no one else claimed to be theirs; so he named it Space, saying, ‘Because Jehovah has made space for us, and He has made us prosper on the earth.’
Gen 26:24:And Jehovah appeared to him [there] that night and said, ‘I am the God of your father Abraham. Don’t be afraid, for I am with you! And because of your father Abraham, I will bless you, and your seed will increase.’
Gen 26:25:So he built an altar there, and named it Jehovah. Then he pitched his tent, and Isaac’s servants dug a well there in the valley of GeraRa.
Gen 26:28:And they replied, ‘We have surely seen that Jehovah is with you. So we said, May there be an oath between us and you… and we [wish to] make a treaty with you;
Gen 26:29:that you won’t do any wrong to us, and we won’t hate you. And because we have treated you well by sending you away peacefully, you are now blest by Jehovah.’
Gen 27:7:Bring me venison and prepare the meat so I can eat it and bless you in front of Jehovah before I die.
Gen 27:20:But Isaac asked his son, ‘What did you find so quickly?’ And he replied, ‘It’s what Jehovah your God set before me.’
Gen 27:27:So [Jacob] went over and kissed him; and [Isaac] then sniffed the odor of his clothes, and blest him, saying, ‘{Look!} This is the odor of my son. It has the smell of a wonderful field that has been blest by Jehovah.
Gen 28:13:Then Jehovah stood on it and said, ‘I am the God of your father Abraham and the God of Isaac. Don’t be afraid, for I will give the ground that you’re lying on to you and to your seed.
Gen 28:16:And when Jacob awoke from his sleep, he said, ‘Jehovah is here and I didn’t realize it.’
Gen 28:20:Then Jacob made a vow, saying, ‘If Jehovah God will be with me and guard me throughout this journey, and give me bread to eat and clothes to wear,
Gen 28:21:and bring me back safely to the house of my father, then Jehovah will be my God.
Gen 29:31:And when Jehovah God saw that Leah wasn’t attractive [to Jacob], he opened her womb. However, Rachel was sterile.
Gen 29:32:So Leah got pregnant and bore a son to Jacob, who she named Reuben. She said, ‘[This is] because Jehovah has seen my humiliation and given me a son. Now my husband will love me.’
Gen 29:33:Then she got pregnant again and bore a second son to Jacob. [This time] she said, ‘Because Jehovah has heard that I’m hated, He has also given me this one.’ So she named him Simeon.
Gen 29:35:Thereafter she got pregnant again and bore a son. And she said, ‘I give thanks to Jehovah once more.’ So she named him Judah. And after that, she didn’t have any more children.
Gen 30:23:So she got pregnant and bore Jacob a son. And Rachel said, ‘Jehovah has removed my disgrace.’
Gen 30:27:And Laban replied: ‘If I’ve found favor in your eyes, it’s a good sign for me, because Jehovah has blest me by your coming here.
Gen 30:30:You didn’t have many before I got here, and now there are many! So Jehovah God has blest you since I came. Now, when can I set up my own house?’
Gen 31:3:Then Jehovah said to Jacob: ‘Return to your family and to your father’s land, and I will be with you.’
Gen 38:7:But, Er was wicked before Jehovah, so God killed him.
Gen 39:2:However, Jehovah was with Joseph and He blest him. So [Joseph] lived in the house of his Egyptian master,
Gen 39:3:who recognized that Jehovah was with him and that Jehovah blest everything he did.
Gen 39:5:And because he put Joseph in charge of his house and over everything that he owned, Jehovah blest the Egyptian’s house for Joseph’s sake. Jehovah blest everything that he had in his house and in his field,
Gen 39:21:Well, Jehovah was with Joseph and He was very merciful to him. So He helped him find favor in the eyes of the prison’s warden.
Gen 39:23:so the warden was unaware of what was going on there, because everything was in Joseph’s hands. And Jehovah continued to bless everything he was doing.
Gen 49:18:while he awaits the salvation of Jehovah.
Exod 3:2:And there, Jehovah’s messenger appeared to him in a flame that was burning in a bush. He saw the flames in the bush, but [the bush] wasn’t really burning.
Exod 3:4:And when the Lord saw him coming closer to look, Jehovah called him from the bush. He said, ‘Moses! Moses!’ And [Moses] asked, ‘What is it?’
Exod 3:7:Then Jehovah told Moses: ‘I’ve seen the hardships that My people are enduring in Egypt, and I’ve heard their cries about their task-masters, so I know what they’re going through.
Exod 3:15:Then God said to Moses, ‘Say to the Sons of Israel: Jehovah the God of our ancestors – the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob – has sent me to you. That’s My Name through the ages and it’s how I should be remembered from generation to generation.
Exod 3:16:‘So, go and gather the elders of the children of Israel, then tell them that Jehovah, the God of your ancestors, has appeared to you. He’s the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. [And tell them that] He said, I have looked [down] and [seen] all the bad things that are happening to you in Egypt.
Exod 4:2:And Jehovah asked him: ‘What do you have in your hand?’ He replied: ‘My walking stick.’
Exod 4:4:And Jehovah told Moses: ‘Now, reach out and grab it by the tail.’ So [Moses] reached out and grabbed it by the tail,
Exod 4:6:Then Jehovah told him: ‘Now, put your hand inside [your robe and touch] your chest.’ So he reached inside and touched his chest; and when he brought his hand out it was [as white] as snow.
Exod 4:10:Then Moses said to Jehovah: ‘I beg you Lord; I’ve never been good at this in the past, and I’m still no good at it since You started talking to your servant… I’m a poor speaker and I talk slowly!’
Exod 4:11:And Jehovah asked Moses: ‘Who gave man his mouth, and who made both those who can hear and the deaf, and those who can see and the blind? Isn’t it I… God?
Exod 4:14:Well, this made Jehovah very angry with Moses, so He said: ‘Look; isn’t Aaron the Levite your brother? I know that he will speak for you. Look! He’s coming to meet you, and when he sees you, he will jump for joy.
Exod 4:19:And Jehovah said to Moses (while he was still) in Midian: ‘Go! Leave for Egypt, because those who wanted to kill you are now dead.’
Exod 4:21:And Jehovah said to Moses: ‘When you return to Egypt, look at all the miracles that I’ve given you [the power to perform]. You must do these before Pharaoh. However, I will make him hard hearted and he will refuse to send the people away.
Exod 4:22:Then you must tell Pharaoh, This is what Jehovah has said: Israel is My firstborn;
Exod 4:24:Well, [during their journey], a messenger of Jehovah met them along the way at an inn and wanted to kill [his son].
Exod 4:27:Then Jehovah told Aaron: ‘Go into the desert to meet Moses.’ So he went and met him at the Mountain of God, and they kissed each other.
Exod 4:28:Then Moses told Aaron everything that Jehovah had said, why he was being sent, and of all the things that he was told to do.
Exod 5:1:After that, Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh and said to him, ‘This is what Jehovah, the God of Israel, said: Send My people away, so they can hold a feast to Me in the desert.’
Exod 5:2:And Pharaoh asked, ‘Just who is this Jehovah so that I should have to pay any attention to what He has to say, and that I should send the children of Israel away? I don’t know Jehovah, and I’m not letting Israel go!’
Exod 5:3:Then [Moses and Aaron] said, ‘The God of the Hebrews has called us to Him. So we’re going on a three-day journey into the desert to [offer] sacrifices to our God Jehovah, for we’re afraid that [something might happen to us] and we might die or be murdered.’
Exod 5:22:Then Moses turned to Jehovah, and said, ‘I beg You, O Lord; Why have You caused trouble for these people, and why did You send me?
Exod 6:1:And Jehovah replied to Moses: ‘Now you’re going to see what I will do to Pharaoh, for he will indeed send them away… with a strong hand and a hard pitch he’ll THROW them out of his land!’
Exod 6:2:And God said to Moses: ‘I am Jehovah
Exod 6:3:I appeared to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and I was their God. However, I didn’t show them My Name Jehovah
Exod 6:6:So, go and tell the children of Israel that I am Jehovah, and I will lead them out of the tyranny of the Egyptians and free them from slavery. I will pay their ransom with a hard pitch and a great judgment!
Exod 6:7:I will take them to be My people, and I will be their God. And then they will know that I am Jehovah their God who freed them from the tyranny of the Egyptians.
Exod 6:8:And I will bring them into the land that I reached out to give to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob… I will give it to them as their inheritance, for I am Jehovah.’
Exod 6:10:So Jehovah told Moses,
Exod 6:12:And Moses replied to Jehovah, saying, ‘Look, the children of Israel didn’t listen to me, so how will I get Pharaoh to listen to me? Besides, I’m not a good speaker.’
Exod 6:13:So Jehovah spoke to [both] Moses and Aaron, and told them to order Pharaoh (the king of Egypt) to send the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt.
Exod 6:28:in the day that Jehovah spoke to Moses.
Exod 6:29:Jehovah told Moses: ‘I am Jehovah! Speak to Pharaoh the king of Egypt, and tell him whatever I say to you.’
Exod 6:30:And Moses replied to Jehovah: ‘Look, I’m not a good speaker, so how will Pharaoh listen to me?’
Exod 7:1:Then Jehovah told Moses: ‘Look! I’ve made you a god to Pharaoh, and your brother Aaron is your Prophet.
Exod 7:5:Then all the Egyptians will know that I am Jehovah, and that I reached out My hand toward Egypt and brought the children of Israel out of their midst.’
Exod 7:8:Then Jehovah said to Moses and Aaron,
Exod 7:13:Well, Pharaoh’s heart became hard and he refused to listen to what Jehovah had instructed them to say.
Exod 7:14:Then Jehovah told Moses: ‘Now Pharaoh’s heart has become hard and he won’t let the people go.
Exod 7:16:and tell [Pharaoh] that Jehovah the God of the Hebrews has sent you to him, and that He says: Send My people away so they can serve Me in the desert! Look, you haven’t listened to Me so far,
Exod 7:17:but this is how I’m going to let you know that I am Jehovah!’ ‘[Then tell him]: Look; I’m going to slap the water with this walking stick in my hand, and the river water will change into blood.
Exod 7:19:And Jehovah continued, ‘Then tell your brother Aaron to take his walking stick and hold his arms out over all the water in Egypt (over their rivers, canals, ponds, and any standing water) and they will turn into blood. This blood will be throughout the entire land of Egypt… even in their pottery and wooden jars!’
Exod 7:22:However, the Egyptian soothsayers used their magic to do the same thing, so the heart of Pharaoh became hard and he wouldn’t listen to them… which is just what Jehovah said [would happen].
Exod 7:25:And Jehovah’s conquest of the river lasted for seven days.
Exod 8:1:Then the Lord told Moses: ‘Now go to Pharaoh [again] and tell him that this is what Jehovah has said: Send My people away so they can serve Me.
Exod 8:5:And Jehovah said to Moses, ‘Tell your brother Aaron to hold his arms out with his walking stick in his hand over the rivers, canals, and pools, to bring up the frogs.’
Exod 8:8:Then Pharaoh called for Moses and Aaron, and said, ‘Pray to Jehovah for me and ask Him take the frogs away from my people and me. Then I will send [the children of Israel] away to offer sacrifices to Jehovah.’
Exod 8:10:And [Pharaoh] replied: ‘Tomorrow morning.’ Then [Moses] said, ‘It will be just as you’ve said… and then you will know that there is no [God] other than Jehovah.
Exod 8:12:And at that, Moses and Aaron left Pharaoh. Then Moses called to Jehovah and asked Him to remove the frogs, as Pharaoh had asked.
Exod 8:13:And Jehovah did what Moses asked, and the frogs died in the houses, villages, and fields.
Exod 8:15:Well, when Pharaoh saw that there was some relief, his heart became hard again, and he didn’t listen to the things they told him that Jehovah had said.
Exod 8:16:So Jehovah told Moses: ‘Now tell Aaron to take his walking stick in his hand and to hit the dirt on the ground, then fleas will cover the men and animals throughout the entire land of Egypt.’
Exod 8:19:so the soothsayers said to Pharaoh: ‘This is the finger of God!’ But Pharaoh’s heart was hardened and he wouldn’t listen to them and do as Jehovah said.
Exod 8:20:So Jehovah said to Moses, ‘Get up early in the morning and stand before Pharaoh as he’s going to go down to the water. Then you must tell him that this is what Jehovah has said: Send My people away, so they can serve Me in the desert.
Exod 8:22:[But this time], I will create a marvelous difference in the land of Gesem, where My people are living… there’ll be no stable flies there. Then you will know that I am Jehovah, the God of all the earth,
Exod 8:25:So Pharaoh called Moses and Aaron [again] and said, ‘Now, go and offer a sacrifice to Jehovah your God in this land.’
Exod 8:26:But Moses said: ‘We can’t do that, because the things we will sacrifice to Jehovah our God are considered disgusting to the Egyptians. So if we sacrifice such things in front of the Egyptians, they will stone us.
Exod 8:27:Rather, let us travel three-days into the desert, and we will offer our sacrifices to Jehovah our God there, as our Lord has told us.’
Exod 8:28:Then Pharaoh said, ‘Go and sacrifice to your God in the desert; but don’t go too far; and pray to Jehovah for me!’
Exod 8:29:And Moses said, ‘Now I will leave you and pray to God, so that the stable flies will leave your servants and your citizens tomorrow. But Pharaoh; Don’t deceive me again and refuse to send the people away to sacrifice to Jehovah.’
Exod 8:31:And Jehovah did just as Moses said… He removed all the stable flies from Pharaoh, his servants, and his citizens.
Exod 9:1:So Jehovah told Moses, ‘Go to Pharaoh and say to him that this is what Jehovah, the God of the Hebrews says: Send My people away so they can serve Me.
Exod 9:8:Then Jehovah spoke to Moses and Aaron, saying, ‘Moses should take handfuls of furnace ashes and throw them into the sky before Pharaoh and his servants,
Exod 9:12:But Jehovah just made Pharaoh’s heart harder, so he wouldn’t listen to them and do what Jehovah told him to do.
Exod 9:13:And Jehovah said to Moses, ‘Get up early in the morning and stand before Pharaoh, then tell him that this is what Jehovah, the God of the Hebrews, has said: Send My people away so they can serve Me.
Exod 9:20:So those servants of Pharaoh who were afraid of what Jehovah said, brought their cattle into their homes.
Exod 9:21:And those who didn’t pay any attention to what Jehovah said, left their cattle in the fields.
Exod 9:22:Then Jehovah told Moses: ‘Raise your hands to the sky, and there will be a hailstorm throughout the entire land of Egypt… on the men, the cattle, and on all the plants that are growing on the ground.’
Exod 9:23:So Moses raised his hands to the sky, and Jehovah sent hail, thunder, and lightning that rolled around on the ground. And this hail from Jehovah rained throughout the entire land of Egypt.
Exod 9:27:So Pharaoh sent for Moses and Aaron, and said: ‘I’ve sinned this time. Jehovah is righteous, and my people and I are wicked.
Exod 9:28:Pray to Jehovah for me and have Him stop the thunder, lightning, and the hail, then I will send you away and you won’t have to [live here] anymore.’
Exod 9:29:And Moses said to him: ‘After I leave the city, I will raise my hands to Jehovah, and the thunder, lightning, hail, and rain will stop… and then you will know that the earth belongs to Jehovah.
Exod 9:30:However, I know that you and your servants don’t fear Jehovah yet.’
Exod 9:33:So then, Moses left Pharaoh and [walked] out of the city. And when he raised his hands to Jehovah, the thundering stopped, and the rain and hail stopped falling.
Exod 9:35:And it was because of this hard heart that Pharaoh refused to send the children of Israel away, as Jehovah had instructed Moses.
Exod 10:1:Then Jehovah spoke to Moses and said, ‘Go to Pharaoh [again], because I’ve hardened the hearts of him and his servants, so I could bring these signs upon them.
Exod 10:2:[I did this] so you could tell your children and your children’s children of the many ways that I’ve mocked the Egyptians, and of the wonders that I’ve brought upon them, so they will know that I am Jehovah.’
Exod 10:3:Then Moses and Aaron went before Pharaoh and said to him, ‘This is what Jehovah the God of the Hebrews says: How much longer will you refuse to respect Me? Send My people away, so they can serve Me.
Exod 10:8:So they went and brought Moses and Aaron back to Pharaoh, and he said to them: ‘You may go and serve Jehovah your God… but, just who will be going with you?’
Exod 10:9:And Moses replied, ‘We will be taking the young and the old, along with our sons, daughters, sheep, and bulls, because this is a feast of Jehovah.’
Exod 10:10:Then [Pharaoh] said to them, ‘May Jehovah be with you. But if I send you away, must I also [send away] all that you own? You have an evil [plan],
Exod 10:12:Then Jehovah told Moses: ‘Now raise your hands over the land of Egypt and let the locusts come to the land. They will eat every plant on the ground and all the fruit that wasn’t damaged by the hail on the trees!’
Exod 10:13:So Moses lifted his walking stick to the sky, and Jehovah sent a south wind [that blew] all day and all night long. Then the next morning, the south wind brought the locusts
Exod 10:16:Then Pharaoh hastily called Moses and Aaron, and said: ‘I have sinned before Jehovah your God and against you.
Exod 10:17:[Please] pardon my sin one more time and pray to Jehovah your God, for Him take away this death!’
Exod 10:19:then Jehovah sent a strong wind from the sea that blew in the opposite direction, which picked up the locusts and threw them into the Red Sea, so there wasn’t a single locust left anywhere in the land of Egypt.
Exod 10:20:But Jehovah continued to harden Pharaoh’s heart, so he didn’t send the children of Israel away.
Exod 10:21:Then Jehovah told Moses, ‘Lift your hands toward the sky and bring darkness to the land of Egypt… a darkness that can be felt.’
Exod 10:24:Then Pharaoh called Moses and Aaron, and said: ‘Go serve your God Jehovah, but leave your sheep, your bulls, and your belongings.’
Exod 10:25:However, Moses said: ‘No; You must allow us the burnt offerings and sacrifices that we’re going to offer to Jehovah our God…
Exod 10:26:so our cattle will be going with us! We won’t leave a hoof behind, because we’re going to take them to serve Jehovah our God, and we won’t know how we’re going to serve Him until we get there.’
Exod 10:27:But Jehovah kept hardening Pharaoh’s heart, and he wouldn’t let them go.
Exod 11:1:Then Jehovah told Moses: ‘I’m going to bring one more plague on Pharaoh and on Egypt, and then he will send you away with everything… in fact, he’ll drive you out!
Exod 11:3:So Jehovah caused his people to be looked on favorably by the Egyptians, and they were willing to lend things to them, because the Egyptians considered Moses a great man… even greater than Pharaoh and his servants.
Exod 11:4:Then Moses told [the children of Israel], ‘This is what Jehovah said: About midnight I will be going throughout Egypt,
Exod 11:7:However, among the children of Israel, not even a dog will snarl at a man or an animal. That’s when you will see how great the difference is, that Jehovah will make between the Egyptians and Israel.
Exod 11:9:Now, Moses had left Pharaoh [feeling very] angry. And as Jehovah told Moses, ‘Pharaoh isn’t going to listen to you, so I can show great signs and wonders in the land of Egypt.’
Exod 11:10:And Moses and Aaron brought about all these signs and wonders in the land of Egypt and before Pharaoh. But Jehovah kept hardening Pharaoh’s heart, and he wouldn’t listen and send the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt.
Exod 12:1:Then Jehovah spoke to Moses and Aaron there in the land of Egypt, and said,
Exod 12:11:‘And this is how you must eat it: With your thighs covered for work, your sandals on your feet, and your walking sticks in your hands. Then you must eat it quickly, for it is Jehovah’s Passover.
Exod 12:12:Because, I will go throughout the land of Egypt that night and strike all the firstborn in the land of Egypt (both men and animals), and I will bring My vengeance upon all the gods of Egypt, for I am Jehovah.
Exod 12:14:‘You must always remember this day and keep it as a feast to Jehovah through all your generations. [Observance of] this feast will be the law through the ages.
Exod 12:23:for Jehovah will pass over you [as He] strikes the Egyptians… He will see the blood on the doorframes and Jehovah will pass over that door. He won’t allow the destroyer to enter your homes to strike you.
Exod 12:25:And if you should enter the land that Jehovah promises to give you, you must keep on doing this.
Exod 12:27:You should tell them, The Passover is a sacrifice to Jehovah, for when He protected the homes of the children of Israel in Egypt and He struck the Egyptians, but [passed over] our homes.’
Exod 12:28:Well, the people bowed to their faces, then the children of Israel went and did exactly as Jehovah had instructed Moses and Aaron.
Exod 12:29:It was midnight when Jehovah struck all the firstborn in the land of Egypt… from the firstborn of Pharaoh who was sitting on the throne, to the firstborn of the female slave who was sitting in a dungeon, to the firstborn of all the cattle.
Exod 12:31:As the result, Pharaoh called Moses and Aaron that night and told them: ‘Get up and leave us, both you and the children of Israel! Go and serve your God Jehovah as you’ve asked,
Exod 12:36:And Jehovah caused the Egyptians to view them favorably, so they [gave these things] to them… they plundered the Egyptians.
Exod 12:41:the whole army of Jehovah left the land of Egypt that night.
Exod 12:42:It was [the night] when they kept watching for Jehovah to bring them out of the land of Egypt, so all the children of Israel throughout all their generations must keep this same night as a night of watch to Jehovah.
Exod 12:43:Then Jehovah told Moses and Aaron: ‘This is the Law regarding the Passover: No stranger may eat it,
Exod 12:48:And if a convert comes and wants to keep the Passover to Jehovah, you must circumcise all their males before they can come and offer the sacrifice; and then they will be treated as residents in the land. However, no one who is uncircumcised may eat it.
Exod 12:50:Then the children of Israel did exactly as Jehovah had instructed Moses and Aaron.
Exod 12:51:And so, that was the day when Jehovah brought the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt with all their forces.
Exod 13:1:Then Jehovah told Moses:
Exod 13:3:And Moses said to the people, ‘Remember this day! [It’s the one] when you were brought out of the land of Egypt and out of the house of slavery; for Jehovah brought you out of there with His strong hand. So, fermentation must not be eaten [now]!
Exod 13:5:so when Jehovah your God brings you into the land of the CanaAnites, Chettites, Amorites, Evites, Jebusites, Gergesites, and Pherezites, which He swore to your ancestors that He would give you – a land that flows with milk and honey – you must perform this same service during this month.
Exod 13:6:Six days you will eat fermentation-free bread, and the seventh day will be a feast day to Jehovah.
Exod 13:8:And you will tell your sons on this day: This is how Jehovah dealt with me as I was leaving Egypt.
Exod 13:9:‘So, let it remain as a sign on your hand and as something to remember before your eyes, that Jehovah’s Law may always stay on your [lips], because Jehovah God brought you out of Egypt with His strong hand.
Exod 13:11:‘And when Jehovah your God brings you into the land of the CanaAnites, which He swore to your ancestors that he would give you,
Exod 13:12:you must set aside every male that opens a womb to Jehovah. This includes those among your flocks and herds of cattle… as many as you have. [All the] males must be [set aside as] holy to Jehovah.
Exod 13:13:‘However, when it comes to burros, you must offer a sheep instead… you can’t exchange it, you must buy it back [from Jehovah], and you must buy back every firstborn son.
Exod 13:14:‘And if your son should ever ask you, Why are you doing this? You must tell him, Jehovah brought us out of Egypt and out of the house of slavery with His strong hand.
Exod 13:15:And when Pharaoh’s heart became hard and [he refused] to send us away, [God] slaughtered all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both the men and the animals. That’s why we offer every male that opens a womb to Jehovah, and that’s why we buy back all of our firstborn sons.
Exod 13:16:‘So, may this be a sign on your hand and something that is always fixed in front of your eyes, because Jehovah brought you out of Egypt with His strong hand.’
Exod 14:1:Then Jehovah said to Moses,
Exod 14:4:‘Then I will harden Pharaoh’s heart, and he will chase after you. And Pharaoh and his whole army will bring glory to Me, and all the Egyptians will know that I am Jehovah.’ And that’s what happened.
Exod 14:8:But it was because Jehovah had hardened the hearts of Pharaoh (the king of Egypt) and his servants that he chased after the children of Israel. And the children of Israel allowed them the upper hand.
Exod 14:10:And as Pharaoh approached, the children of Israel could see the Egyptians [marching] behind them, and they were terrified and started calling out to Jehovah.
Exod 14:13:But Moses said to the people, ‘Don’t be afraid; Stand here and watch the salvation that comes from Jehovah and the things He will do for us on this day. Why, you see all those Egyptians today, but you won’t see them again in this age,
Exod 14:14:because Jehovah is going to fight for you, so you will be at peace!’
Exod 14:15:Then Jehovah asked Moses, ‘Why are they shouting to Me? Speak to the children of Israel and tell them to go on!
Exod 14:18:and all the Egyptians will know that I am Jehovah when I’m glorified by Pharaoh, his chariots, and his horses.’
Exod 14:21:Then Moses lifted his arms over the sea, and Jehovah pushed the sea back with a strong south wind [that blew] all night long. This dried the seabed and divided the water.
Exod 14:24:And it was during the morning watch that Jehovah looked at the Egyptians through the columns of fire and clouds, and [He created] trouble in their camp.
Exod 14:25:The wheels on their chariots sank to their axels, so they were hard to pull. And the Egyptians said, ‘Let’s run from the face of Israel, because Jehovah is fighting for them against the Egyptians!’
Exod 14:26:Then Jehovah told Moses; ‘Now, stretch your arms out over the sea and let the water fall back in its place… let it cover the Egyptian chariots and their riders.’
Exod 14:27:So Moses stretched his arms out over the sea, and the water returned to its place around daybreak. The Egyptians tried to run from the water, but Jehovah just kept shaking them back into the middle of the sea.
Exod 14:30:So Jehovah saved Israel that day from the hands of the Egyptians, and Israel saw the Egyptians lying dead by the seashore.
Exod 14:31:And Israel saw Jehovah’s mighty hand in the things He did to the Egyptians, and they started to fear Jehovah and trust in God and in His servant Moses.
Exod 15:1:Then Moses and the children of Israel sang this song to God: ‘Let’s sing to Jehovah, for He has been glorified. He’s thrown the horses and riders into the sea.
Exod 15:3:Jehovah brings an end to all war, [Yes, Jehovah] is His Name.
Exod 15:18:For, Jehovah reigns through the age, And on through the ages of the ages.
Exod 15:19:Pharaoh’s horse sank in the sea, Along with his chariots and horsemen. Then Jehovah covered them over with water, But the children of Israel walked on dry land, Through the midst of the sea.’
Exod 15:21:Miriam led them, saying, ‘Let’s sing to Jehovah, for He has been glorified. The horses and riders have been thrown in the sea…’
Exod 15:25:So Moses called to Jehovah, and Jehovah showed him a tree, which [Moses] threw into the water and the water became sweet… and this is the place where [God] gave him His Laws and decisions, and where He showed His approval.
Exod 15:26:For [God] said: ‘If you will listen to the voice of Jehovah your God, do things that please Him, obey His Commandments, and keep all His Laws, I won’t bring any of the [plagues] upon you that I brought on the Egyptians. For I am Jehovah; the God who makes you well.’
Exod 16:3:They told them, ‘We would rather have died [with those who were] struck by Jehovah in the land of Egypt, back when we could sit by the stew pots and eat all the bread we wanted! Now you’ve brought us out into this desert to starve us all to death!’
Exod 16:4:And Jehovah said to Moses, ‘Look! I will rain bread on you from the sky. Then the people will go out and gather their allotment for each day, so I can test them to see whether they will follow My Law or not.
Exod 16:6:So Moses and Aaron spoke to the entire gathering of the children of Israel, saying, ‘This evening you will know that it was Jehovah who brought you out of the land of Egypt;
Exod 16:7:for in the morning you will see the glory of Jehovah. Because, He has heard you complaining against Him… and what are we that you keep complaining about us?’
Exod 16:8:Then Moses said, ‘This evening Jehovah will give you meat to eat, and in the morning He will provide enough bread to satisfy you, because Jehovah has heard all the complaints that you have against us… and what are we? You aren’t complaining against us, but against God!’
Exod 16:10:Then, after Aaron spoke to them, they turned toward the desert, and the glory of Jehovah appeared in a cloud.
Exod 16:11:And at that, Jehovah spoke to Moses, and said,
Exod 16:12:‘I’ve heard the children of Israel’s complaints. So, tell them: This evening you will eat meat, and in the morning you will have enough bread to satisfy you… and then you will know that I am Jehovah your God.
Exod 16:16:‘This is the bread that Jehovah has given you to eat… it’s what Jehovah has approved. Each man should gather a third of a bushel for each person in his family. Go gather it along with those who are living with you.’
Exod 16:23:And Moses asked, ‘Didn’t Jehovah tell us that tomorrow is the Sabbath… a holy [day of] rest to Jehovah? So, bake all that you can bake, and boil all that you can boil, so that the leftovers can be stored for tomorrow!’
Exod 16:25:Then Moses said, ‘That’s what you must eat today, because today is a Sabbath to Jehovah… so you won’t find any in the fields.
Exod 16:28:So Jehovah asked Moses, ‘How long are you going to fail to listen to My commands and [obey] My laws?
Exod 16:32:Then Moses said, ‘This is what Jehovah commanded: We are to collect a third of a bushel of manna and set it aside, so that future generations can see the bread that you ate in the desert after Jehovah led you from the land of Egypt.’
Exod 16:34:And just as Jehovah told Moses, Aaron stored it away as a testimony.
Exod 17:1:Then the entire gathering of the children of Israel left the desert of Sin, following the order of their camps, and Jehovah told them to camp in RaphiDin. However, there was no water for the people to drink,
Exod 17:2:so they started shouting at Moses and saying, ‘Give us water to drink!’ And Moses asked them, ‘Why are you shouting at me, and why are you asking Jehovah to prove Himself?
Exod 17:4:Then Moses called to Jehovah, and said, ‘What should I do with these people? Why, before long they’ll stone me!’
Exod 17:5:And Jehovah replied to Moses, ‘Go before the people and bring along some of their elders. Then take the walking stick that you slapped the [Nile] river with into your hand, and go
Exod 17:7:And he named that place Proof and Shouting, because of all the shouting of the children of Israel, and because they wanted Jehovah to prove Himself when they asked, ‘Is Jehovah among us or not?’
Exod 17:14:Then Jehovah told Moses, ‘Write this in a book so it will be remembered: Tell Joshua that I’m going to totally blot out all memory of the Amalechites from under the heavens.’
Exod 17:15:Then Moses then built an altar to Jehovah there and named it My Refuge,
Exod 17:16:because Jehovah was secretly waging war against all generations of the Amalechites.
Exod 18:1:Well, Jethro (the priest of Midian, Moses’ father-in-law) heard of all that Jehovah had done for his people Israel by bringing them out of Egypt.
Exod 18:8:where Moses told his father-in-law everything that Jehovah had done to Pharaoh and the Egyptians for Israel’s sake, of all the things that had happened to them along the way, and of how Jehovah had rescued them from the hands of Pharaoh and the Egyptians.
Exod 18:9:Well, Jethro was amazed at all the good things that Jehovah had done for them by rescuing them.
Exod 18:10:And Jethro said, ‘Praise Jehovah, because He rescued them from the hands of Pharaoh and the Egyptians.
Exod 18:11:Now I now know that Jehovah is higher than all [other] gods, and that’s why [the children of Israel] were attacked.’
Exod 19:9:Then Jehovah told Moses, ‘{Look!} I’m going to come to you in a column of clouds, so the people can hear Me speaking to you. Then they will believe you through the age.’ And Moses reported what Jehovah said back to the people.
Exod 19:10:Then Jehovah said to Moses, ‘Go down and give solemn instructions to the people. They must be cleansed both today and tomorrow, and they must wash their clothes.
Exod 19:20:Jehovah came down to the top of Mount Sinai and He called Moses, [telling him to come] to the top of the mountain! So, Moses went up,
Exod 19:22:And make sure that any Priests who come close to Jehovah God have cleansed themselves, so He doesn’t [have to] destroy some of them!’
Exod 19:24:Then the Lord told him: ‘Now, go down [the mountain] and bring Aaron back with you. But don’t allow the Priests or the people to force their way up to God, for fear that Jehovah will destroy them.’
Exod 20:1:Then Jehovah said all of this:
Exod 20:2:‘I am Jehovah your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt and out of the house of slavery.
Exod 20:5:You must not bow before them or serve them, for I Jehovah your God am a zealous God, and I bring the sins of the ancestors upon the children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren of those who hate Me.
Exod 20:7:‘You must not misuse the Name of your God Jehovah, for Jehovah your God will not forgive those who misuse His Name.
Exod 20:10:but the seventh day is the Sabbath of your God Jehovah, and you must do no work… not you, your son, your daughter, your male servant, your female servant, your ox, your burro, any of your cattle, or any strangers that are visiting among you.
Exod 20:11:Because, Jehovah made the sky, the ground, the seas and everything in them, then He rested on the seventh day. So Jehovah blest the seventh day and made it holy.
Exod 20:12:‘Honor your father and mother, as Jehovah your God commanded you, so that things may go well for you and that you may live a long time in the land that Jehovah your God is giving you.
Exod 20:22:And Jehovah said to Moses, ‘This is what you must say to the house of Jacob, and what you will report to the children of Israel: You have seen Me speak to you from the sky,
Exod 22:20:‘Anyone who offers sacrifices to a god other than Jehovah must be put to death.
Exod 23:17:So, all your males must appear before Jehovah your God three times each year.
Exod 23:19:‘You must bring all the first fruitage of your fields to the House of your God Jehovah. ‘You must never boil a lamb in its mother’s milk.
Exod 23:25:‘If you serve Jehovah your God, I will bless your bread, your wine, and your water; and I will keep you from getting sick.
Exod 24:1:Then Jehovah told Moses: ‘I want you, Aaron, Nadab, AbiUd, and seventy of Israel’s elders to come to Me and bow before [Me] from a distance.
Exod 24:3:So, Moses went and told the people about everything God had said and about His Laws. And the people unanimously answered all together, ‘We will do and obey everything that Jehovah has said!’
Exod 24:4:Then Moses [sat down] and wrote everything that Jehovah said. And early the next morning, he built an Altar at the base of the mountain using twelve stones [to represent] the twelve tribes of Israel.
Exod 24:7:Thereafter, [Moses] took the scroll of the Sacred Agreement [that he wrote] and read it to the people. And they [again] said, ‘We will do and pay attention to everything that Jehovah has said.’
Exod 24:8:Then Moses took the blood [from the bowls] and sprinkled it on the people, and he said: ‘{Look!} This is the blood of the Sacred Agreement that Jehovah has made with you over the things that you’ve [agreed to].’
Exod 24:12:Then Jehovah told Moses: ‘[I want you to] come [back] up the mountain to Me and stay here, for I will give you the tablets of stone containing the Law and Commandments that I have written.’
Exod 24:16:And the glory of God came down on Mount Sinai, and the cloud covered it for six days. Then Jehovah called Moses from the midst of the cloud on the seventh day.
Exod 24:17:Well, to the Children of Israel, the glory of Jehovah looked like a fire that was burning on top of the mountain.
Exod 25:1:And there Jehovah told Moses:
Exod 27:21:inside the Tent of Proofs and outside the veil that hides the Chest of the Sacred Agreement. Aaron and his sons must keep them burning all night long before Jehovah. This is the rule that must be followed throughout all generations of the children of Israel.’
Exod 28:12:Then mount these two stones on the shoulder pieces. They are to be memorial stones of the children of Israel, and Aaron will wear the names of the children of Israel before Jehovah on his shoulders in memory of them.
Exod 28:26:You are to put the Revelation and the Truth on the Expression of Judgment, and Aaron will wear it on his chest whenever he enters the Holy Place before Jehovah. So, he will always carry the judgments of the children of Israel on his chest before Jehovah.
Exod 28:31:‘And whenever Aaron is serving and entering or leaving the Holy Place of Jehovah, he must speak loudly so he doesn’t die.
Exod 28:32:‘You are also to make a plate of pure gold that is engraved with the sign, Jehovah is Holy,
Exod 28:34:so it will always be on Aaron’s forehead to carry away sins. Then all the children of Israel will have their gifts made holy and acceptable to Jehovah on their behalf.
Exod 29:10:Bring the calf to the entrance of the Tent of Proofs and have Aaron and his sons lay their hands upon the calf’s head before Jehovah.
Exod 29:11:And then you must slaughter the calf before Jehovah, there at the entrance to the Tent of Proofs.
Exod 29:18:Then you must put the whole ram on the Altar as a burnt offering and a sweet-smelling delight to Jehovah. It will be like incense to Jehovah.
Exod 29:23:And take one of the round cakes [that had been covered] with oil and one loaf from the basket of fermentation-free bread, and set them before Jehovah;
Exod 29:24:then give the rest to Aaron and his sons. But the [loaf and the round cake] must be offered separately to Jehovah;
Exod 29:25:take them from the hands of the Priests and put them on the Altar, then burn them as offerings of sweet-smelling delights to Jehovah.
Exod 29:26:‘Then you must remove the ram’s breast at the end of ceremony for Aaron, to be offered before Jehovah. And [the rest] must be shared with you.
Exod 29:28:This will be a requirement for the children of Israel and for Aaron and his sons through the ages. This is to be a separate and special offering to Jehovah from the children of Israel, as one of their peace offerings.
Exod 29:41:You must offer the same things with the second lamb [that is sacrificed] in the evening (which includes the drink offering), as a sweet-smelling delight to Jehovah.
Exod 29:42:This sacrifice is to be offered before Jehovah by all your generations through the ages at the entrance to the Tent of Proofs. That’s where I will be made known to you and where I will speak to you from now on.
Exod 29:46:Then they will know that I am Jehovah, the God who brought them out of the land of Egypt, so they can call on Me and I can be their God.’
Exod 30:8:And when Aaron lights the lamps in the evening, he must burn incense on it again. So, incense will be offered continuously before Jehovah throughout your generations.
Exod 30:10:And at the same time each year, Aaron must offer the reconciliation for their generations on its horns with the blood of purification, because it is very holy to Jehovah.’
Exod 30:12:‘I want you to take a census of the children of Israel, and each [person] must pay Jehovah a ransom for his life, so no one will be destroyed when they are visited.
Exod 30:13:This is what everyone who is surveyed must give: half a double-silver coin (or twenty copper coins), which is to be used for the Holy Place as an offering to Jehovah.
Exod 30:14:Everyone twenty years old and up who answers to the census must pay this offering to Jehovah.
Exod 30:15:The rich won’t pay any more, and the poor won’t pay any less than the half double-silver coin that they must offer to reconcile their lives with Jehovah.
Exod 30:16:Then you must take the money that the children of Israel donate and use it for the services at the Tent of Proofs. The children of Israel must always remember to do this, in order to reconcile their lives [with Jehovah].’
Exod 30:17:And Jehovah spoke to Moses, and said:
Exod 30:20:Whenever they enter the Tent of Proofs, they must wash themselves with the water, so they won’t die. And they must do [the same] whenever they go to the Altar for services or to burn sacrifices to Jehovah.
Exod 30:22:Then Jehovah told Moses:
Exod 30:34:And Jehovah said to Moses, ‘Also, gather these sweet smelling substances: sweet myrrh oil, snail shells, sweet galbanum, and transparent frankincense. They are to be combined in equal measures
Exod 30:37:so you shouldn’t make any for yourselves by this formula, because it is something holy to Jehovah.
Exod 31:1:Then Jehovah told Moses:
Exod 31:12:And Jehovah said to Moses,
Exod 31:13:‘Also, tell the children of Israel to pay attention and keep My Sabbaths, because they are the sign between us through the generations that they know I am Jehovah who makes them holy.
Exod 31:14:So they must keep the Sabbaths, because this is a holy thing to Jehovah for them, and anyone who dishonors them must be put to death… anyone who works on [that day] must have his life destroyed in the midst of his people.
Exod 31:15:They may work for six days, but the seventh day is the Sabbath… a holy [day of] rest to Jehovah, and anyone who works on the seventh day must be put to death.
Exod 31:17:This is to be an Agreement through the ages between the children of Israel and Me. It is their sign to Me through the ages. Because, Jehovah made the earth and sky in six days, then on the seventh day He stopped and rested.’
Exod 32:5:And when Aaron saw it, he built an altar in front of it and he proclaimed, ‘Tomorrow [we will hold] a feast to Jehovah.’
Exod 32:7:Well, Jehovah told Moses, ‘Hurry and descend [the mountain], because the people you brought out of the land of Egypt have sinned!
Exod 32:11:But Moses started begging Jehovah. He said: ‘O Jehovah, why are you so angry with the people who You brought out of the land of Egypt with Your mighty arm and with so much power?
Exod 32:14:And that’s how Jehovah was moved to [keep them] as His people.
Exod 32:26:So Moses went to the entrance of the camp and shouted, ‘Who is on Jehovah’s side? [May those who are], come here to me!’ Well, all the sons of Levi came to him,
Exod 32:27:and he told them, ‘This is what Jehovah the God of Israel said: Everyone must [tie on] his sword and go through the camp from gate to gate, and each of you should kill [his rebellious] brothers and neighbors, starting with those that are the closest to you.’
Exod 32:29:Then Moses told them, ‘You are to be praised, because you’ve all lifted your hands to Jehovah [and struck down] your own sons and brothers1’
Exod 32:31:Then Moses returned to Jehovah and said, ‘I’ve [come to] beg You, O Jehovah, because these people are guilty of a great sin by making a god of gold.
Exod 32:33:But Jehovah told Moses, ‘I’m going to erase [the names] of all those who have sinned against Me from My book.
Exod 32:35:Then Jehovah struck the people for having Aaron make the calf.
Exod 33:1:Then Jehovah told Moses, ‘Go on! You and the people that you brought out of the land of Egypt should leave and go to the land that I promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, when I said, I will give it to your seed.
Exod 33:5:But Jehovah told the children of Israel, ‘You’re stubborn people! Now, pay attention so I don’t send another plague and destroy you. Take off your [mourning] clothes and its trappings, and let Me show you what I will do to you.’
Exod 33:7:Then Moses carried the Tent outside the camp (they called it the Tent of Proofs) and [had it] assembled some distance away. And everyone who [wanted an answer from Jehovah] would go to the Tent outside the camp.
Exod 33:11:Meanwhile, Jehovah would speak to Moses face to face, as though they were two friends. Then [Moses] would return to the camp, but his servant Joshua (the son of Naweh), who was a young man, didn’t leave the Tent.
Exod 33:12:Thereafter, Moses said to Jehovah: ‘{Look!} You told me to lead these people on, but You haven’t shown me where You want me to go! Now, You’ve told me that You know me better than all the rest, and that You like me.
Exod 33:17:And Jehovah told Moses, ‘I will do this thing that you’ve asked, because you’ve found My favor and I’ve put you above all others.’
Exod 33:19:And [God] said, ‘I will pass before you with My glory, and I will call out My Name Jehovah in front of you. I will be merciful to those for whom I feel mercy, and I will have pity on those for whom I feel pity.’
Exod 33:21:And Jehovah said, ‘{Look!} Stand on the rock by Me,
Exod 34:1:And Jehovah said to Moses: ‘You need to cut two tablets of stone like the first ones, and climb the mountain to Me, then I will write the words that were on the first tablets, which you broke.
Exod 34:5:Then the Lord descended in a cloud and stood close to him as He called the Name Jehovah.
Exod 34:6:And the Lord passed before his face while He was saying, ‘Jehovah, the God of mercy, pity, patience, concern, and truth;
Exod 34:10:Thereafter, Jehovah said to Moses: ‘{Look!} I am establishing a Sacred Agreement with you in the presence of all your people. I will do wonderful things that have never been done before anywhere on earth or in any nation. Everyone among you will see that the deeds I will do for you are wonderful.
Exod 34:14:You must not worship other gods, because Jehovah (which is a zealous Name) is a zealous God.
Exod 34:23:Every male must appear before Jehovah the God of Israel three times each year.
Exod 34:24:For, after I’ve driven the nations away from before you and enlarged your borders, no one will want your land, as long as you go up to appear before Jehovah your God three times each year.
Exod 34:26:‘The first fruits of your land must be taken to the House of your God Jehovah. ‘You must not boil a lamb in its mother’s milk.’
Exod 34:27:Then Jehovah told Moses: ‘Write all of these words down, because they are the words of My Sacred Agreement with you and with Israel.’
Exod 34:28:Well, Moses was there with Jehovah for forty days and forty nights, and during that time, he didn’t eat any bread or drink any water. Then he wrote the words of the Sacred Agreement (the Ten Commandments) on the tablets.
Exod 34:32:And later, all the children of Israel came to him, and he told them all the Commandments that Jehovah had given him on Mount Sinai (Horeb).
Exod 34:34:Then, whenever Moses went in to speak to Jehovah, he would take off the veil until he [came back outside] to tell the children of Israel what Jehovah told him.
Exod 34:35:[Of course], it was because the children of Israel could see Moses’ face radiating that he wore the veil over it when he went in to speak to Jehovah.
Exod 35:1:Then Moses assembled the entire gathering of the children of Israel and said: ‘These are the commandments that Jehovah has told you to obey:
Exod 35:2:You can work for six days, but the seventh day is for resting. It is a holy Sabbath and a rest for Jehovah. Anyone who does work on [that day] must die.
Exod 35:3:You must not light a fire in any of your homes on the Sabbath day, for I am Jehovah.’
Exod 35:4:Then Moses told the gathering of the children of Israel, ‘This is what Jehovah has instructed you to do:
Exod 35:5:Take up [a collection] as an offering to Jehovah. Everyone whose heart moves him to do so, must bring as first-fruits to Jehovah, gold, silver, brass,
Exod 35:9:‘Then, any man among you who is wise at heart may come and create the things that Jehovah has commanded, such as:
Exod 35:21:And they donated as offerings to Jehovah everything that was needed for the Tent of Proofs and all its services, and all the clothing for the Holy Place.
Exod 35:23:So, many of them brought their gold jewelry to Jehovah, as well as fine linen and ram’s skins that were dyed blue or red.
Exod 35:24:And everyone who brought offerings also brought items of silver and brass to Jehovah. Also, anyone who had durable wood or the tools to work it, brought that.
Exod 35:29:So, every man and woman that was moved to do so, came to do all the work that Jehovah assigned to them through Moses, which the children of Israel donated as offerings to Jehovah.
Exod 36:1:So, BeSeleEl, EliAb, and all those who were wise and knowledgeable, were given the wisdom, knowledge, and necessary [skills] to do everything that had to be done for the holy offices, in the way that Jehovah had instructed.
Exod 36:5:Then one of them said to Moses, ‘The people are bringing in too many of the things that Jehovah told them to bring!’
Exod 36:14:and connected them to the shoulder pieces of the vest. This was done in memory of the children of Israel, as Jehovah had instructed Moses.
Exod 36:39:It was engraved in raised lettering, with the words ‘Jehovah is Holy.’
Exod 38:27:He made the basin so that Moses, and Aaron and his sons, could wash their hands and feet whenever they entered the Tent of Proofs, or whenever they went to serve at the Altar, as Jehovah had instructed Moses.
Exod 39:11:So, the children of Israel did everything as Jehovah had instructed Moses.
Exod 39:12:And the rest of the contributed gold was used to make furnishings that would be used in service to Jehovah.
Exod 39:22:Whatever Jehovah told Moses, the children of Israel did to complete the furnishings.
Exod 39:23:And when Moses looked at all the work and saw that they had done everything and made everything the way that Jehovah had told him, he blest them.
Exod 40:1:Then Jehovah told Moses:
Exod 40:16:This anointing of the Priesthood [must be done] through the ages.’ And Moses did everything that Jehovah told him.
Exod 40:19:Then he stretched the curtains over the Tent and installed the veil from the top of the Tent, as Jehovah had commanded.
Exod 40:23:And he brought in the showbread [and set it] before Jehovah, just as the Lord had instructed him.
Exod 40:25:and he mounted its lamps in front of Jehovah, just as the Lord had commanded.
Exod 40:34:Then a cloud covered the Tent of Proofs and it was filled with the glory of Jehovah.
Exod 40:35:Not even Moses could enter the Tent of Proofs, because of the cloud that covered it and the glory of Jehovah that was inside the Tent.
Lev 1:1:And Jehovah called Moses again and spoke to him in the Tent of Proofs. He said,
Lev 1:2:‘Talk to the children of Israel and tell them this: Any of you that bring an ox as a gift to the Lord; bring one that will be acceptable to Jehovah.
Lev 1:5:Then they must slaughter the calf before Jehovah, and Aaron’s sons (the Priests) must collect the blood and pour it around the Altar at the entrance to the Tent of Proofs.
Lev 1:9:they must wash the [animal’s] entrails and feet in water, and the Priests must put the rest of it on the Altar as a burnt-offering sacrifice and as a sweet odor to Jehovah.
Lev 1:10:‘However, if [the person] is offering a sheep as a gift to Jehovah (or a lamb or a kid) for a whole-burnt offering, it must be a perfect male.
Lev 1:11:He must put his hand on its head and they must kill it next to the Altar toward the north, before Jehovah. Then the sons of Aaron (the Priests) must pour its blood on and around the Altar.
Lev 1:13:Then they must wash its entrails and feet with water and the Priest must put the rest on the Altar as a burnt-offering sacrifice… as a sweet odor to Jehovah.
Lev 1:14:‘But if [the person] is offering a bird as a gift to Jehovah, it must be a dove or a pigeon.
Lev 1:17:He should then break off its wings, but not cut it up. And the Priest must put the burnt-offering sacrifice on the Altar over the burning wood as a sweet-smelling odor to Jehovah.
Lev 2:1:‘And if a person brings fine flour as a gift to sacrifice to Jehovah, he must pour oil on it and put frankincense on it before offering it as a sacrifice.
Lev 2:2:He must carry it to the Priests (the sons of Aaron) and take a handful of the fine flour with the oil and the frankincense, and then a Priest must put it on the Altar as a sacrifice and as a sweet odor to Jehovah.
Lev 2:3:The rest of the sacrifice must be [given to] Aaron and his sons as their holy portion from the sacrifices to Jehovah.
Lev 2:4:‘And if he brings [bread] that has been baked in an oven as a gift to sacrifice to Jehovah, it should be fermentation free and kneaded with oil into fermentation-free cakes.
Lev 2:6:it must be broken into pieces and then oil must be poured over it as a sacrifice to Jehovah.
Lev 2:7:‘However, if the gift of fine flour with oil that is to be offered as a sacrifice to Jehovah [consists of whole loaves] which were baked in an oven,
Lev 2:9:and the Priest must take it to the Altar and offer a portion of it as a burnt offering and as a sweet odor to Jehovah.
Lev 2:10:The rest of the sacrifice must be [given to] Aaron and his sons as their holy portion from the burnt offerings of Jehovah.
Lev 2:11:‘You must not have fermentation in any sacrifices that are brought to Jehovah, and no honey will be brought as a gift to Jehovah.
Lev 2:12:Such things may be brought to Jehovah as though they were fruit, but they must not be offered on the Altar as a sweet-smelling odor to Jehovah.
Lev 2:13:‘All gifts of sacrifices must be seasoned with salt. Don’t leave the salt of Jehovah’s Sacred Agreement out of your sacrifices. No matter what type of gift it is, it must be offered to Jehovah your God with salt.
Lev 2:14:‘And when you offer the first fruit as a sacrifice to Jehovah (the new grain), it should be ground and roasted, then brought as a sacrifice.
Lev 2:16:Then the Priest must offer a portion of the grain with oil and all the frankincense as a burnt offering to Jehovah.
Lev 3:1:‘If the gift to Jehovah is to be a peace offering and it is selected from among the cattle, it can be a male or a female, but it must be perfect to bring it before Jehovah.
Lev 3:2:The [the person] must put his hands on the head of the gift and slaughter it before Jehovah next to the entrance to the Tent of Proofs. Then the Priests (the sons of Aaron) must pour the blood on and around the Altar of burnt offerings.
Lev 3:3:For peace offerings, [these portions] should be offered as a burnt-sacrifice to Jehovah: the belly and all the fat in and around it,
Lev 3:5:The Priests (the sons of Aaron) must offer them on the Altar of burnt offerings over the burning wood on the Altar as a sweet odor to Jehovah.
Lev 3:6:‘And if the peace-offering gift to Jehovah is a sheep, it may be either a male or a female, but it must be perfect.
Lev 3:7:If the gift is a lamb, he must bring it before Jehovah,
Lev 3:9:The peace offering is then to be burned to Jehovah. He can take the healthy, fat hind parts and loins with him, but all the fat that is in and around the belly,
Lev 3:11:must be offered on the Altar by the Priest as a sweet odor and burnt offering to Jehovah.
Lev 3:12:‘And if his offering is a goat, he must bring it before Jehovah,
Lev 3:13:put his hands on its head, and slaughter it before Jehovah next to the entrance of the Tent of Proofs. Then the Priests (the sons of Aaron) must pour the blood on and around the Altar.
Lev 3:14:And the parts of the burnt offering [that will be offered] to Jehovah must be the fat in and around the belly,
Lev 3:16:Then the Priest must offer it on the Altar as a burnt offering and as a sweet odor to Jehovah. ‘All the fat is Jehovah’s.
Lev 4:1:Then Jehovah told Moses,
Lev 4:2:‘Speak to the children of Israel and tell them this: If a person sins against Jehovah in any of the Commandments that Jehovah says you must not do… but he does them unintentionally,
Lev 4:3:or if the anointed Priest sins and that causes the people to sin, then he must bring [an offering] for his sin. [He must bring] a perfect calf from his herd to Jehovah, for his sin.
Lev 4:4:He must bring the calf before Jehovah at the entrance to the Tent of Proofs, put his hand on its head, and they must slaughter it in Jehovah’s presence.
Lev 4:6:Then the Priest must dip his finger in the blood and sprinkle it at the base of the Holy Veil before Jehovah seven times.
Lev 4:7:And he must put some of the calf’s blood on the horns of the incense Altar that is before Jehovah (inside the Tent of Proofs) and pour the rest of the blood at the base of the Altar, by the entrance to the Tent of Proofs.
Lev 4:13:‘Now, if the whole gathering of Israel unknowingly commits a sin and it goes unnoticed by them (if they should do something that is forbidden, shouldn’t be done, and is a sin against any of the commandments of Jehovah),
Lev 4:15:Then [all] the elders of the gathering must lay their hands on the calf’s head and slaughter it before Jehovah.
Lev 4:17:He must then dip his finger in some of the blood and sprinkle it seven times before the veil of the Holy Place, there before Jehovah.
Lev 4:18:‘The Priest must also put some of the blood on the horns of the incense Altar, which is standing before Jehovah, inside the Tent of Proofs. Then he must pour the rest of the blood at the base of the Altar of whole-burnt offerings, which is by the entrance to the Tent of Proofs.
Lev 4:22:‘And if one of the leaders should unknowingly break one of the commandments of Jehovah his God (something he shouldn’t have done in sin and error),
Lev 4:24:He must put his hand on the head of the kid, and they must kill it where they kill the whole-burnt offerings before Jehovah, as a sin offering.
Lev 4:27:‘And if a person among the people of the land should sin unknowingly against any of the Commandments of Jehovah by doing something that shouldn’t be done,
Lev 4:31:Thereafter, he must remove all the fat and offer it as a sacrifice of a peace offering. The Priest must offer it on the Altar as a sweet odor to Jehovah. [This is how] the Priest must pay for his sin, so it can be forgiven.
Lev 4:35:Then he must cut off all its fat, the same as he would for the lamb of the peace-offering sacrifice, and the Priest must put it on the Altar as a whole-burnt offering to Jehovah. [This is how] the Priest must pay for his sin, so it can be forgiven.
Lev 5:6:and [pay for] his sin against [Jehovah by offering] a female lamb from his flock or a goat kid as a sin offering, which the Priest must [offer] in payment for his sin. Then he will be forgiven.
Lev 5:7:‘And if he can’t afford a sheep, he must bring two turtledoves or two young pigeons to Jehovah. One [must serve] as a sin offering, and the other as a burnt offering.
Lev 5:12:He must carry it to the Priest and he must take a handful of it and lay a portion of it on the Altar as a whole-burnt offering to Jehovah, and as a sin offering.
Lev 5:14:And Jehovah spoke to Moses and said,
Lev 5:15:‘The person who is truly unaware and unknowingly sins against any of the holy things of Jehovah must carry something to Jehovah for his error. [It must be] a perfect ram from his flock (or its value in the type of silver coins that are accepted in the Holy Place) [to pay] for his mistake.
Lev 5:17:‘And if any person sins and does something that isn’t right and which is against any of Jehovah’s Commandments; even if he doesn’t realize it, he is guilty of a sin.
Lev 5:19:However, he has truly been found guilty of sinning before Jehovah.’
Lev 6:7:And Jehovah told Moses,
Lev 6:14:‘This is the law concerning the sacrifices that the sons of Aaron must bring to the Altar before Jehovah:
Lev 6:15:[The Priest] must scoop a handful of the fine flour of the sacrifice that was offered, along with its oil and all the frankincense, and put it on the Altar as a burnt offering and a sweet-smelling odor for Jehovah to remember.
Lev 6:17:it must not be baked with fermentaion. I am giving a portion of Jehovah’s burnt offering to them. It is very holy, as are the offerings for sin and the offerings for errors.
Lev 6:18:All the male Priests must eat it. This is to be the rule for burnt offerings to Jehovah throughout your generations and through the ages. For, whoever touches them will be made holy.’
Lev 6:19:And Jehovah spoke to Moses, saying,
Lev 6:20:‘This is the gift that Aaron and his sons must offer to Jehovah on the day when you anoint him: A quart of fine flour must be sacrificed, half of it in the morning and the other half in the evening.
Lev 6:21:It must be kneaded with oil into rolls [and cooked] in a pan, and then offered [on the Altar] in pieces as a sweet odor to Jehovah.
Lev 6:24:Then Jehovah told Moses,
Lev 6:25:‘Speak to Aaron and his sons and tell them, This is the law of the sin offerings: The sin offerings must be slaughtered before Jehovah in the same place as the whole burnt offerings, for they are very holy.
Lev 6:29:Then all the male Priests must eat it as something that is very holy to Jehovah.
Lev 7:1:This is the law of the peace-offering sacrifice that [the Priests] are to bring to Jehovah:
Lev 7:4:And [each person] must bring one gift as a separate offering to Jehovah for the Priest who pours the blood of the peace offering.
Lev 7:10:Any person who eats the flesh of the peace-offering sacrifice to Jehovah and is unclean, must not be allowed to live among His people.
Lev 7:11:And whoever touches anything unclean, whether it is the unclean things of a man, of a four-footed animal, or anything that is disgustingly unclean, then eats the flesh of a peace-offering sacrifice that has been offered to Jehovah, must not be allowed to live among His people.
Lev 7:12:Then Jehovah told Moses,
Lev 7:15:Whoever eats the fat of animals that they have brought as burnt offerings to Jehovah must not be allowed to live among His people.
Lev 7:18:Then Jehovah told Moses,
Lev 7:19:‘You must also tell the children of Israel this: Whoever brings a peace-offering sacrifice as a gift to Jehovah
Lev 7:20:must carry the fat that is on the breast and the liver in his hands. He must bring them and offer them as a gift before Jehovah.
Lev 7:25:These were [the instructions that were given] about how Aaron and his sons were to be anointed, and [regarding their responsibilities toward] the burnt offerings to Jehovah, back when He brought them up to serve as Priests to Jehovah.
Lev 7:26:It’s what Jehovah commanded on the day He chose them from among the sons of Israel, as a law through all their generations and through the ages.
Lev 7:28:[Jehovah gave these] commandments to Moses on Mount Sinai, back when He gave the commandments to the children of Israel on how to offer their gifts to Jehovah, while they were [camping] in the Sinai Desert.
Lev 8:1:Then Jehovah spoke to Moses, and said,
Lev 8:4:So Moses did just as Jehovah told him. He assembled the gathering at the entrance to the Tent of Proofs,
Lev 8:5:and Moses told them, ‘This is what Jehovah has commanded us to do.’
Lev 8:9:Next, he put the turban on [Aaron’s] head and mounted the gold plate (this most holy thing) on the front of the turban, just as Jehovah had commanded Moses.
Lev 8:13:And Moses brought up Aaron’s sons, put on their robes and wrapped on their sashes, then put on their turbans, just as Jehovah had commanded Moses.
Lev 8:17:Then he burned the rest of the calf (its skin, flesh, and dung) in a fire outside the camp, just as Jehovah had commanded Moses.
Lev 8:20:So Moses offered the whole ram on the Altar as a burnt offering, and it was burned as a sweet-smelling odor to Jehovah, just as Jehovah had commanded Moses.
Lev 8:25:and from the basket of consecration that was before Jehovah, he took one fermentation-free loaf, one loaf made with oil, and one cake (along with the fat and the right shoulder),
Lev 8:26:and put them all in the hands of Aaron and his sons, who waved them before Jehovah.
Lev 8:27:Then Moses took it from their hands and put it on the Altar as the whole-burnt offering of the last lamb, and it was burned as an offering to Jehovah, providing a sweet-smelling odor to Him.
Lev 8:28:Then Moses took the last lamb’s breast and set it aside before Jehovah, and this was given to Moses as his portion, just as Jehovah had commanded Moses.
Lev 8:31:Then Moses told Aaron and his sons, ‘Now, boil the flesh in the Holy Place inside the Tent of Proofs, and eat it there along with the loaves in the last basket, just as Jehovah told me when He said, Aaron and his sons must eat this.
Lev 8:34:the same as He did on the day that Jehovah commanded me to do this to pay for your sins.
Lev 8:35:So, you must remain inside the entrance to the Tent of Proofs for seven days and nights. You must obey this rule of Jehovah so you won’t die… for that is what Jehovah God commanded me.’
Lev 8:36:So, Aaron and his sons followed the instructions that Jehovah gave as commandments to Moses.
Lev 9:2:And Moses said to Aaron, ‘Now, select a perfect young calf from the herd as a sin offering, and a ram to be a whole-burnt offering, then offer them before Jehovah.
Lev 9:4:and a calf and a ram as peace offerings to Jehovah, along with fine flour that is mixed with oil, because Jehovah is going to appear among you today.’
Lev 9:5:So, just as Moses commanded, they brought [the animals] to the Tent of Proofs, and the entire gathering came and stood before Jehovah.
Lev 9:6:Then Moses said, ‘This is what Jehovah told us to do… and then the glory of Jehovah will appear among you.’
Lev 9:7:And Moses told Aaron, ‘Come to the Altar. Offer your sin offering and your whole-burnt offering to pay for the sins of you and your family… then offer gifts for the people, to pay for their sins, just as Jehovah commanded.’
Lev 9:10:Next, he offered the fat, the kidneys, and the liver on the Altar as a sin offering, just as Jehovah had commanded Moses.
Lev 9:21:Then Aaron set aside the breast and right shoulder as a choicest offering before Jehovah, just as Jehovah had commanded Moses.
Lev 9:23:Then both Moses and Aaron went into the Tent of Proofs. And when they came out, they blest all the people. It was then that Jehovah’s glory appeared to all the people…
Lev 9:24:fire came from Jehovah that consumed the offerings on the Altar (both the whole-burnt offerings and their fat); and when all the people saw this, they were stunned and fell to their faces.
Lev 10:1:Then two of Aaron’s sons (Nadab and AbiUd) took their censers, put incense and fire in them, and offered it before Jehovah in a way that is quite different from what they had been commanded.
Lev 10:2:And at that, fire came from Jehovah and consumed them, so they died there before Jehovah.
Lev 10:3:Then Moses told Aaron: ‘Jehovah told us, I must be made holy by those approach Me, and I must be glorified before the whole congregation!’ Well, Aaron was badly shaken by this.
Lev 10:6:Then Moses said to Aaron, EliEzer, IthaMar, and his remaining sons: ‘Don’t uncover your heads or tear your clothes, unless you want to die and bring [God’s] anger down on the entire congregation! For then your brothers and the entire house of Israel would mourn this burning, which came from Jehovah.
Lev 10:7:Nor should you leave the entrance to the Tent of Proofs, or you will die; because Jehovah’s anointing oil is on you.’ And they did just as Moses told them.
Lev 10:8:Then Jehovah spoke to Aaron, and said,
Lev 10:11:And [you must] teach the children of Israel all the laws that [Jehovah gave] them through Moses.’
Lev 10:12:Then Moses told Aaron, EliEzer, IthaMar, and Aaron’s surviving sons: ‘Now, take the remaining sacrifices among the burnt offerings for Jehovah and eat [them with] fermentation-free bread close to the Altar, because that is a very holy [place].
Lev 10:13:Eating the burnt offerings to Jehovah in the Holy Place will be the law for you and your sons, because this is what I have commanded…
Lev 10:15:They must bring the choicest shoulder and [they must] separate the breast from the burnt offerings of fat, as a separate division before Jehovah. This is to be the rule for you, your sons, and your daughters through the ages, just as Jehovah commanded Moses.’
Lev 10:17:‘Why didn’t you eat the sin offering here in the Holy Place? It is a very holy [thing that Jehovah] has given you to eat before Him, so you can remove and pay for the sins of the entire gathering.
Lev 10:18:Why, its blood wasn’t even brought into the Holy Place… and Jehovah commanded you to eat [the sacrifice] here before Him!’
Lev 10:19:So Aaron asked Moses: ‘If they bring their sin offerings and whole-burnt offerings to Jehovah today, and [we were to] eat the sin offerings that are brought today (despite what we have done), would that be pleasing to Jehovah?’
Lev 11:1:Then Jehovah spoke to Moses and Aaron and told them,
Lev 11:44:For I am Jehovah your God, and you will be made holy and you will stay holy, because I, Jehovah your God, am holy. So, you must not dirty your lives with any of the slithering, crawling things of the earth.
Lev 11:45:For I am Jehovah who brought you out of the land of Egypt to be your God. So you must be holy, because I Jehovah am holy.’
Lev 12:1:Then Jehovah spoke to Moses and said,
Lev 12:7:Then he must present it before Jehovah and offer it to pay for her sins and her flow of blood. This law applies to her, whether she gives birth to a male or a female.
Lev 13:1:Then Jehovah spoke to Moses and Aaron, and said,
Lev 14:1:Then Jehovah spoke to Moses and said,
Lev 14:11:And the Priest who did the cleansing must present the man who is being purified, along with these [offerings], before Jehovah at the entrance to the Tent of Proofs.
Lev 14:12:Then the Priest must take the lamb and present it as a compensation offering, along with the cup of oil, and set them aside as a special offering before Jehovah.
Lev 14:16:then dip the finger of his right hand in some of the oil in his left hand, and sprinkle it before Jehovah with his finger seven times.
Lev 14:18:Any oil that is left over on the hand of the Priest should then be put on the head of the cleansed person, and the Priest must [use it to] pay for his sins before Jehovah.
Lev 14:19:‘Next, the Priest must sacrifice the sin offering as a payment to Jehovah for the sins of the person who is being purified, and then the Priest must slaughter the whole-burnt offering.
Lev 14:20:The Priest must offer the whole-burnt offering sacrifice on the Altar before Jehovah to pay for [the person’s] sins, so he can be cleansed.
Lev 14:23:These must be brought to the Priest at the entrance to the Tent of Proofs before Jehovah on the eighth day, so he can be purified.
Lev 14:24:Then the Priest must take the lamb of the compensation offering and the cup of oil, and set them before Jehovah.
Lev 14:27:and sprinkle some of the oil that is on his left hand with the finger of his right hand before Jehovah, seven times.
Lev 14:29:Any oil that is left on the hand of the Priest must then be put on the head of the one who is being purified, and the Priest must pay for his sins before Jehovah.
Lev 14:31:one for a sin offering, and the other for a whole-burnt offering. The Priest must use these to smooth the relationship of the person being purified with Jehovah.’
Lev 14:33:Then Jehovah spoke to Moses and Aaron, and said:
Lev 15:1:Then Jehovah spoke to Moses and Aaron, and said,
Lev 15:14:Then on the eighth day, he must obtain two turtledoves or two young pigeons and bring them before Jehovah at the entrance to the Tent of Proofs, and give them to the Priest.
Lev 15:15:And the Priest must offer one as a sin offering and the other as a whole-burnt offering. Thereby the Priest will pay for his sins before Jehovah for the discharge.
Lev 15:30:and the Priest must offer one as a sin offering and the other as a whole-burnt offering. Thus the Priest must pay for her sins before Jehovah for her unclean flow.
Lev 16:1:And Jehovah spoke to Moses (after Aaron’s two sons died for bringing unauthorized fire before Jehovah)
Lev 16:7:Then he must take the two goats and stand them before Jehovah at the entrance to the Tent of Proofs.
Lev 16:8:Then Aaron must cast lots over the two goats… one [will be] for Jehovah, and the other [will be] the scapegoat.
Lev 16:9:‘Then Aaron must bring up the goat which the lot [showed was Jehovah’s], and offer it as a sin offering.
Lev 16:10:And the goat that was chosen by lot as the scapegoat must be presented alive before Jehovah, to [cleanse] it, so it can be sent away as a scapegoat and released into the desert.
Lev 16:12:‘Then he must take his censer and fill it with coals from the fire on the Altar before Jehovah, fill his hands with fine mixed incense, and bring it inside the veil.
Lev 16:13:Then he must put the incense on the [coals] there before Jehovah, and the incense smoke must cover the propitiatory over the tablets inside the [Chest of] Proofs, so he doesn’t die.
Lev 16:15:‘Then he must kill the goat for the people’s sin offering before Jehovah, and he must bring its blood inside the veil, and do the same thing that he did with the blood of the calf, sprinkling its blood on and before the Propitiatory.
Lev 16:18:‘Afterward, he must go outside to the Altar that is before Jehovah, and put the blood of the calf and the goat all around the horns of the Altar, to pay for sins.
Lev 16:30:For on that day [the High Priest] must [offer the sacrifices to] pay for your sins and cleanse you from all your errors before Jehovah, and then they will be purged from you.
Lev 16:34:This must be your rule through the ages… that [he must offer sacrifices] for the children of Israel to pay for all their sins. It must be done once each year, just as Jehovah commanded Moses.’
Lev 17:1:Then Jehovah spoke to Moses and said,
Lev 17:2:‘Speak to Aaron, his sons, and to all the children of Israel, and tell them, This is what Jehovah has commanded
Lev 17:4:[you must] bring it to the entrance of the Tent of Proofs as a sweet smelling whole-burnt offering or as a peace-offering sacrifice to Jehovah, for it to be to be acceptable. If you slaughter it outside and don’t bring it to the entry at the front of the Tent of Proofs as a gift to Jehovah, you will be held guilty of shedding the blood, and you must be cut off from your people.
Lev 17:5:‘All [cattle] that the children of Israel might slaughter in the fields as a sacrifice to Jehovah must be brought to the entrance to the Tent of Proofs and to the Priest, who must sacrifice it as a peace offering to Jehovah.
Lev 17:6:Then the Priest must pour its blood on and around the Altar before Jehovah and offer the fat as a sweet-smelling odor to Jehovah.
Lev 17:9:and fail to bring it to the entrance of the Tent of Proofs and sacrifice it to Jehovah, he must be destroyed from among his people.
Lev 18:1:Then Jehovah spoke to Moses and said,
Lev 18:2:‘Speak to the children of Israel, and tell them [this]: I am Jehovah your God.
Lev 18:4:You must obey and follow My decisions and keep My rules, for I am Jehovah your God.
Lev 18:5:So, follow all My rules and all My decisions! Follow them in such a way [that you learn to] live by them; for I am Jehovah your God!
Lev 18:6:‘No man may approach a close relative and uncover his/her nakedness, for I am Jehovah.
Lev 18:21:You must not give of your sperm in service to a ruler, and you must not profane My Holy Name, for I am Jehovah.
Lev 18:30:‘So, you must keep My rules! You may not do any of the disgusting things that have been done [in the land] before you get there, and you must not pollute yourselves by doing [any of these things], for I am Jehovah your God.’
Lev 19:1:And Jehovah spoke to Moses, saying,
Lev 19:2:‘Speak to the gathering of the children of Israel and tell them: You must be holy, for I Jehovah your God am holy!
Lev 19:3:Everyone must fear his father and his mother, and you must keep My Sabbaths, for I am Jehovah your God.
Lev 19:4:‘You must not become an idol worshiper, nor may you mold [statues] as gods for yourselves, for I am Jehovah your God.
Lev 19:5:‘If you bring a peace-offering sacrifice to Jehovah, it must be offered willingly.
Lev 19:8:Also, the person who eats it will be [guilty] of sin, because he has misused the holy things of Jehovah, so he must be destroyed from among his people.
Lev 19:10:And when you pick the grapes in your vineyard, you must not gather them all, but you must leave some for the poor and for strangers, for I am Jehovah your God.
Lev 19:12:‘You must not swear a false oath in My Name, nor may you misuse the Holy Name of your God, for I am Jehovah your God.
Lev 19:14:‘You must not make fun of the deaf, nor should you set a trap for the blind, for you must fear Jehovah your God. I am Jehovah your God.
Lev 19:16:‘You must not march in treachery against your nation, and you must not [go to battle to shed] the blood of your neighbors, for I am Jehovah your God.
Lev 19:18:You must not raise your hands in vengeance, and you must not be angry with the sons of your people… you must love your neighbors as you [love] yourselves, for I am Jehovah,
Lev 19:21:Then, for his sin, he must bring a ram as an offering for his error to Jehovah at the entrance to the Tent of Proofs.
Lev 19:22:There the Priest must use the ram he is offering to pay Jehovah for the sin that he committed, and his sin must be forgiven.
Lev 19:23:‘And when you enter the land that Jehovah your God is giving you and plant any fruit trees, you must first purge away the filth [of the land], so its fruit must be unclean to you, and it must not be eaten for three years.
Lev 19:24:But in the fourth year, all the fruit will be holy and worthy of praise to Jehovah.
Lev 19:25:Then in the fifth year, you must eat the fruit, for that’s when it will produce a great abundance. I am Jehovah your God.
Lev 19:28:Nor may you make cuts on your bodies over [someone who dies], and you must not tattoo your bodies, for I am Jehovah your God.
Lev 19:30:‘You must keep My Sabbaths and fear My Holy Place, for I am Jehovah.
Lev 19:31:‘You must not associate with or pollute yourselves with those who speak by [the demons], nor have anything to do with witches, for I am Jehovah your God.
Lev 19:32:‘You must rise before a grey-headed person; [you must] value the faces of elderly men; and you must fear your God, for I am Jehovah your God.
Lev 19:34:You must treat strangers as natives, and you must love them as yourselves, for you were once strangers in the land of Egypt. I am Jehovah your God.
Lev 19:36:You must all have honest weights, scales, and liquid measures, for I am Jehovah your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt.
Lev 19:37:You must obey and follow all My Laws and rules, for I am Jehovah your God.’
Lev 20:1:And Jehovah spoke to Moses, saying,
Lev 20:7:For, you must be holy as I Jehovah your God am holy.
Lev 20:8:You must obey My rules and follow them, for I am Jehovah who makes you holy.
Lev 20:24:I have told you that you will inherit their land, and I am giving you this land that flows with milk and honey to be your own. For, I am Jehovah your God who is separating you from all those nations.
Lev 20:26:You must be holy to Me, because I Jehovah your God am holy, and I have set you apart from all other nations as Mine.
Lev 21:1:And Jehovah spoke to Moses, saying, ‘Speak to the Priests among the sons of Aaron and tell them that they must not [show themselves to be mourning] over the dead before the nation.
Lev 21:6:They must be holy to their God, and they may not profane the Name of their God, because they offer the sacrifices to Jehovah as gifts to their God, so they must be holy.
Lev 21:7:‘They must not marry a woman who is a whore, one who has been violated, or a divorced woman, because these [men] are holy to their God Jehovah.
Lev 21:8:They must remain holy, because they offer the gifts to their God Jehovah. They must be holy, for I Jehovah (who makes them holy) am holy.
Lev 21:12:He may not leave the Holy Place and he must not make the Holy Place of his God unclean, because he wears God’s holy anointing oil. I am Jehovah.
Lev 21:15:For, he must not profane his seed among his people. I am Jehovah who makes him holy.’
Lev 21:16:Then Jehovah spoke to Moses and said,
Lev 21:23:but he must not approach the veil or get close to the Altar, because of his handicap. He must not dishonor the Holy Place of his God, for I am Jehovah who makes them holy.’
Lev 22:1:Then Jehovah spoke to Moses and said,
Lev 22:2:‘Speak to Aaron and his sons, and warn them to be careful with the holy things of the children of Israel, so they don’t profane My Holy Name in anything that they offer to Me in a holy way, for I am Jehovah.
Lev 22:3:Tell them that throughout their generations, any of their seed that comes to Me to offer the holy things – whatever the children of Israel may offer to Jehovah – and do so while they are unclean… that person will be cut off from Me, for I am Jehovah your God.
Lev 22:8:‘They must not eat anything that dies on its own or that has been killed by wild animals, so they aren’t polluted by them, for I am Jehovah.
Lev 22:9:They must keep My rules so they don’t fall into sin in these matters and die due to their making themselves dirty, for I am Jehovah God who makes them holy.
Lev 22:15:‘They must not profane the holy things of the children of Israel that are offered to Jehovah
Lev 22:16:and thereby bring the sin of error upon themselves when they eat their holy things, for I am Jehovah who makes them holy.’
Lev 22:17:Then Jehovah spoke to Moses and said,
Lev 22:18:‘Speak to Aaron, his sons, and to the entire gathering of Israel, and tell them; Any man among the children of Israel, and any alien that lives among them in Israel, who wishes to offer gifts as a confession, as they may choose – whatever they may bring to Jehovah as a whole-burnt offering –
Lev 22:20:They must not bring anything to Jehovah that isn’t perfect, for it won’t be accepted.
Lev 22:21:‘Whenever a man brings something to Jehovah from the herd, or a sheep, as a peace offering, or to fulfill a promise, or as a free-will offering; it must be perfect to be accepted… it shouldn’t have any flaws.
Lev 22:22:They may not offer anything to Jehovah that is blind, lame, has its tongue cut out, has warts, or a running sore, or a scar… nor may you offer any of these as burnt offerings on the Altar.
Lev 22:24:This is [also true] of one that has been castrated or has had its testicles crushed… you must not offer it to Jehovah, nor may you sacrifice it on your land.
Lev 22:26:Then Jehovah spoke to Moses and said,
Lev 22:27:‘Calves, sheep, and goats must suckle their mothers for seven days from the time they are born, and after the eighth day, they can be accepted as burnt-offering sacrifices to Jehovah
Lev 22:29:‘If you vow to offer a sacrifice to Jehovah out of sheer joy, you must offer it willingly.
Lev 22:30:It must be eaten on that same day and not left over until the next morning, for I am Jehovah.
Lev 22:32:And you must not profane the Name of the Holy One, for I must be made holy in the midst of the children of Israel. I am Jehovah that makes you holy and
Lev 22:33:who brought you out of the land of Egypt to be your God… I am Jehovah!’
Lev 23:1:Then Jehovah spoke to Moses and said,
Lev 23:2:‘Speak to the children of Israel and tell them: The feasts of Jehovah that you are going to call Holy Assemblies are My feasts.
Lev 23:3:You may work for six days, but the seventh day is the Sabbath, a [day of] rest and a Holy Assembly to Jehovah. You must not work on that day, for it is a Sabbath to [Jehovah… this covers] everything that you do.
Lev 23:4:‘Here are the feasts to Jehovah… the Holy Assemblies that you are to [observe] in each of their seasons:
Lev 23:5:‘On the fourteenth day of the first month, between the evenings, is Jehovah’s Passover.
Lev 23:6:Then the fifteenth day of that month is the Feast of Fermentation-free bread to [Jehovah]. So, you must eat fermentation-free bread for seven days.
Lev 23:8:And you must offer whole-burnt offerings to [Jehovah during those] seven days. Then the seventh day will be [another] Holy Assembly for you, [during which] you must not work for anyone.’
Lev 23:9:Then Jehovah spoke to Moses and said,
Lev 23:11:and he must hold them up and wave the bundle before [Jehovah, for Him to] accept it from you. This must be done on the morning of the first day.
Lev 23:12:‘And on that same day, you must offer a perfect yearling lamb as a whole-burnt offering to Jehovah.
Lev 23:13:Then, along with this offering of meat, you [must offer] two measurements of fine flour mixed with oil as a sweet-smelling sacrifice, and a quart of wine as a drink offering to Jehovah.
Lev 23:15:‘Then you must count the days, starting from the day after the Sabbath when you offered the bundle of grain that was waved before Jehovah. And after seven full weeks,
Lev 23:16:on the morning following the last week (or after fifty days), you must bring a food offering to Jehovah.
Lev 23:17:You must also bring two loaves [of bread] from your homes that are made from two measurements of fine flour baked with fermentation as an offering of your first fruitage to Jehovah.
Lev 23:18:‘And with the bread, you must bring seven healthy yearling lambs, a calf from your herd, and two perfect male kid goats as whole-burnt offerings to Jehovah. These food and drink offerings are to be sacrificed as a sweet odor to Jehovah.
Lev 23:20:The Priest must set them aside with the first-fruitage loaves as an offering before Jehovah. They will be holy to Jehovah, but they will belong to the Priest who brings them.
Lev 23:22:‘And when you harvest your land, you must not reap everything in your field, nor may you gather anything that falls during the harvest. You must leave it for the poor and for strangers, for I am Jehovah your God.’
Lev 23:23:Then Jehovah spoke to Moses and said,
Lev 23:24:‘Also, the tenth day of the seventh month is to be the Day of Atonement ([when you pay for your sins]). It [is also] to be a holy [day of] assembly for you. You must be very humble [on that day] and present a whole-burnt offering to Jehovah.
Lev 23:25:You must not do any work on that day, for it is a day when you pay for your sins before Jehovah your God.
Lev 23:33:Then Jehovah spoke to Moses and said,
Lev 23:34:‘Speak to the children of Israel and tell them; On the fifteenth day of the seventh month, and the next seven days, is to be the Feast of Tents to Jehovah.
Lev 23:36:You must offer whole-burnt offerings to Jehovah for seven days, and the eighth day will [also] be a Holy Assembly to you, [during which] you must offer whole-burnt offerings to Jehovah. This is [to be] a free day, so you must not work for anyone.
Lev 23:37:‘These are the feasts to Jehovah, which you are to call Holy Assemblies, [and during which] you are to offer burnt offerings to Jehovah… whole-burnt offerings, food offerings, and drink offerings, each on its day.
Lev 23:38:This is in addition to the Sabbaths to Jehovah, and to your gifts, and to all your vows, and to all the free offerings that you will give to Jehovah.
Lev 23:39:‘On the fifteenth day of the seventh month, after you have completely harvested all the fruit of the ground, you must hold a feast to Jehovah for seven days… and both the first day and the eighth day will be rest days.
Lev 23:40:On the first day you must bring a large amount of fruit from your trees, some palm-tree branches, some thick tree branches, willow branches, and branches from water willows, as a rejoicing to Jehovah your God… [do this] for seven days each year.
Lev 23:43:so your descendants can see that I made the children of Israel live in tents when I brought them out of the land of Egypt. For I am Jehovah your God.’
Lev 23:44:So, this is how Moses explained Jehovah’s feasts to the children of Israel.
Lev 24:1:Then Jehovah spoke to Moses and said,
Lev 24:3:outside the veil of the Tent of Proofs. Aaron and his sons must keep it burning before Jehovah continuously from evening until morning. This is a law through the ages for all your generations.
Lev 24:4:The lamps on the pure lampstand must be kept burning before Jehovah until morning.
Lev 24:6:Then place them in two rows, six loaves in each row, on the pure table before Jehovah,
Lev 24:7:and pour frankincense and salt over each row. Remember to set these things and the loaves before Jehovah
Lev 24:8:on each Sabbath. They must continue to be set before Jehovah by the children of Israel as a sacred agreement through the ages.
Lev 24:9:This will be for Aaron and his sons, and they must eat it there in the Holy Place, for this is their own very holy portion of the offerings that are made to Jehovah, as [part of] the Law of the ages.’
Lev 24:12:Thereafter, they locked him up and held him for judgment by Jehovah.
Lev 24:13:Then Jehovah spoke to Moses and said,
Lev 24:16:and whoever [curses] using the Name Jehovah must absolutely be put to death, whether he is a native or an alien. The entire gathering of Israel must stone him with rocks, and he must die for [swearing by] the Name of the Lord.
Lev 24:22:This one judgment must be the same for both natives and aliens, for I am Jehovah your God.
Lev 24:23:Well, after Moses told this to the children of Israel, they took the man that had done the cursing outside the camp and stoned him with rocks… the children of Israel did just as Jehovah had commanded Moses.
Lev 25:1:Jehovah spoke to Moses [while he was] on Mount Sinai and told him,
Lev 25:2:‘Speak to the children of Israel and say to them: When you enter the land that I am giving to you, the ground must [be allowed] to rest during its Sabbaths to Jehovah.
Lev 25:4:but the seventh year will be a Sabbath during which the land should rest. During this Sabbath to Jehovah, you may not plant your fields, prune your vines,
Lev 25:17:No man should oppress his neighbor, for you must fear your God Jehovah. I am Jehovah your God.
Lev 25:36:You must not charge him interest or [tell him] to pay you more, for you must fear your God. I am Jehovah… and you must [help] your brother to keep living among you.
Lev 25:38:For I am Jehovah your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt to give you the land of CanaAn… and to be your God.
Lev 25:43:nor may you force them into hard labor, for you must fear Jehovah your God.
Lev 26:1:‘You must not mold [gods] for yourselves or carve them with your hands. Nor may you set up stone pillars in your land to worship, for I am Jehovah your God.
Lev 26:2:You must keep My Sabbaths and respect My Holy Places, for I am Jehovah.
Lev 26:13:I am Jehovah your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt where you were slaves. It was I who broke the shackles of your [slavery] and paraded you away before [everyone]!
Lev 26:44:But despite this, I didn’t fail to [keep an eye] on them while they were in the land of their enemies, nor did I hate them and void the Sacred Agreement that I made with them, for I am Jehovah their God.
Lev 26:45:‘Then I will remember the Sacred Agreement [that I made with them] when I brought them out of the land of Egypt and out of the house of slavery before that nation, to be their God. For I am Jehovah.
Lev 26:46:‘These are My decisions, My rules, and the Law that Jehovah Himself gave to the children of Israel from Mount Sinai, by the hand of Moses.’
Lev 27:2:‘Speak to the children of Israel and tell them; Whenever someone wishes to make a vow to offer the value of a life to Jehovah,
Lev 27:9:‘And when cattle are offered as gifts to Jehovah by anyone, they become holy.
Lev 27:11:‘And if [someone brings] an unclean animal (which must never be offered as a gift to Jehovah), he must bring the animal to the Priest,
Lev 27:14:‘And if a man chooses to set aside his house as holy to Jehovah, the Priest must determine whether it is valuable or not, and whatever value the Priest sets is what must be paid.
Lev 27:16:‘And if a man should choose to designate a portion of a field that he owns as holy to Jehovah, then it must be valued by whatever is planted there. It will be worth fifty double-silver coins per two hundred and fifty quarts of barley.
Lev 27:21:However, after the Release, the field will be holy to Jehovah and subdivided, for the Priest will then own it.
Lev 27:22:‘And if a man should set aside a field to Jehovah that he has bought and which isn’t a family possession,
Lev 27:23:the Priest must calculate its value to the Year of Release, and that’s how much he must pay that day as holy to Jehovah.
Lev 27:26:‘All the firstborn cattle are Jehovah’s, so no man can [set them aside] as holy… whether it’s a calf or a sheep, it is Jehovah’s.
Lev 27:28:‘Anything a man has that he chooses to curse before Jehovah, whether it’s a man, an animal, or a field that he owns; it may never be sold or taken back. Everything that is cursed for destruction becomes very holy to Jehovah.
Lev 27:30:‘Anything in the land that is to be offered, whether it is seeds or the fruit of trees, is Jehovah’s… it is holy to Jehovah.
Lev 27:32:‘And a tenth of everything, including bulls, sheep, and anything else that is taxable, will be holy to Jehovah.
Lev 27:34:These are the commandments that Jehovah gave to Moses for the sons of Israel on Mount Sinai.
Num 1:1:On the first day of the second month, two years after their departure from the land of Egypt, Jehovah spoke to Moses inside the Tent of Proofs [while they were still] in the desert at Sinai, and He said,
Num 1:19:as Jehovah had commanded Moses there in the desert of Sinai.
Num 1:48:for Jehovah had told Moses,
Num 1:54:And the children of Israel did everything that Jehovah commanded Moses and Aaron.
Num 2:1:Then Jehovah spoke to Moses and Aaron and said,
Num 2:33:However, the Levites weren’t counted among them, just as Jehovah instructed Moses.
Num 2:34:And the children of Israel did everything that Jehovah told Moses. They each camped in their [specified] locations, and they marched in order by family lines.
Num 3:1:These are the generations of Aaron and Moses in the day in that Jehovah spoke to Moses on Mount Sinai.
Num 3:4:However, Nadab and AbiUd died before Jehovah when they offered [incense] to Him in an unauthorized way, while they were in the Sinai Desert. And because they had no children, just EliEzer and IthaMar served as Priests with their father Aaron.
Num 3:5:Then Jehovah spoke to Moses and told him,
Num 3:11:Then Jehovah spoke to Moses and said,
Num 3:13:For, all the firstborn have been Mine since the day that I struck all the firstborn in the land of Egypt. I chose all the firstborn in Israel as holy to Myself – both the men and the animals – and they are Mine, for I am Jehovah.’
Num 3:14:Then Jehovah spoke to Moses in the Sinai Desert and said,
Num 3:16:So, Moses and Aaron counted them following Jehovah’s instructions.
Num 3:39:All the Levites who Moses and Aaron counted, which were a month old and older (by family lines), following Jehovah’s instructions, were twenty-two thousand.
Num 3:40:Then Jehovah spoke to Moses and said, ‘Now count all the firstborn males among the children of Israel who are a month old and older, and take their names.
Num 3:41:Then take the Levites for Me in place of all the firstborn of the sons of Israel. Also, take all the Levites’ cattle in place of the first-born of the cattle of the children of Israel, for I am Jehovah.’
Num 3:42:So Moses counted all the firstborn of the children of Israel, just as Jehovah commanded him.
Num 3:44:Then Jehovah spoke to Moses and said,
Num 3:45:‘Now take the Levites in place of all the first-born of the sons of Israel, and the Levite’s cattle in place of their cattle, and they must be Mine, for I am Jehovah.
Num 3:51:Then Moses gave the ransom for these extra ones to Aaron and his sons, according to the instructions that Jehovah gave to Moses.
Num 4:1:Then Jehovah spoke to Moses and Aaron and said,
Num 4:17:Then Jehovah spoke to Moses and Aaron and said,
Num 4:21:Then Jehovah spoke to Moses and said,
Num 4:37:This is how many there were of the family of CaAth that served in the Tent of Proofs, as Moses and Aaron counted them, following Jehovah’s instructions to Moses.
Num 4:41:This is how many there were of the family of Gedson that served in the Tent of Proofs, as Moses and Aaron counted them, following Jehovah’s instructions to Moses.
Num 4:45:This is how many there were of the family of MeraRi, as Moses and Aaron counted them, following Jehovah’s instructions to Moses.
Num 4:49:Then after they were counted (following the words of Jehovah through Moses), they appointed each man his job, and they reviewed his duties and discussed what he was to carry.
Num 5:1:Then Jehovah spoke to Moses and said,
Num 5:4:And that’s what the children of Israel did; they drove them out of the camp, just as Jehovah told Moses.
Num 5:5:Then Jehovah spoke to Moses and said,
Num 5:8:‘Now, if a man doesn’t owe anything to anyone for his sin, the sin-offering must be paid to Jehovah. A ram must be [be given to] the Priest as payment for his sins, and as the price to cover his sins.
Num 5:9:‘And when it comes to the first fruitage of all the holy things among the children of Israel; everything that they offer to Jehovah must be [given to] the Priest for himself.
Num 5:11:Then Jehovah spoke to Moses and said,
Num 5:16:‘Then the Priest must take [the woman] to stand before Jehovah.
Num 5:18:Then the Priest must stand the woman before Jehovah, uncover her head, and place the sacrifice that is to be remembered (the sacrifice of jealousy) into her hands. ‘Next, the Priest must take the water which brings a curse into his hands.
Num 5:21:then the Priest must make the woman swear [to accept] the oaths of this curse. ‘The Priest must say to her: May Jehovah bring a curse upon you by the oath [you have sworn] in the midst of your people. May Jehovah cause your [sexual parts] to rot away and your belly to swell.
Num 5:25:‘Next, the Priest must take the sacrifice of jealousy from the woman’s hands and carry it to the Altar to present it before Jehovah.
Num 5:30:or where a man develops a jealous spirit and becomes jealous of his wife. He should take his wife before Jehovah, and the Priest must make her follow this law.
Num 6:1:Then Jehovah spoke to Moses and said,
Num 6:2:‘Speak to the children of Israel and tell them that whenever a man or woman wishes to make a great vow to set himself aside as holy to Jehovah,
Num 6:5:during the whole period that he is set aside. Nor may a razor be used to cut the person’s hair until the period of the vow to Jehovah is completed. For the person must be holy and cherish the long hair of his head
Num 6:6:for as long as his vow to Jehovah lasts, and he must not go near any dead bodies…
Num 6:8:and they must remain holy to Jehovah during the entire period of their vow.
Num 6:12:and he will [again] be made perfect to Jehovah during the rest of [the period of] the vow. Then he must bring a yearling lamb as an offering for the error; and because the vow on his head was polluted, the full period of [the vow] must be [restarted].
Num 6:14:The gifts that he must bring to Jehovah are: one perfect yearling male lamb as a whole-burnt offering; one perfect yearling female lamb as a sin offering; one perfect male sheep as a peace offering;
Num 6:16:‘The Priest must bring them before Jehovah and [sacrifice] the sin offering and the whole-burnt offering.
Num 6:17:Then he must sacrifice the male sheep as a peace offering to Jehovah, along with the basket of fermentation-free bread, followed by the food offering and the drink offering.
Num 6:20:Then the Priest must present them as an offering before Jehovah, and this holy portion will then belong to the Priest, along with the breast and shoulder of the wave offering. Then the person who made the oath must drink some wine.
Num 6:21:‘This is the law for any person who makes a vow to Jehovah: [He must give all] his gifts that were promised to Jehovah, along with anything else that he may be able to afford, which is [in addition] to the things that are [required by] the strong vow of setting oneself aside as holy [to Jehovah].’
Num 6:22:Then Jehovah spoke to Moses and said,
Num 6:24:May Jehovah bless you and watch over you.
Num 6:25:May Jehovah’s face shine upon you, and may He have mercy on you.
Num 6:26:May [Jehovah keep His eyes] on you and bring you peace.’
Num 7:3:brought gifts before Jehovah. There were six covered wagons pulled by twelve bulls (two per [wagon]) that were contributed by the leaders, which were brought to the Tent.
Num 7:4:Then Jehovah spoke to Moses and said,
Num 7:11:Then Jehovah told Moses, ‘One leader must also bring a gift each day for the dedication of the Altar.’
Num 7:89:And from that point on, whenever Moses went into the Tent of Proofs to speak to God, he would hear the voice of Jehovah speaking to him from between the two cherubs that were above the Propitiatory, which covers the Chest of Proofs.
Num 8:1:Then Jehovah spoke to Moses and said,
Num 8:3:And that’s what Aaron did. He [assembled and] lit the lamps to illuminate the area directly across from the lamp, just as Jehovah had instructed Moses.
Num 8:4:The Sacred Lamp’s base and stem were of solid gold, as were its lilies. They were made following the pattern that Jehovah had shown to Moses.
Num 8:5:Then Jehovah spoke to Moses and said,
Num 8:10:Stand them there in front of Jehovah, and have the sons of Israel lay their hands on the Levites.
Num 8:11:‘Next, Aaron must set the Levites aside as a gift to Jehovah from the children of Israel, and they must be made ready to perform Jehovah’s work.
Num 8:12:Then have the Levites lay their hands on the heads of the calves, and you should sacrifice one as a sin offering, and the other as a whole-burnt offering to Jehovah, to pay for their sins.
Num 8:13:‘Then stand the Levites in front of Jehovah (and before Aaron and his sons), and give them to Jehovah as a gift…
Num 8:15:‘Thereafter, the Levites must go to the Tent where they are to work, and you must purify them and present them there before Jehovah,
Num 8:20:Then Moses, Aaron, and the entire gathering of the children of Israel did everything that Jehovah commanded Moses concerning the Levites.
Num 8:21:The Levites purified themselves and washed their clothes. Then Aaron presented them as a gift before Jehovah, and [sacrificed] the payments for their sins to purify them.
Num 8:22:Thereafter, the Levites entered the Tent to serve before Aaron and his sons, just as Jehovah had instructed Moses.
Num 8:23:Then Jehovah spoke to Moses and said,
Num 9:1:It was in the first month of the second year after they had left the land of Egypt, that Jehovah spoke to Moses there in the Sinai Desert and said,
Num 9:5:on the fourteenth day of the first month, there in the Sinai Desert. And the children of Israel did just as Jehovah told Moses.
Num 9:7:and said, ‘We are unclean because we touched the dead body of a man. So, will we not to be allowed to offer our gifts to Jehovah at this time, along with the rest of the children of Israel?’
Num 9:8:Then Moses said, ‘Stay here and I will listen to whatever instructions Jehovah gives us about this.’
Num 9:9:Then Jehovah spoke to Moses and said,
Num 9:10:‘Tell the sons of Israel that whenever a man among you or your descendants has become unclean because of touching a dead body, or is far away on a journey, he must still keep the Passover to Jehovah,
Num 9:13:But if anyone is clean and is not away on a trip, he must be sure to keep the Passover. Any person who doesn’t offer the gift to Jehovah at the proper time is guilty, and must be cut off from his people!
Num 9:14:‘And if an alien should come into your land and wish to observe the Passover to Jehovah, he must do so according to the laws and instructions concerning the Passover. So there is just one law [concerning this], and it applies to both natives and aliens.’
Num 9:18:So, the children of Israel camped by the commands of Jehovah, and they moved by the commands of Jehovah… as long as the cloud covered the Tent, the children of Israel were to camp.
Num 9:20:For, whenever the cloud covered the Tent for a number of days, they were to camp, following the words of Jehovah, and they were to stay camped there by the commands of Jehovah.
Num 9:23:for they were only to move by the commands of Jehovah. And this is what they did. They followed the instructions and commands that Jehovah gave through Moses.
Num 10:1:Then Jehovah spoke to Moses and said,
Num 10:9:‘And if you must go to war against your enemies that will oppose to you in your land, you must also blow the trumpets as a reminder to Jehovah, and then you will be saved from your enemies.
Num 10:11:This must be done as a reminder to you before your God, for I am Jehovah your God.’
Num 10:13:And following the instructions of Jehovah through Moses, the first group started their march.
Num 10:29:And Moses said to his father-in-law Jethro (the son of RaguEl the Midianite), ‘We are traveling to the place about which Jehovah said, I’m going to give this to you. So, come with us and we will treat you well, because Jehovah has promised good things for Israel.’
Num 10:32:For if you go with us; when Jehovah does good things for us, we will do good things for you.’
Num 10:33:Then they left the Mountain of Jehovah and traveled for three days. And the Chest of Jehovah’s Sacred Agreement was carried ahead of them for all three days as a comfort to them.
Num 10:35:Then, when the Chest was brought forward, Moses said, ‘Arise, O Jehovah! Let Your enemies be scattered and may all who hate You run in terror!’
Num 10:36:And when they reached its resting place, he said, ‘Turn [Your face] again, O Jehovah, to the thousands and tens of thousands in Israel!’
Num 11:1:Then the people started murmuring sinful things against Jehovah, and He heard them. This made Him very angry, and a fire that came from Jehovah started burning among them, which consumed part of the camp,
Num 11:2:so the people called for Moses. And after he prayed to Jehovah, the fire went out.
Num 11:3:Thereafter, they called that place ‘The Burning,’ because that was where a fire from Jehovah had burned among them.
Num 11:10:Well, Moses heard them sitting in front of their [tents] in family groups, crying. This made Jehovah very angry, and Moses viewed these actions as evil.
Num 11:11:So Moses asked Jehovah, ‘Why have You done this to your servant, and why haven’t I found favor in Your eyes, so that You should lay the burden of these people on me?
Num 11:16:Then Jehovah told Moses, ‘Gather seventy men from among the elders of Israel to Me. [Make sure that] you know they are the elders and scribes among the people, then bring them to the Tent of Proofs and have them stand there with you.
Num 11:18:‘Then go to the people and tell them, ‘Now purify yourselves, because tomorrow you’re going to eat meat. Yes, you who have bawled before Jehovah and asked, Who will give us meat to eat? and said, Things were good for us [back in Egypt]! ‘So, Jehovah will provide meat, and you must eat the meat.
Num 11:20:You’re going to eat it for a full month… until it comes out your noses! You’re going to be sick of it, because you disobeyed Jehovah who is here among you. You bawled before Him and asked, Why did we ever leave Egypt?’
Num 11:23:Then Jehovah said to Moses: ‘Isn’t the hand of Jehovah big enough? By now you should know whether My words will come true!’
Num 11:24:So Moses went out and told the people what Jehovah said. Then he gathered seventy men from among the people’s elders and stood them around the Tent.
Num 11:25:Then Jehovah came down in a cloud to speak to [Moses], and He took some of the Breath that was in him and put it into the seventy elders. And when [God’s] Breath came to rest upon them, they started prophesying… and then they stopped.
Num 11:29:But Moses replied, ‘Are you jealous for me? I wish that all of Jehovah’s people were Prophets when He puts His Breath on them.’
Num 11:31:Then Jehovah blew His Breath, and [flocks of] quail blew over the sea and into the camp. They covered the ground several feet deep for a day’s journey all around the camp.
Num 11:33:Well, they were still picking the meat that was stuck between their teeth when Jehovah showed how angry He was with the people, for He then struck them with a great plague.
Num 12:2:They asked, ‘Is Moses the only one that Jehovah has spoken to? Hasn’t He also spoken to us?’ And Jehovah heard them say this.
Num 12:4:so Jehovah immediately spoke to Moses, Aaron, and Miriam, and said. ‘All three of you, come to the Tent of Proofs!’
Num 12:5:So the three of them went to the Tent of Proofs, and Jehovah descended in a column of clouds. He stood there at the entrance to the Tent of Proofs and called Aaron and Miriam, and they stepped forward.
Num 12:6:Then He said to them, ‘Listen to Me; If either of you are Prophets of Jehovah, I will make things known to you in a vision and speak to you as you sleep.
Num 12:8:I’m not hidden to him, but I appear and speak to him mouth to mouth. Why, he has seen the glory of Jehovah, so why aren’t you afraid to speak against My servant Moses?’
Num 12:9:Well, Jehovah was very angry with them; and then as He left,
Num 12:13:Then Moses called to Jehovah and said, ‘Oh God, I beg You; Heal her!’
Num 12:14:And Jehovah replied to Moses, ‘If her father had just spit in her face, wouldn’t she have been shamed for seven days? Therefore, she may not enter the camp for seven days; but then she may return.’
Num 13:2:There Jehovah spoke to Moses and said,
Num 13:4:So, following Jehovah’s instructions, Moses chose leaders from the sons of Israel and sent them out from the Desert of Pharan.
Num 14:3:‘We would rather have died in the land of Egypt than in this desert! Why is Jehovah bringing us to this land just to be killed in war, and our wives and children to serve as prey? It would be better for us to return to Egypt!’
Num 14:8:And if Jehovah has chosen us, He will bring us into this land and give it to us – a land that flows with milk and honey.
Num 14:9:So, don’t leave Jehovah, and don’t be afraid of the people in that land, because they are just meat for us. Their time has ended, for Jehovah is with us. So don’t be afraid!’
Num 14:10:Then all the people started throwing rocks at them. [And suddenly] the glory of Jehovah appeared in the cloud over the Tent of Proofs before all the children of Israel.
Num 14:11:And Jehovah said to Moses, ‘How much longer will these people continue to anger Me, and how much longer will they refuse to believe Me after all the signs I’ve given them?
Num 14:14:Also, the people who live in this land have heard that You are their Lord, that You are with these people, and that You, O Jehovah, have been seen face to face! Why, Your cloud rests upon them, and You lead them each day in a column of clouds and by a column of fire all night long.
Num 14:16:Because Jehovah couldn’t bring His people into the land that He swore to give them, He has [killed] them in the desert!
Num 14:18:Jehovah is patient, merciful, and true. He removes mistakes, errors, and sins. He will never acquit the guilty, but will bring the sins of fathers on their children for three or four generations.
Num 14:20:Then Jehovah replied to Moses: ‘I will be [patient] with them as you’ve asked.
Num 14:21:For as I live, and as My Name is living, the glory of Jehovah must fill the whole earth.
Num 14:26:Then Jehovah spoke to both Moses and Aaron and said,
Num 14:28:So, tell them that Jehovah says, As I live; Whatever I’ve heard you say is exactly what I’m going to do to you.
Num 14:35:For I Jehovah have spoken, and that’s what I will do to this evil gathering that has stood together against Me. You will be totally destroyed and die here in this desert!’
Num 14:37:were struck with a plague from Jehovah and died.
Num 14:40:Then early the next morning, [Moses] stepped up to the top of a hill and said, ‘{Look!} Now those of us who are left are going to travel to the place where Jehovah told us to go, because we have sinned.’
Num 14:41:And Moses asked, ‘Why didn’t you obey the words of Jehovah and prosper?
Num 14:42:Now you can’t [enter the land], because Jehovah isn’t with you; otherwise you will [be cut down] before your enemies.
Num 14:43:For the Amalechites and the CanaAnites stand there before you, and you will be cut down with swords, because you disobeyed Jehovah and turned aside. So, Jehovah will not be among you.’
Num 14:44:Well, they went up to the top of the mountain and tried to force their way [into the land] anyhow, but the Chest of Jehovah’s Sacred Agreement and Moses never left the camp.
Num 15:1:Then Jehovah spoke to Moses and said,
Num 15:3:and offer whole burnt offerings to Jehovah, or offerings to fulfill a vow, or free-will offerings, or feast sacrifices from the herd or flock as a sweet odor to Jehovah,
Num 15:5:and a quart [of wine] as a drink offering with each lamb that you sacrifice as a sweet odor to Jehovah.
Num 15:7:and two quarts of wine as a drink offering, as a sweet odor to Jehovah.
Num 15:8:‘And if you offer a sacrifice from the herd as a whole-burnt offering, or a sacrifice to fulfill a vow, or as a peace offering to Jehovah,
Num 15:10:and three quarts of wine as a drink offering, as a sweet odor to Jehovah.
Num 15:13:All the natives in the country must do this whenever they offer sacrifices as a sweet odor to Jehovah
Num 15:14:whether the person is an alien in your land or someone who was born among you, they must offer [the same] sacrifices as a sweet odor to [Jehovah… everyone among the gathering must offer sacrifices to Jehovah!
Num 15:15:There must be just one law for you and for the aliens who live among you. It is a law through the ages and throughout your generations that the aliens must act as you do before Jehovah.
Num 15:17:Then Jehovah spoke to Moses and said,
Num 15:19:and you start eating bread from the land, you must set aside a special wave-offering to Jehovah from the first fruitage of your dough.
Num 15:21:as the first fruitage of your dough – and give it to Jehovah as a wave offering throughout your generations.
Num 15:22:‘Now, if you should fail to follow all these commandments that Jehovah gave to Moses,
Num 15:23:and which Moses has been telling you since the day that Jehovah selected you, and on through your generations,
Num 15:24:and if an error is committed by mistake and without the knowledge of the gathering, then the whole gathering must offer a perfect calf from the herd as a whole-burnt offering and as a sweet odor to Jehovah, along with food and drink offerings (according to the rules), and one goat kid as a sin offering.
Num 15:25:Then the Priest must make payment for the sins of the entire gathering of the children of Israel, and they will be forgiven, because it was a mistake, and they have brought their gift as a burnt-offering to Jehovah for their error and involuntary sin.
Num 15:31:For when he disregards the Word of Jehovah and breaks His Laws, that person must be found guilty of sin and destroyed.’
Num 15:35:But thereafter, Jehovah spoke to Moses and said, ‘The man must absolutely be put to death by the entire gathering. Stone him with rocks!’
Num 15:36:So the entire gathering dragged him outside the camp and stoned him with rocks, just as Jehovah had commanded Moses.
Num 15:37:Then Jehovah spoke to Moses and said,
Num 15:39:Then, whenever they look at these fringes, they must think of all the Commandments of Jehovah and remember to obey them, instead of turning back and following the immoral things of their imaginations.
Num 15:41:for I am Jehovah, the God who brought them out of the land of Egypt to be their God… I am Jehovah your God!’
Num 16:3:They came up against Moses and Aaron, and said, ‘That’s enough of you! Why, the whole gathering of Israel is holy, and Jehovah is among them; so why have you set yourselves up over the gathering of Jehovah?’
Num 16:7:and put fire and incense in them to stand before Jehovah tomorrow. Then we will let Jehovah choose who will be holy. And may this settle the matter, you sons of Levi.’
Num 16:15:Well, this upset Moses, and he said to Jehovah, ‘Don’t accept their sacrifices, because I haven’t taken anything that they want away from them, nor have I harmed any of them.’
Num 16:16:Then Moses told KorAh, ‘Be sure that your whole group is holy, then get them ready to stand before Jehovah with Aaron tomorrow.
Num 16:17:Each man must bring his censer, then you must each put incense in them and carry the censers before Jehovah… two hundred and fifty censers in all. Then you and Aaron must also bring your censers.’
Num 16:19:There KorAh and his group stood defiantly as the glory of Jehovah appeared to the whole gathering.
Num 16:20:Then Jehovah spoke to Moses and Aaron and said,
Num 16:23:And Jehovah spoke to Moses and said,
Num 16:28:Then Moses said, ‘Now you will know that; when Jehovah sent me to do these things, it wasn’t on my own.
Num 16:29:If these men just die a natural death, and if what happens to them is the same as what happens to all men, then Jehovah hasn’t sent me.
Num 16:30:But if Jehovah brings a miracle and the earth opens her mouth and swallows them, their homes, their tents, and everything that belongs to them, and they go down into their graves alive, then you must know that these men have angered Jehovah!’
Num 16:35:Then fire came from Jehovah and it consumed the two hundred and fifty men who were offering the incense.
Num 16:36:Thereafter, Jehovah spoke to
Num 16:38:[and use them as a sign against] those sinners and against their lives. Beat [the metal] into plates to cover the Altar, for these [censors] were brought before Jehovah as holy, so they must be used as a sign to the children of Israel!’
Num 16:40:This was to serve as a reminder to the children of Israel that no one other than the seed of Aaron might come close to offer incense before Jehovah, so what happened to KorAh and those who conspired with him doesn’t happen to them. [And he did just] as Jehovah told him through Moses.
Num 16:41:Well, the next day, the people started grumbling against Moses and Aaron again, and they shouted, ‘You’ve killed the people of Jehovah!’
Num 16:42:Then a mob gathered against Moses and Aaron, and they foolishly ran into the Tent of Proofs. And at that, the cloud covered it and the glory of Jehovah appeared!
Num 16:44:and Jehovah spoke to Moses and Aaron and said,
Num 16:46:and Moses said to Aaron, ‘Take a censer, put some fire from the Altar and some incense in it, and quickly carry it into the camp to pay for their sins. Because, Jehovah’s rage has come upon us and He is already destroying the people!’
Num 17:1:Then Jehovah spoke to Moses and said,
Num 17:7:Then Moses laid the walking sticks before Jehovah inside the Tent of Proofs.
Num 17:9:Then Moses carried all the walking sticks that were before Jehovah out before the sons of Israel for them to see, and each [of the leaders] took his walking stick.
Num 17:10:And Jehovah told Moses, ‘Now, place Aaron’s walking stick among the Proofs and keep it as a sign for these disobedient children. Then tell them to stop grumbling to Me, so they don’t die!’
Num 17:11:And that’s what Moses and Aaron did… they did just as Jehovah commanded Moses.
Num 17:13:Why, everyone who touches the Tent of Jehovah dies, so are we now going to be totally destroyed?’
Num 18:1:Then Jehovah spoke to Aaron and told him, ‘You, your sons, and your [tribe] will be guilty of any sins against the holy things, and you and your sons [are responsible for] your Priesthood.
Num 18:8:Then Jehovah told Aaron: ‘Look, I have given you all the instructions regarding the first fruitage of everything that is to be made perfect for Me by the children of Israel. This is an honor for you and your descendants, and it is a law through the ages
Num 18:12:All the first offerings of oil, wine, grain, and whatever else they may offer to Jehovah, is yours.
Num 18:13:All the first fruitage of the land – whatever is offered to Jehovah – must belong to you, and anyone in your home who is clean may eat them.
Num 18:15:Whatever they bring to Jehovah, whether man or animal – everything that opens a womb – must be yours. However, the first-born of men and the first-born of unclean animals must be paid for.
Num 18:17:However, you must not pay for the first-born calves, sheep, and goats, because they are holy. You must pour their blood on the Altar, and offer the fat as a burnt offering and a sweet odor to Jehovah.
Num 18:19:All the special offerings of holy things – whatever the children of Israel offer as special to Jehovah – I have given to you, your sons, and your daughters who live with you. This is a rule through the ages. It is a Sacred Agreement of salt through the ages between Me, you, and your seed that descends from you.’
Num 18:20:Then Jehovah told Aaron: ‘You aren’t going to receive an inheritance in that land, nor may you own any part of it, for I am your portion and your inheritance in the midst of the children of Israel.
Num 18:24:because I have given the Levites the tithes of the children of Israel as their inheritance… everything that is offered to Jehovah. That is why I am telling them that they are to receive no inheritance among the children of Israel.’
Num 18:25:Then Jehovah spoke to Moses and said,
Num 18:26:‘Speak to the Levites and tell them that when they receive the tithes from the children of Israel that I am giving them as their inheritance, they must set aside a tenth of the tithe as a wave offering to Jehovah.
Num 18:28:They must set this portion aside from all tithe offerings to Jehovah and everything else that they receive from the children of Israel, and give My offerings to Aaron the Priest.
Num 18:29:This includes a portion of all gifts that are given as offerings to Jehovah and all the first fruitage.
Num 19:1:Then Jehovah spoke to Moses and Aaron and said,
Num 19:2:‘This is a commandment of the Law that Jehovah has given you: Speak to the sons of Israel and tell them to bring you a perfect unspotted red heifer that has never worn a yoke,
Num 19:13:Also, anyone who touches the carcass of a man who has died and doesn’t get purified, will dirty the Tent of Jehovah, so that person must be cut off from Israel, because; if the cleansing water isn’t sprinkled on him, he is unclean and will remain unclean.
Num 19:20:‘Any man who has become unclean and chooses not to purify himself must be cut off from among the gathering, because he has dirtied the holy things of Jehovah… if the cleansing water hasn’t been sprinkled on him, he remains unclean.
Num 20:3:and they started shouting at Moses, saying, ‘We would rather have died when our brothers were destroyed before Jehovah!
Num 20:4:Why have you brought the gathering of Jehovah into this desert… to kill us along with our cattle?
Num 20:6:Then Moses and Aaron went to the entrance of the Tent of Proofs and stood before the people, and [they both] fell to their faces. Then the glory of Jehovah appeared to them,
Num 20:9:So Moses took his walking stick that was there before Jehovah, just as Jehovah had commanded him,
Num 20:12:Then Jehovah said to Moses and Aaron, ‘Because you didn’t believe Me enough to mention Me before the children of Israel, you won’t be allowed to lead this gathering into the land that I have given them.
Num 20:13:This is the Water of Rebellion, because it’s where the children of Israel spoke rebelliously before Jehovah; yet I remained holy among them.’
Num 20:16:Well, when we called out to Jehovah, He heard our voice and sent His messenger who brought us out of Egypt.And now we are in the city of Cades, at the edge of your land,
Num 20:23:It was while they were at Mount Or (on the border of the land of Edom) that Jehovah spoke to Moses and Aaron, and said:
Num 20:27:So Moses did just as Jehovah commanded him. He took them up Mont Or before the whole gathering,
Num 21:2:Then Israel swore a vow to Jehovah, saying, ‘If You will hand them over to us, we will dedicate them and their cities to You.’
Num 21:3:So Jehovah heard what [the people of] Israel said, and gave the CanaAnites into their hands. They [destroyed] them and their cities, and they started calling that place the Cursed.
Num 21:6:So, Jehovah sent poisonous snakes among them that bit [many] people, and quite a few of the children of Israel died.
Num 21:7:And then the people went to Moses and said, ‘We have sinned, for we have spoken against Jehovah and against you. Please pray to Jehovah and [ask] Him to take these snakes away from us!’
Num 21:8:So Moses prayed to Jehovah for the people, and Jehovah told Moses, ‘Make a snake and raise it as a sign. Then, whenever a snake bites someone, they can look at [this sign] and they will live.’
Num 21:14:And that’s why it was written about ZoOb (in the book of the Wars of Jehovah) that, ‘The dry river beds of Arnon were set on fire,
Num 21:16:It was there that they came to a well, and Jehovah said, ‘I have given this well to Moses; so gather the people and I will give them water to drink.’
Num 21:34:Then Jehovah told Moses: ‘Don’t be afraid of him, for I am putting him, his people, and his land into your hands. Now, do to him as you did to Seon the king of the Amorites who lived in Hesh-Eboneh.’
Num 22:18:But BalaAm answered Balak’s leaders in these words: ‘If Balak were to give me his house full of silver and gold, I still wouldn’t be able to violate the words of God Jehovah and do anything good or anything bad, for I know [this is wrong].
Num 22:24:Then Jehovah’s messenger went and stood in the Avenue of Vines, which had a fence on both sides.
Num 22:26:Then Jehovah’s messenger went ahead and stood in a narrow place where it was impossible to turn either right or left.
Num 22:31:And at that, God opened BalaAm’s eyes so he could see the messenger of Jehovah standing in the way with his sword in his hand. So he prostrated himself and bowed to his face.
Num 22:34:Well at that, BalaAm said to Jehovah’s messenger, ‘I have sinned! I didn’t realize that you were standing in our way. So, if it displeases you for me to go on, I will turn back.’
Num 22:35:Then Jehovah’s messenger told BalaAm: ‘Go on with these men! However, make sure that whatever I tell you is what you will tell them!’ So, BalaAm traveled on with Balak’s rulers.
Num 23:17:So he returned to Balak, who was standing next to his whole-burnt sacrifice, along with all the leaders of Moab. And Balak asked, ‘What did Jehovah say?’
Num 23:21:There must be no trouble in Jacob, Nor may sorrow be seen within Israel; For Jehovah their God is with them, And the glory of kings is among them.
Num 25:3:So, Israel had become totally devoted to Beel Phegor, which made Jehovah very angry with them.
Num 25:4:And as the result, Jehovah told Moses: ‘Take all the leaders, then lay them out in the sunlight before Jehovah to make examples of them, so His anger will turn away from Israel!’
Num 25:10:Then Jehovah spoke to Moses and said,
Num 25:16:Then Jehovah spoke to Moses and said, ‘Tell the children of Israel
Num 26:1:Well, after the plague, Jehovah spoke to Moses and EliEzer (the Priest) and said,
Num 26:4:and counted all [the soldiers] who were twenty years old and older, just as Jehovah had commanded Moses. And these are the [family lines] of Israel that came out of Egypt:
Num 26:9:and his sons, NamuEl, Dathan, and AbiRam. [Dathan and AbiRam] were the famous men among the gathering who joined KorAh in opposing Moses and Aaron, and rebelling against Jehovah.
Num 26:52:Then Jehovah spoke to Moses and said,
Num 26:61:but Nadab and AbiUd died when they offered unauthorized fire to Jehovah while they were in the Sinai Desert.
Num 26:65:for Jehovah told them that they were going to die in the desert, and none were left except Caleb (the son of JePhonNe) and JoShua (the son of NaWeh).
Num 27:3:‘Our father died in the desert, but he wasn’t among those in the gathering who rebelled against Jehovah by joining with KorAh. Rather, he died for his own sin… and he had no sons. [Please] don’t allow the name of our father to be blotted out from among his people just because he had no sons. Give us an inheritance among our father’s brothers!’
Num 27:4:So, Moses brought their case before Jehovah.
Num 27:5:Then Jehovah spoke to Moses and said,
Num 27:11:And if his father has no brothers, you must give the inheritance to the nearest relative in his tribe.’ These were the laws concerning the inheritance of possessions among the children of Israel that Jehovah gave to Moses.
Num 27:12:Then Jehovah told Moses: ‘Go to the Mountain in the country beyond the Jordan (Mount Nabau) and gaze upon the land CanaAn, which I am giving to the sons of Israel.
Num 27:15:Then Moses said to Jehovah:
Num 27:16:‘May Jehovah, the God of all that is breath and all that is flesh, provide a man who will watch over this gathering.
Num 27:17:Don’t leave the gathering of Jehovah as sheep without a shepherd, but [assign someone] to travel before them as their leader, who will lead them in and lead them out.’
Num 27:18:And Jehovah said to Moses, ‘Choose and lay your hands on JoShua, the son of NaWeh, for he’s a man who has [God’s] Breath upon him.
Num 27:21:Then he must stand alongside EliEzer the Priest, and whenever they come before Jehovah to ask for the judgments of the Revelation, they must do whatever he says… they must follow his instructions and the entire gathering of the children of Israel must unite behind him!’
Num 27:22:So Moses did just as Jehovah commanded him… he took JoShua and stood him before EliEzer the Priest and the entire gathering.
Num 27:23:Then he laid his hands on him and gave him his appointment, just as Jehovah ordered Moses.
Num 28:1:Then Jehovah spoke to Moses and said,
Num 28:6:This whole-burnt offering is to be sacrificed through the ages as a sweet-smelling odor to Jehovah, just as it was offered on Mount Sinai.
Num 28:7:[They must also bring] a drink offering – a quart for each lamb – and pour it out in the holy place as an offering to Jehovah.
Num 28:8:‘As for the second lamb, the one that is to be [sacrificed] in the evening; it should also be presented along with a food offering and a drink offering, as a sweet-smelling odor to Jehovah.
Num 28:11:‘And on each New Moon they must bring a whole-burnt offering to Jehovah, consisting of two calves from the herd, one ram, seven perfect yearling lambs,
Num 28:13:and a quart of fine flour mixed with oil for each lamb, as food offerings and as a sweet-smelling odor to Jehovah.
Num 28:15:Also, one goat kid must be brought to Jehovah as a sin offering, in addition to the regular whole-burnt offerings and drink offerings.
Num 28:16:‘Then on the fourteenth day of the first month [they must celebrate] the Passover to Jehovah.
Num 28:19:Thereafter, these whole-burnt offerings must be sacrificed to Jehovah: two calves from the herd, one ram, seven yearling lambs (which must all be perfect),
Num 28:24:seven days a week, as a gift and a sweet-smelling odor to Jehovah, along with a drink offering.
Num 28:26:‘Also, the day when the new grain is offered to Jehovah must be a holy day of rest, during which they may do no hard labor.
Num 28:27:And these whole-burnt offerings must be brought as a sweet-smelling odor to Jehovah: two calves from the herd, one ram, and seven perfect lambs,
Num 29:2:Then you must offer these whole burnt offerings as a sweet odor to Jehovah: one calf from the herd, one ram, and seven perfect yearling lambs.
Num 29:6:This is in addition to the whole-burnt offerings for the New Moon Festival and their food and drink offerings, and the regular whole-burnt offerings, with their food and drink offerings (according to their laws), which must be offered as a sweet-smelling odor to Jehovah.
Num 29:8:Then you must bring these whole-burnt offerings as a sweet-smelling odor to Jehovah: one calf from the herd, one ram, and seven yearling lambs, each of which must be to perfect.
Num 29:11:You must also bring a goat kid as a sin offering, to pay for your sins. All of this is in addition to the other sin offerings, and the regular whole-burnt offerings, along with their food and drink offerings (according to their laws), which must be offered as a sweet odor and as a burnt sacrifice to Jehovah.
Num 29:12:‘And the fifteenth day of the seventh month must also be a holy day of rest during which you must do no hard labor, for you are to hold a feast to Jehovah for the next seven days.
Num 29:13:And you must bring these whole-burnt offerings as a sacrifice and as a sweet odor to Jehovah: On the first day you must bring thirteen calves from the herd, two rams, and fourteen yearling lambs, which must all be perfect.
Num 29:36:And you must bring one calf, one ram, and seven perfect yearling lambs as whole-burnt-offering sacrifices to Jehovah.
Num 29:39:‘These are the things that you must offer to Jehovah during your feasts, in addition to those that you offer in your vows as free-will offerings, and as your whole burnt offerings, food offerings, drink offerings, and your peace offerings.’
Num 30:1:So Moses spoke to the children of Israel and told them everything that Jehovah had commanded.
Num 30:2:Then Moses spoke to the heads of the tribes of the children of Israel and said, ‘This is what Jehovah has commanded:
Num 30:3:Whenever a man makes a vow to Jehovah, or swears an oath, or accepts a responsibility, he must not break his word… he must do whatever he says!
Num 30:4:‘And the same is true of a woman. She must do whatever she vows to Jehovah. If she says that she will do something while she is young and still living in her father’s house, and her father hears her say it – as long as he doesn’t disagree with her making [such a vow] – then all her vows must be fulfilled,
Num 30:6:However, if her father forbids [her vow] (or any other obligation that she agrees to) on the same day that he hears it, then she isn’t bound to it, and Jehovah won’t hold her accountable, because it was forbidden by her father.
Num 30:9:However, if her husband forbids [her vow] (or any other obligation that she agrees to) on the same day that he hears it, then she isn’t bound to it and Jehovah won’t hold her accountable, because it was forbidden by her husband.
Num 30:13:However, if her husband cancelled [her vow] (or any other obligation that she agreed to) on the same day that he hears it, then she isn’t bound to it and Jehovah won’t hold her accountable, because her husband forbade it.
Num 30:17:These were the laws that Jehovah gave to Moses regarding a man and his wife, and regarding a father and his young daughter who is still living in his home.
Num 31:1:Then Jehovah spoke to Moses and said,
Num 31:3:So, Moses spoke to the people and said, ‘Arm yourselves, then stand before Jehovah in battle lines and [prepare yourselves] to bring Jehovah’s vengeance upon Midian…
Num 31:7:Then they arranged themselves in battle lines against Midian just as Jehovah had commanded Moses, and they destroyed them.
Num 31:16:They were the ones [who listened to] BalaAm and misled the children of Israel by inciting their revolt and by teaching them to despise the word of Jehovah at Phogor; and that’s why Jehovah sent a plague on the gathering!
Num 31:21:Then EliEzer (the Priest) told the men from the army who had just returned from battle, ‘This is what the Law that Jehovah gave to Moses says:
Num 31:25:Then Jehovah spoke to Moses and said,
Num 31:28:And as a tribute to Jehovah from the warriors that went out to battle, take one out of every five hundred of the people, oxen, sheep, and burros, and
Num 31:29:give them to EliEzer the Priest as the first fruits of Jehovah.
Num 31:30:Then from among those things that are given to the children of Israel, you should take one out of fifty of the people, oxen, sheep, and burros, and give them to the Levites who teach at the Tent of Jehovah.’
Num 31:31:So, Moses and EliEzer (the Priest) did as Jehovah commanded Moses.
Num 31:37:six hundred and seventy-five sheep as a tribute to Jehovah.
Num 31:38:And of their thirty-six thousand oxen, they gave seventy-two as a tribute to Jehovah;
Num 31:39:of their thirty thousand five hundred burros, they gave sixty-one as a tribute to Jehovah;
Num 31:40:and of the sixteen thousand people, they gave thirty-two of them as a tribute to Jehovah.
Num 31:41:Then Moses presented all the tributes as a wave offering to Jehovah God, [and it was given] to EliEzer the Priest (just as Jehovah had commanded Moses)
Num 31:47:And from their half, Moses took a fiftieth of the people and cattle, and gave them to the Levites who teach at the Tent of Jehovah, as Jehovah had commanded Moses.
Num 31:50:And those of us who found things that were made of gold, such as armlets, chains, rings, bracelets, and hair clasps, have brought them as our gift to Jehovah, to pay for our sins.’
Num 31:52:and [they found that] the gold the captains of thousands and of hundreds offered to Jehovah was worth sixteen thousand, seven hundred and fifty silver coins.
Num 31:54:Then Moses and EliEzer (the Priest) took all the gold items that the captains of thousands and hundreds contributed, and placed them in the Tent of Proofs, as a reminder to the children of Israel, there in front of Jehovah.
Num 32:4:which Jehovah has delivered into the hands of the children of Israel, is pasture land, and we (your servants) have many cattle.
Num 32:7:Why are you twisting the minds of the children of Israel by encouraging them not to cross into the land that Jehovah is giving them?
Num 32:9:For, after they went into the Valley of Grape Clusters as spies, they twisted the hearts of the children of Israel, so that they didn’t want to enter the land that Jehovah gave them.
Num 32:10:And this made Jehovah very angry, so He swore and said,
Num 32:13:‘And because Jehovah was so angry with Israel, He made them wander in the desert for forty years, until the whole generation that did this evil thing before Him was gone.
Num 32:14:Now {Look!} you’re following in the footsteps of your fathers and you have allied yourselves as sinful people to make Jehovah even angrier against Israel,
Num 32:20:So Moses said to them, ‘If you do everything you’re saying… if you arm yourselves and march in battle before Jehovah,
Num 32:22:and the land is settled before you return home, you will be free of guilt before Jehovah, and this land can be yours.
Num 32:23:But if you don’t do that, you will sin against Jehovah and you will see the results of your sin when bad things happen to you.
Num 32:27:And after that, we will march ahead [of Israel], all armed and ready for battle before Jehovah, as you said.’
Num 32:29:He said, ‘If the sons of Reuben and Gad cross the Jordan armed and ready for war before Jehovah and help conquer the land before you, then you must give them the land of GalaAd as theirs.
Num 32:31:And the sons of Reuben and Gad answered, ‘We will do whatever Jehovah tells his servants.
Num 32:32:We will arm ourselves and march into the land of CanaAn before Jehovah, and you must give us our inheritance on this side of the Jordan.’
Num 33:2:For, following the instructions of Jehovah, Moses wrote down the places that they moved to and where they stayed. So, here are the stages of their journey:
Num 33:4:since the Egyptians were burying all the dead that Jehovah had struck down – all the firstborn in the land of Egypt – and He also brought vengeance on their gods.
Num 33:38:It was there at Mount Or that Aaron the Priest climbed the mountain, following Jehovah’s instructions, and died there on the first day of the fifth month, forty years after they left the land of Egypt.
Num 33:50:And it was there that Jehovah spoke to Moses (west of Moab by the Jordan River, close to Jericho) and said,
Num 34:1:Then Jehovah spoke to Moses and said,
Num 34:13:Then Moses gave the children of Israel these instructions. He said: ‘This is the land that you’re going to inherit by lottery, as Jehovah commanded it to be given to the nine tribes and the half tribe of ManasSeh,
Num 34:16:And Jehovah told Moses,
Num 34:29:These were the ones that Jehovah command to do the distributing to the children of Israel in the land of CanaAn.
Num 35:1:Then Jehovah spoke to Moses by the Jordan River near Jericho (west of Moab) and said,
Num 35:9:Then Jehovah spoke to Moses and said,
Num 35:34:You must not dirty the land where you are living and where I am living among you, for I am Jehovah, and I live in the midst of the children of Israel.’
Num 36:2:They said, ‘Jehovah commanded our lord to assign the land that the children of Israel will inherit by lottery. Then Jehovah told our lord to give our brother SalpaAd’s inheritance to his daughters.
Num 36:5:So, following Jehovah’s instructions, Moses told the children of Israel, ‘In accordance with [the request of] the tribe of the children of Joseph,
Num 36:6:this is what Jehovah has said concerning the daughters of SalpaAd: They may marry wherever they please, but they may only marry among their father’s tribe,
Num 36:10:So, the daughters of SalpaAd did just as Jehovah commanded Moses.
Num 36:13:These are the commandments, laws, and decisions that Jehovah gave to Moses west of Moab, by the Jordan River, near Jericho.
Deut 1:3:It was the first day of the eleventh month of the fortieth year that Moses spoke to the children of Israel, and [he recounted] all the instructions that Jehovah had given Him concerning them.
Deut 1:6:‘It was while we were at Mount Horeb that Jehovah your God spoke to us and said, You have lived on this mountain long enough.
Deut 1:10:for Jehovah your God has made you grow. Look! There are now so many of you… like the stars in the sky in numbers!
Deut 1:11:For, Jehovah the God of your ancestors has made you grow a thousand-times more, and He blest you and He spoke to you.
Deut 1:19:‘Then we left the Dry Place (Horeb) and traveled through that great and terrible desert; and (as Jehovah our God instructed us) you saw all the land from the mountains of the Amorites to Kadesh Barne.
Deut 1:21:{Look!} Jehovah your God has given you all the land that lies before you. So, go there and inherit it. And as Jehovah the God of your ancestors said to you, don’t be afraid!
Deut 1:25:Then they took some of the fruit of the land and brought it back to you, and they said, The land that Jehovah our God is giving us is good!
Deut 1:26:‘However, you refused to enter it and you rebelled against the words of our God Jehovah.
Deut 1:27:Then you went back to your tents and started complaining, saying, Jehovah hates us, because he has brought us out of the land of Egypt just to put us into the hands of the Amorites who will destroy us!
Deut 1:30:because Jehovah your God is traveling before you and He will fight them with you… and He will win, just as He did for you in the land of Egypt!
Deut 1:31:Why, you’ve seen this happen [many times] while you were in this desert on the way to the mountains of the Amorites… Jehovah your God has carried you as dearly as any man could nurse his child during all your travels coming to this place.
Deut 1:32:‘But you didn’t believe Jehovah your God,
Deut 1:34:‘And when Jehovah heard the things you were saying, He became very angry. So He swore and said,
Deut 1:36:except Caleb (the son of JephonNe)… he will see it and I will give this land that he traveled to, to him and his sons, because he did what Jehovah said.
Deut 1:37:‘Then Jehovah became angry with me because of you. For he told me, You won’t enter the land either.
Deut 1:41:’But later you said, We have sinned against Jehovah our God. And now we will go there and fight, just as Jehovah our God commanded us. So everyone grabbed his weapons of war and assembled to go back to the mountain.
Deut 1:42:‘But Jehovah said to me, Tell them not to go and fight, because I’m not with them. Their enemies will destroy them!
Deut 1:43:‘So I told you, but you wouldn’t listen to me! You disobeyed Jehovah’s Commandments and you forced your way up the mountain.
Deut 1:45:And then you sat down and bawled before our God Jehovah, but He wouldn’t listen to you or pay any attention to you.
Deut 2:1:‘Then we turned left and [traveled] through the desert, following the Red Sea, just as Jehovah told me, and we circled Mount Seir for many days.
Deut 2:2:And finally, Jehovah said to me:
Deut 2:7:‘Yet, Jehovah our God has blest you in everything that you’ve done. Just think of how you went through that great and terrible desert. {Look!} During those forty years under Jehovah your God, you haven’t lacked anything!
Deut 2:9:It was then that Jehovah said to me, Don’t argue with the Moabites and don’t war against them, for I won’t give you their land as an inheritance, since I have given AroEr to the children of Lot as their inheritance.
Deut 2:12:The ChorRhites also lived in Seir before the sons of Esau destroyed them and wiped them out; and then they took possession of the land, as Israel will take possession of the land that Jehovah is giving them as an inheritance.
Deut 2:14:And we spent the next thirty-eight years traveling between Kadesh Barne and the Zaret Valley, until the whole generation of the men of war had died (as Jehovah God swore to them).
Deut 2:15:For, it was the hand of Jehovah that destroyed them from among the camp, until they were all gone.
Deut 2:17:that Jehovah spoke to me and said,
Deut 2:21:They were once a great nation. They had more people and they were mightier than you are (as were the Enakim). But Jehovah destroyed them and [the AmMonites] inherited the land, where they live to this day,
Deut 2:29:as we did with the sons of Esau who lived in Seir, and with the Moabites who lived in AroEr, until we reach the Jordan and the land that Jehovah our God is giving us.
Deut 2:30:‘But Seon (the king of Hesh-Eboneh) wouldn’t allow us to pass through his land, because Jehovah our God hardened his spirit and gave him a stubborn heart, so he would be delivered into our hands that day.
Deut 2:31:Jehovah said to me, Look! I’m putting Seon (the Amorite king of Hesh-Eboneh) and his land into your hands. Now inherit his land!
Deut 2:33:But our God Jehovah handed him over to us and we cut them all down (him, his sons, and all of his people).
Deut 2:36:And all the way from AroEr (which lies at the edge of the brook of Arnon, and its city in the valley) to Mount Gilead, there was not a town that escaped us. Jehovah our God gave them all into our hands.
Deut 2:37:However, following Jehovah’s instructions, we didn’t go near the children of Amman or even close to its border at the Jaboc Brook and their cities in the mountains.’
Deut 3:2:And Jehovah said to me, Don’t be afraid of him, because I’m giving him, all his people, and all of his land into your hands. So, do to him as you did to Seon, the king of the Amorites who lived in Hesh-Eboneh.
Deut 3:3:‘And Jehovah our God did give him into our hands, as well as all of his people. We cut them down until none of his seed was left,
Deut 3:18:‘And at that time, I told [the men of the tribes of Reuben, Gad, and the half-tribe of ManasSeh] that Jehovah their God had given them this land by lottery, and that all the mighty [men] should then arm themselves and march ahead of their brothers, the children of Israel.
Deut 3:20:until Jehovah our God provides their brothers a haven (as He has given them) and they inherit the land that Jehovah is giving them on the other side of Jordan… when each one has his own inheritance.
Deut 3:21:‘That’s when I told JoShua: You have seen everything that Jehovah our God did to these two kings, and that’s what He’s going to do to all the kingdoms that you are crossing over to there.
Deut 3:22:So, you must not be afraid of them, because Jehovah our God will fight for you.
Deut 3:23:‘Then I went to Jehovah and asked,
Deut 3:26:‘But Jehovah replied, Because you didn’t show respect or listen to Me, don’t ask Me about this anymore.
Deut 4:1:‘And now, O Israel; Listen to the rules and decisions – everything that I’m going to teach you today – so that you can live, grow, and inherit the land that Jehovah the God of your ancestors is giving you.
Deut 4:2:And don’t add anything to or take anything away from these Commandments that I’m giving you… obey the Commandments of Jehovah our God and do everything that I’m commanding you today!
Deut 4:3:‘Why, you’ve seen everything that Jehovah our God did to the men [who started worshiping] Beel Phegor. Jehovah destroyed them all from among you…
Deut 4:5:‘{Look} I’ve shown you the rules and decisions, just as Jehovah gave them to me, so you may follow them in the land that you’re traveling to and which you will inherit.
Deut 4:7:‘Why, what other nation is so great that they have a God as close to them as Jehovah our God is [to us], so that we may call to Him about everything?
Deut 4:10:the things that happened when you gathered before Jehovah our God at Horeb… when Jehovah said to me, Gather the people to Me and have them listen to My words, so they can learn to fear Me for as long as they live in the land, and then teach this to their sons.
Deut 4:12:Then Jehovah spoke to you from the midst of the fire with a voice and words that you heard… and although you saw no shape, you heard the voice.
Deut 4:14:‘And then Jehovah commanded me to teach you His rules and decisions, so you should obey them in the land that you’re going to inherit.
Deut 4:15:Now, keep them in your hearts, for you’ve never seen another day like the one when Jehovah spoke to you on Mount Horeb from the midst of the fire!
Deut 4:19:or look up in the sky and see the sun, moon, stars, or any of the other heavenly bodies that Jehovah your God provided to all the nations under heaven – and then go off and worship and serve them.
Deut 4:21:‘Then Jehovah God became angry with me over things that you said, and He swore that I wouldn’t cross the Jordan and enter the land that He’s giving to you as an inheritance.
Deut 4:23:‘Now, pay attention to yourselves and don’t forget the Sacred Agreement that Jehovah our God made with you. Don’t sin and carve images of any of the things that Jehovah your God told you not to do.
Deut 4:24:For Jehovah your God is zealous, and He can be a consuming fire.
Deut 4:25:‘Then, after you have fathered sons then grown old and had grandchildren; if you sin and carve images of things and start acting wickedly toward Jehovah your God and anger Him;
Deut 4:27:Then Jehovah will scatter you among all the nations and you will become the minority among all the [people] wherever Jehovah sends you.
Deut 4:29:‘But if you search for Jehovah your God there, you’ll find Him. For, whenever you are oppressed and you search for Him with all your hearts and souls, [you will find Him]…
Deut 4:30:and that’s what will happen to you in the last days. Then you must turn to Jehovah your God and listen to His voice,
Deut 4:31:because Jehovah your God is also a God of pity, so He won’t forget the Sacred Agreement that He promised to your ancestors, and He won’t leave you or destroy you.
Deut 4:34:What [other] nation has God elevated and taken as His own with trials, signs, wonders, and war (with His mighty hand and mighty arm)… with all these great things that we saw Jehovah our God do in Egypt?
Deut 4:35:So, you should know that Jehovah your God is The God, and that there is none other than Him!
Deut 4:39:‘So, recognize all of this and consider it in your hearts. For, Jehovah your God is the God of heaven above and the earth below, and there are no others!
Deut 4:40:And if you keep His Commandments and rules – all that I’m giving you today – it will go well for you and your descendants, and you may live on the land that Jehovah your God is giving you for a long time… for ages.’
Deut 5:2:For, Jehovah your God made a Sacred Agreement with you at the Dry Place (Horeb).
Deut 5:4:Jehovah spoke to you face to face at the mountain from the midst of the fire.
Deut 5:5:And I stood between Jehovah and you at that time, and reported the words of Jehovah to you, because you were afraid of the fire and you didn’t want to get close to the mountain. And [there He] said:
Deut 5:6:I am Jehovah your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt and out of the house of slavery.
Deut 5:9:You must not bow before them or serve them, for I, Jehovah your God, am a zealous God, and I bring the sins of the ancestors upon the children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren of those who hate Me.
Deut 5:11:You must not misuse the Name of your God Jehovah, for your God Jehovah will not forgive those who misuse His Name.
Deut 5:12:Keep the Sabbath day and make it holy, as Jehovah your God commanded you.
Deut 5:14:but the seventh day is the Sabbath of your God Jehovah, and you must do no work… not you, your sons or daughters, your male or female servants, your oxen, your burros, any of your cattle, or any converts that are visiting among you. Both you and your servants must rest.
Deut 5:15:For, remember that you were once slaves in the land of Egypt, then Jehovah your God brought you out of there with His strong hand and mighty arm. So, Jehovah has instructed you to keep the Sabbath and to make it holy.
Deut 5:16:Honor your father and mother, as Jehovah your God commanded you, so that things may go well for you and that you may live a long time in the land that Jehovah your God is giving you.
Deut 5:22:‘These are the words that Jehovah spoke to the gathering with a loud voice at the mountain, from the midst of the fire, darkness, blackness, and storms… and He didn’t add any more. He wrote them on two tablets of stone, and then He gave them to me.
Deut 5:24:you said, {Look!} Jehovah our God has shown us His glory and we have heard His voice from the midst of the fire today. We have seen that when God speaks to men we can still live.
Deut 5:25:And now we’re [afraid] that we will die, because this great fire will burn us up and kill us if we listen to the voice of Jehovah our God anymore.
Deut 5:27:So, we want you to go closer and listen to everything that Jehovah our God wishes say, then tell us whatever Jehovah our God says to you and we will all do it!
Deut 5:28:‘And when Jehovah heard what you said to me, He replied: I have heard all the things that these people have said to you, and everything that they’ve said is good.
Deut 5:32:They must pay attention and do as Jehovah their God commands them. They must not turn to the right or to the left,
Deut 5:33:but they must follow the path that Jehovah their God will tell them to walk, so He may provide them rest and things may go well with them; and so that they may live even longer upon the land that they’re going to inherit.’
Deut 6:1:‘These are all the Commandments, rules, and decisions that Jehovah our God gave us and taught you to obey in the land that you will inherit.
Deut 6:2:So, fear Jehovah your God and follow all the rules and Commandments that I’m giving to you, to your sons, and to your grandsons, for as long as you all may live!
Deut 6:3:‘Now listen, O Israel, and obey them, so that things may go well for you, and your [families] will grow, just as Jehovah the God of your ancestors promised that He would do for you when He gives you a land flowing with milk and honey. Yes, these were the rules and decisions that Jehovah gave as Commandments to the children of Israel while they were in the desert, after they left the land of Egypt.
Deut 6:4:[He said], Listen, O Israel; Jehovah our God is [the only] Lord,
Deut 6:10:‘And when Jehovah your God brings you into the land that He promised to your ancestors Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob – that He would give you great and beautiful cities that you won’t build,
Deut 6:12:you must be careful not to forget Jehovah your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt and out of the house of slavery.
Deut 6:13:So, you must fear Jehovah your God and serve only Him! You must stick to Him and swear by His Name.
Deut 6:15:for Jehovah your God (who is among you) is a zealous God. Otherwise, Jehovah your God will be very angry with you and destroy you from the face of the earth.
Deut 6:16:‘You must not test Jehovah your God as you tested Him in the [desert].
Deut 6:18:And you must do everything that is pleasing and good before Jehovah, so that things may go well for you, and so that you may enter and inherit the good land that Jehovah promised to your ancestors,
Deut 6:20:‘Then if your son should ever ask you, What are the words, rules, and decisions that Jehovah our God has given us?
Deut 6:21:You must tell him, We were once slaves to Pharaoh in the land of Egypt; then Jehovah brought us out of there with His strong hand and mighty arm.
Deut 6:22:For, Jehovah performed signs and great miracles for us there in Egypt, before Pharaoh and His house.
Deut 6:24:Then Jehovah taught us to obey all His rules and to fear our God, so things will go well for us through the ages of our lives, down to today.
Deut 6:25:For, Jehovah our God will be merciful to us if we pay attention and obey all these Commandments that He has given us.
Deut 7:1:‘And when Jehovah your God brings you in and gives you the land where you are going, [He] will remove great nations before you – the Hittites, Gergesites, Amorites, CanaAnites, Pherezites, Evites, and Jebusites – seven nations that are larger and stronger than you are.
Deut 7:2:Jehovah your God will give them into your hands and you must cut them down… destroy them! You must not make any treaties with them or feel pity for them,
Deut 7:4:For they will draw your sons away to serve other gods, and Jehovah will be very angry with you and will soon destroy you.
Deut 7:6:for you are a holy people to Jehovah your God, and He chose you to be His people over all the other nations on the face of the earth!
Deut 7:7:‘But Jehovah didn’t prefer and choose you because there are more of you than there are in other nations, for you are smaller than the rest.
Deut 7:9:Therefore, you should know that Jehovah your God is a faithful God who keeps His Sacred Agreements, and that He is merciful to those who love Him and keep His Commandments through thousands of generations.
Deut 7:12:And after you hear them (if you decide to do them), Jehovah your God will keep His Sacred Agreement with you and show the mercy to you that He promised to your ancestors.
Deut 7:13:He will love you, bless you, and make you grow; and He will bless the children who come from you, as well as the fruitage of your [fields] – your grain, wine, oil, herds of oxen, and flocks of sheep – in the land that Jehovah swore to your ancestors that He would give to you.
Deut 7:15:Jehovah your God will also take away all illnesses… He won’t bring any of the terrible diseases that you saw in Egypt upon you, but He will bring them upon all those who hate you.
Deut 7:16:‘Also, you may eat all that you loot from the nations that Jehovah your God is giving you. For you must not spare them, nor may you serve their gods, because that would be a sin!
Deut 7:18:just remember all that Jehovah your God did to Pharaoh and to the Egyptians.
Deut 7:19:For you have seen the great signs, wonders, and the strong hand and mighty arm that Jehovah your God used to bring you out of there, and that’s what He will do to all the nations… they will [shake in] fear when they see you!
Deut 7:20:Jehovah your God will send hornets against them until any who are left and hiding from you are destroyed.
Deut 7:21:Yet, none of you will even be wounded, because Jehovah your God who is among you, is a great and powerful God.
Deut 7:22:‘However, Jehovah your God will destroy these nations a little at a time… you won’t be able to destroy them quickly, otherwise the land would become desert again and there would be too many wild animals in your fields.
Deut 7:23:Yet, Jehovah your God will give them all into your hands, so you must [keep on] destroying them until they are all gone.
Deut 7:25:‘Then you must burn the carved images of their gods in fires. You must not loot their [images] of silver or gold, for that would offend Jehovah your God… because these things are disgusting to Him!
Deut 8:1:‘You must be careful to obey all the Commandments that I’m giving you today, so you can live and grow, then enter and inherit the land that Jehovah your God promised to your ancestors.
Deut 8:2:Don’t forget how Jehovah your God led you through the desert where He tested and tried you in order to show what’s in your hearts… whether you would keep His Commandments or not.
Deut 8:5:‘So, in your hearts you must know that Jehovah your God is disciplining you in the same way that any man should discipline his son.
Deut 8:7:For Jehovah your God will bring you into a large and good land where there are flowing rivers and deep springs that run through the plains and through the mountains.
Deut 8:10:‘Then, when you have eaten and are filled, you must praise Jehovah your God in the good land that He’s giving you.
Deut 8:11:Pay attention to yourselves and don’t forget Jehovah your God or forget His Commandments, decisions, and rules, which I’m giving you today.
Deut 8:14:don’t become proud in your in hearts and forget Jehovah your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt and out of the house of slavery,
Deut 8:18:But you must remember that Jehovah your God is the One who gives you the power to gain your wealth… and this is due to the Sacred Agreement that He swore to your ancestors.
Deut 8:19:‘And if you ever forget Jehovah your God and choose to follow, worship, and serve other gods, then I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you today, that you will be destroyed!
Deut 8:20:For, just as Jehovah is destroying the nations before you, that’s how you will be destroyed if you fail to listen to the voice of your God!’
Deut 9:3:But I want you to know today, that your God Jehovah will go ahead of you. For He is a consuming fire and He will destroy them… He will move them back before you and destroy them quickly, just as He promised.
Deut 9:4:‘Now, after Jehovah your God has destroyed all these nations before you, don’t say in your hearts, Jehovah brought me here to inherit this good land because I’m so righteous.
Deut 9:5:For, it isn’t because of your righteousness or due to the holiness in your hearts that you’re inheriting their land. Rather, it’s because these nation are so wicked that Jehovah will destroy them; and [He’s doing it] so that He may fulfill the Sacred Agreement that He swore to our ancestors, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
Deut 9:6:‘No, it isn’t because of your righteousness that Jehovah your God is giving you this good land as an inheritance, for you are a [rebellious] people.
Deut 9:7:Don’t forget how much you angered Jehovah your God in the desert, starting from the day that you left Egypt until you arrived here, because you have continued to disobey Him!
Deut 9:8:‘[Remember how] you made Jehovah so angry in the dry place (Horeb) that He wanted to destroy you?
Deut 9:9:Why, when I went up the mountain to receive the stone tablets of the Sacred Agreement that Jehovah made with you, I was on the mountain for forty days and forty nights, during which I had nothing to eat or drink.
Deut 9:10:Then Jehovah gave me the two stone tablets that had been written on by the finger of God… all the words that Jehovah said to you on the day that you gathered at the mountain were written on them!
Deut 9:11:‘It was at the end of those forty days and nights that Jehovah gave me the two stone tablets that contained the Sacred Agreement.
Deut 9:13:‘Then Jehovah said to me, As I told you before, I have seen these people and {Look!} they are rebellious.
Deut 9:16:And when I saw that you had sinned against Jehovah your God and made yourselves an idol – something that Jehovah had commanded you not to do –
Deut 9:18:Then I prayed, begging Jehovah, for forty more days and nights. I didn’t eat or drink anything then either, because of all your sins and the evil things that you did before Jehovah God to anger Him.
Deut 9:19:And I was really frightened, because He was so angry with you that He wanted to destroy you! However, Jehovah listened to me one more time.
Deut 9:22:‘You also angered Jehovah at the Burning, at the Temptation, and at the Graves of Greed.
Deut 9:23:And when Jehovah sent you from Kadesh Barne and said, Now go and inherit the land that I am Giving you, you disobeyed Jehovah your God… you didn’t believe Him and your wouldn’t do what He said.
Deut 9:24:Why, you’ve been disobedient to everything that Jehovah has said since the day that you came to know Him!
Deut 9:25:‘So, I prayed to Jehovah for forty days and forty nights… that’s how long I prayed to Jehovah, begging Him not to destroy you!
Deut 9:28:Otherwise, those who live in the land that You took us from will say, It’s just because Jehovah couldn’t bring them into the land He promised to them that He didn’t care for them and carried them away from here to kill them in the desert.
Deut 10:1:‘Then Jehovah said to me, Cut two stone tablets for yourself, like the first ones, then come up to Me on the mountain. Also, make a wooden chest for yourself.
Deut 10:4:And there He wrote the Ten Commandments on the tablets, the same as He did on the first ones (which Jehovah spoke to you about from the midst of the fire on the mountain), and He gave them to me.
Deut 10:5:Then I turned and came down the mountain, and I put the tablets into the chest that I had made, just as Jehovah had commanded me.
Deut 10:8:It was there that Jehovah assigned the tribe of Levi to carry the Chest of Jehovah’s Sacred Agreement and to stand before Jehovah to serve and praise His Name to this day.
Deut 10:9:And from that point on, the Levites were to have no part in the inheritance of their brothers, because (as He told them), Jehovah is their inheritance.
Deut 10:10:‘Well, I stayed on the mountain for forty days and forty nights. And Jehovah listened to me and decided not to destroy you.
Deut 10:12:‘And now, O Israel, what does Jehovah your God require of you other than that you fear Him, walk in His paths, love Him, and serve Him with all your hearts and souls?
Deut 10:13:So, obey the Commandments of your God Jehovah and follow all His rules that I’m telling you today, so things may go well for you.
Deut 10:14:Look into the sky and into the heaven of heavens, for they, the earth, and all things that are in them belong to Jehovah your God.
Deut 10:15:‘It is Jehovah who chose your ancestors and their seed (which includes you) over all the other nations, to be loved by Him.
Deut 10:17:for Jehovah your God is the God of gods and Lord of lords. He’s the great, strong, and terrifying God who doesn’t [show special] favor to anyone or accept bribes.
Deut 10:20:‘You must fear Jehovah your God… serve Him, stick to Him, and swear by His Name!
Deut 10:22:Why, there were only seventy people (your ancestors) who went down to Egypt, but Jehovah your God has now made you like the stars in the sky in numbers!’
Deut 11:1:‘So you must love your God Jehovah and follow His assignments, rules, Commandments, and decisions throughout your lives.
Deut 11:2:‘Now, recognize that I’m not [addressing] your children here today… those who don’t know and haven’t seen the discipline of your God Jehovah, or His wonderful works, strong hand, mighty arm,
Deut 11:7:Rather, [I’m addressing you]; for it was your eyes that have seen all these mighty deeds that Jehovah performed among us.
Deut 11:9:that’s flowing with milk and honey, and then live a long time on the land that Jehovah promised your ancestors that He would give to them and to their seed.
Deut 11:12:It’s a land that Jehovah your God will keep an eye on and watch over throughout the whole year.
Deut 11:13:Now, if you will listen to all the Commandments that I’m telling you today and love and serve Jehovah your God with your whole heart and soul,
Deut 11:17:For, if Jehovah becomes angry with you, He will bind up the skies and there won’t be any rain, the earth won’t produce its fruit, and you will soon be destroyed from the good land that Jehovah is giving you.
Deut 11:21:so that your days and the days of your children will last a long time in the land that Jehovah swore to your ancestors that He would give to them for as long as the skies cover the earth.
Deut 11:22:‘Now, if you listen to all these Commandments that I’m telling you today, and you love Jehovah your God, walk in all His ways, and stick close to Him,
Deut 11:25:Then no one will be able to stand against you, and your God Jehovah will put the fear and dread of you over all the land that you walk on, just as He promised.
Deut 11:27:The blessing will come if you listen to all the Commandments of your God Jehovah that I’m giving you today.
Deut 11:28:And the curse will come if you don’t listen to the Commandments of your God Jehovah that I’m giving you today and you stray from the path that I’m setting out, and then start serving other gods who you don’t know.
Deut 11:29:‘Now, after our God Jehovah has brought you into the land that you’re going to inherit, you must put the blessings on Mount GiriZim and the curses on Mount Ebal.
Deut 11:31:‘So, as you cross the Jordan to enter the land that Jehovah our God is giving you to live in and inherit throughout your lives,
Deut 12:1:‘Now, these are the rules and decisions that you must be sure to follow in the land that Jehovah the God of your ancestors is giving you as your inheritance, and during the entire time that you will live in the land:
Deut 12:5:for your God Jehovah will choose one of your cities to have His Name put there, and that’s where He’ll call for you; then you must go there to search for Him.
Deut 12:7:Then you must eat [the sacrifices] there before Jehovah your God, as you rejoice over all the things that Jehovah your God has touched and blest you and your families with.
Deut 12:9:For until now, you haven’t arrived at the resting place and the inheritance that Jehovah our God is giving you.
Deut 12:10:But you will soon cross the Jordan to live in the land that Jehovah our God is taking as an inheritance for you. And soon He will provide you rest from all your enemies round about you, and you will live in security.
Deut 12:11:‘So there will be a place which Jehovah your God will choose to be called by His Name. And it’s there that you must bring all the things that I’m telling you to bring today… your whole burnt offerings, your sacrifices, your tithes, the first fruitage of your hands, and any gifts that you choose to offer as a freewill vow to Jehovah your God.
Deut 12:12:And it’s there that you, your sons and daughters, your male and female servants, and the Levites who live outside your [city] gates (because they won’t have their own inheritance among you) must rejoice before Jehovah your God.
Deut 12:14:just in the place that Jehovah your God will choose from among one of your tribes. That’s [the only place] where you may offer your whole burnt offerings, and that’s where you must do all the things that I’m telling you today.
Deut 12:15:‘Now, you may kill and eat all the flesh you desire that has the blessings of your God Jehovah (such as male and female deer) in any city. And both the clean and the unclean may eat it there.
Deut 12:18:You, your sons and daughters, your male and female servants, and the strangers who are staying inside your [city] gates must eat such things before Jehovah your God in the place that He will choose for Himself; and it’s there that you must rejoice before Jehovah your God with whatever you’re bringing to Him.
Deut 12:20:‘Now, when Jehovah your God enlarges your borders, as He told you He would do, and you desire to eat flesh; you may eat all the flesh that your soul desires.
Deut 12:21:And if the place that Jehovah your God chooses for Himself (where His Name will be called) is far away from you; you may kill any [animals] from your herd or flock that God has given you (just as I’ve told you), and you may eat as much of it as you want in your own cities.
Deut 12:25:You mustn’t eat it if you want things to go well for you and your descendants. Always do what is good and pleasing before Jehovah your God!
Deut 12:26:‘But whenever you have holy things, you must take them and your vow offerings to the place where Jehovah your God will choose to put His Name.
Deut 12:27:It is there that you must sacrifice the flesh of your whole burnt offerings… on the Altar of your God Jehovah. The blood of your sacrifices must be poured out at the foot of the Altar of your God Jehovah, and then you may eat the flesh.
Deut 12:28:‘Be careful! Listen to and obey all the Commandments that I’m telling you, and then things will go well for you and your descendants through the ages… that is, if you do whatever is pleasing and good before Jehovah your God.
Deut 12:29:‘Now, after Jehovah your God destroys the nations where you are going and you inherit their land and start living there,
Deut 12:31:No, don’t do this to your God, because the things they sacrifice to their gods are disgusting to Jehovah, and He hates those who offer their sons and daughters to their gods in fires.
Deut 13:3:don’t listen to the words of that prophet or dreamer, because Jehovah your God may be testing you to find out whether you love your God with your whole heart and soul.
Deut 13:4:‘You must follow Jehovah your God and fear Him! You must listen to His voice and trust in just Him!
Deut 13:5:Then that prophet or dreamer of dreams must be put to death for what he said in trying to make you turn from your God Jehovah (He who brought you out of the land of Egypt and who purchased you from slavery), and for trying to lead you away from the direction that Jehovah your God has commanded you to walk. So, you must remove any evil that is among you.
Deut 13:10:Then they must stone him/her with rocks until the person dies, because he/she has tried to draw you away from Jehovah your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt and out of the house of slavery.
Deut 13:12:‘And if you should hear people in one of the cities (which Jehovah God is giving you to live in)
Deut 13:16:You most take all its valuable things into the streets and burn the city and its loot with fire before Jehovah your God, and it must remain uninhabited through the ages, never to be rebuilt.
Deut 13:17:Don’t allow any of their cursed things to stick to your hands, so that Jehovah’s rage may turn away and He may show you mercy. ‘He will care for you and cause you to grow, just as He swore to your ancestors,
Deut 13:18:if you will listen to the voice of your God Jehovah, keep His Commandments that I’m telling you today, and do everything that’s good and pleasing before Jehovah your God.’
Deut 14:1:‘You are the children of your God Jehovah, so you must not shave your heads whenever someone dies.
Deut 14:2:‘You are a holy people to Jehovah your God, and He has chosen you as His alone from among all the nations on the face of the earth.
Deut 14:21:but you may not eat anything that dies on its own. You may give it to people who are visiting in your cities and they can eat it, or you may sell it to strangers, but you are a holy people to Jehovah your God. ‘You must not boil a lamb in its mother’s milk.
Deut 14:23:and you must eat it in that place where Jehovah your God will choose to have His Name called. That’s where you must bring your tithes of grain, wine, oil, and the firstborn of your herds and flocks. ‘So, learn to always fear Jehovah your God!
Deut 14:24:‘Now, if the journey to that place where Jehovah your God will choose to have His Name called is too far for you, and you are unable to take [your offerings] there because of the distance, Jehovah will bless you
Deut 14:25:if you sell them for money and take the money to the place that Jehovah will choose.
Deut 14:26:And there you may use the money to buy whatever your soul desires (oxen, sheep, wine, liquor… anything that your soul desires). Then you must eat it there before Jehovah your God, and you and your family must rejoice
Deut 14:29:Then you must invite all the Levites, and all the strangers, orphans, and widows in your cities (those who don’t have anything to bring) to come with you, and they may eat until they are full. Then Jehovah your God will bless you in everything that you do.’
Deut 15:2:and these are the rules: You must cancel any debts that your neighbors owe you personally, and you must not ask to have them paid back, because this is a cancellation [of debts] to Jehovah your God.
Deut 15:4:That way, there won’t be any poor people among you and Jehovah your God will surely bless you in the land that He’s giving you as your inheritance.
Deut 15:5:‘Now, if you listen to the voice of your God Jehovah and obey all these Commandments that I’m giving you today,
Deut 15:6:Jehovah your God will bless you (as He told you), and then you will lend [money] to many nations. However, you must never borrow from them, nor may you rule over them… but they won’t rule over you either.
Deut 15:7:‘If you find a poor man among your brothers in your city in that land which Jehovah your God is giving you, you must not be hard-hearted or tight-fisted with your brother who is in need…
Deut 15:9:‘Now, be careful not to secretly say in your hearts, The seventh year (the year of cancellation) is getting close, then allow your eyes to look wickedly at your brother who is in need and not lend him anything. For, he will call out to Jehovah about you, and you will be guilty of a serious sin.
Deut 15:10:So you must be sure to lend Him as much as he needs and not hold a grudge in your hearts. For, because of your good deeds, Jehovah your God will bless everything you do and everything you touch.
Deut 15:14:You must give him provisions from your flock, your grain, and your wine… as Jehovah your God has blest you, that’s how you must treat him.
Deut 15:15:‘Don’t forget that you were once slaves in the land of Egypt, and Jehovah your God bought you out of there; that’s why I’m telling you to do this!
Deut 15:18:‘[None of] this will create a hardship on you, because the people will serve you for six years as hired hands, and Jehovah your God will bless you in everything you do.
Deut 15:19:‘Now, when it comes to the firstborn among your oxen and sheep; you must offer the males as holy to Jehovah your God. You may not work a firstborn calf, and you may not shear a firstborn sheep.
Deut 15:20:You and your household must eat them before Jehovah each year in the place that Jehovah your God will choose.
Deut 15:21:However; if it’s lame, blind, or deformed, you must not sacrifice it to Jehovah your God.
Deut 16:1:‘You must celebrate the month of New Grain and sacrifice the Passover to Jehovah your God, because that’s the month when you left Egypt during the night.
Deut 16:2:You must sacrifice your Passover sheep and oxen in that place where Jehovah your God will select to have His Name called.
Deut 16:5:Nor are you allowed to sacrifice the Passover in any of the cities that Jehovah your God is giving you.
Deut 16:6:The Passover may not be sacrificed anywhere other than in the place that Jehovah your God will choose to have His Name called, in the evening just after sunset… which is the time that you left Egypt.
Deut 16:7:Then you must boil or roast it, and then eat it in the place that Jehovah your God will choose; and don’t return home until the next morning!
Deut 16:8:You must eat fermentation-free bread for six days, and then the seventh day is to be a holiday and a feast to Jehovah your God, during which you may not do any work other that which is common to everyone.
Deut 16:10:and you must celebrate the Festival of Weeks to Jehovah your God with as much strength and with as many things as Jehovah your God has given you.
Deut 16:11:You must rejoice before Jehovah your God with your sons and daughters, male and female servants, the Levites, strangers, orphans, and the widows who live among you in that place where Jehovah your God will choose to have His Name called.
Deut 16:15:You must hold a feast to Jehovah your God for seven days in the place that Jehovah your God will choose for Himself. And you must rejoice over all the harvest that Jehovah your God has blest you with and for all the things that you’ve accomplished.
Deut 16:16:‘All your males must appear before Jehovah your God three times each year in the place that Jehovah will choose, for: · The Festival of Fermentation-free Bread · The Festival of Weeks · The Festival of Temporary Dwellings. And don’t appear before Jehovah your God empty handed!
Deut 16:17:Each one must bring whatever he can, as Jehovah your God has blest him.
Deut 16:18:‘You must appoint judges and officials in the cities that Jehovah your God is giving to each of your tribes, and they must judge the people righteously.
Deut 16:20:You must always work at being just, so you may live and inherit the land that Jehovah your God is giving you.
Deut 16:22:nor may you erect sacred columns for yourselves, for Jehovah your God hates such things!’
Deut 17:1:‘You must not sacrifice a calf or a sheep to Jehovah your God that is scarred or deformed in any way, for that would be disgusting to Jehovah your God.
Deut 17:2:‘And if a man or a woman should ever be found among you (in any of the cities that Jehovah your God is giving you) who chooses to do what is evil before Jehovah and sins against His Sacred Agreement
Deut 17:9:you must take the matter to the Levite Priests who will then be at the place which Jehovah your God will choose, and have them try the case. They must perform their own investigation and report their findings to you.
Deut 17:10:Then you must do whatever they have decided in the place that Jehovah your God will choose. You must be sure to do whatever the Law tells you to do.
Deut 17:12:For, any man who acts so haughtily that he won’t listen to the Priests who stand and serve in the Name of your God Jehovah, or to a presiding judge, must be put to death. You must remove that evil person from Israel;
Deut 17:14:‘And when you enter the land that Jehovah your God is giving you (after you’ve inherited it and lived there), and you decide that you want a king to rule over you (like the other nations around you),
Deut 17:15:he must be chosen by Jehovah God. Kings may only be selected from among your brothers, so don’t empower yourselves to select a king who isn’t a brother.
Deut 17:16:‘[And no king should] accumulate horses for himself, nor may he send [My] people back to Egypt. He may [decide to] do this if he starts collecting horses for himself, but Jehovah has told you not to go back there again!
Deut 17:19:Then they must keep it and read from it all the days of their lives, so they will learn to fear Jehovah their God and keep and observe all these Commandments and rules.
Deut 18:1:‘None of the Priests, including the whole tribe of Levi, will have any inheritance in Israel, because the burnt offerings of Jehovah are their inheritance and what they will eat.
Deut 18:2:They will have no inheritance among their brothers, because Jehovah is their portion, just as He told them.
Deut 18:5:This is because Jehovah has chosen them from among all your tribes to stand before Jehovah your God, to serve and praise His Name, and [to serve] His sons, the children of Israel.
Deut 18:7:he must serve the Name of His God Jehovah. And all His brothers (the Levites who stand and offer [the sacrifices] to Jehovah your God)
Deut 18:9:‘And once you’ve entered the land that Jehovah your God is giving you, you must not learn [any of] the disgusting things that those nations are doing, such as: ·
Deut 18:12:For through the ages, those who have done such things have been disgusting to Jehovah your God. And if you do such disgusting things, Jehovah will destroy you from before His face…
Deut 18:13:you must be perfect before Jehovah your God!
Deut 18:14:‘Now, all those nations whose land you will inherit have listened to these omens and [followed these] occult practices, but Jehovah your God doesn’t allow you to do that.
Deut 18:15:‘Then Jehovah your God will raise a Prophet like me from among your brothers, and you must listen to him,
Deut 18:16:as when you received all that you desired from Jehovah your God in the dry place (Horeb) after the whole gathering said, We don’t want to listen to the voice of your God Jehovah again or see His great fire, so we won’t die.
Deut 18:17:For, Jehovah said to me, What they have said is good,
Deut 18:21:‘And if you ever wonder in your hearts which words Jehovah didn’t say;
Deut 18:22:[remember that] anything a prophet says in the Name of the Lord that doesn’t come true, is something that Jehovah didn’t say. So, that prophet has spoken wickedly and he must die!’
Deut 19:1:‘And when Jehovah your God has destroyed the nations that He’s giving you, along with their lands, cities, and houses that you will inherit and live in,
Deut 19:2:you must set aside three cities in the midst of the land that Jehovah your God is giving you.
Deut 19:8:‘And if Jehovah enlarges your borders (as He promised your ancestors), and if He gives you all the land that He said He would give you,
Deut 19:9:you must obey all these Commandments that I’m giving you today. [You must] love Jehovah your God and always walk in His ways. And you must choose three cities within these borders,
Deut 19:10:so that the blood of those who are innocent won’t be spilled in the land that Jehovah your God is giving you as your inheritance, and so that none of you will have bloodguilt.
Deut 19:14:‘Don’t move your neighbor’s property markers that were set by your ancestors as their inheritance… those which will been assigned to you in the land that Jehovah your God is giving you as your inheritance.
Deut 19:17:both people in the controversy must stand before Jehovah and before the Priests or judges in those days.
Deut 20:1:‘And when you go to war against your enemies and find that they have a larger army and more horsemen than you do; don’t be afraid of them, for Jehovah your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt is with you!
Deut 20:4:because Jehovah your God is with you and He will fight against your enemies and save you!
Deut 20:13:until Jehovah your God gives it into your hands. Then you must kill all the men there with swords.
Deut 20:14:You may spare the women, their possessions, all the cattle, and anything else that is in the city… you may loot it and take whatever you wish, and you may also eat whatever your enemies have, because Jehovah your God has given it to you.
Deut 20:15:‘Now, that’s what you must do to the distant cities, not to the cities of these nations that Jehovah your God is giving you and where you will inherit their land.
Deut 20:17:You must curse the Hittites, Amorites, CanaAnites, Pherezites, Evites, Jebusites, and Gergesites, just as Jehovah your God commanded you,
Deut 20:18:so they don’t teach you to do all the disgusting things that they are doing before their gods and cause you to sin before Jehovah your God.
Deut 21:1:‘And if anyone is found murdered with a knife, and [his body is] left in a field in the land that Jehovah your God is giving you to inherit, and no one knows who did it,
Deut 21:5:Then the Levite Priests must go there (because they’re the ones who Jehovah has chosen to represent Him and to praise His Name), and whatever they decide must stand.
Deut 21:9:For, you must remove all innocent blood from among yourselves if you wish to do what is good and pleasing before Jehovah your God.
Deut 21:10:‘And when you’re going to war against your enemies and Jehovah your God allows you to conquer them and carry away loot,
Deut 21:23:don’t allow his body to remain on the tree overnight. You must bury it on that same day, because through the ages, anyone who is hanged on a tree is cursed before God, and you must not [allow it to] dirty the land that Jehovah your God is giving you as your inheritance.’
Deut 22:5:‘A woman should never wear men’s clothing, nor should a man wear women’s clothing. For through the ages, such a thing has been considered disgusting by Jehovah your God.
Deut 23:2:or any son of a whore may enter the gathering of Jehovah.
Deut 23:3:‘Ammonites and Moabites may not enter the gathering of Jehovah… not through the tenth generation or through the ages,
Deut 23:5:For, Jehovah your God didn’t listen to BalaAm and He changed the curses into blessings, because He loved you.
Deut 23:8:So, their third-generation sons may enter the gathering of Jehovah.
Deut 23:14:[You must do this] because Jehovah your God walks in your camp to save you and to give your enemies [into your hands], so your camp must be holy and nothing disgusting may be seen, so He doesn’t turn away from you.
Deut 23:18:‘You may not bring the wages of a prostitute or the price of a dog into the House of your God Jehovah to pay for any vow, because both of them are disgusting to Jehovah.
Deut 23:20:You may charge interest on loans to strangers, but not to your brothers, so Jehovah your God will bless what you do in the entire land that you are entering and will inherit.
Deut 23:21:‘Whenever you swear an oath to Jehovah your God, you must be quick about paying it, for Jehovah your God requires that you do so. Otherwise, this would be a sin against you.
Deut 23:23:But whatever you vow to offer as a gift to Jehovah God must be [paid] as promised.’
Deut 24:6:the former husband may not remarry her after she has had sex with the other man, because that is a disgusting thing before Jehovah your God. You must not dirty the land that Jehovah your God is giving you to inherit.
Deut 24:11:For, remember all that Jehovah your God did to Miriam while you were traveling from Egypt.
Deut 24:15:You must return it before sunset, so he can sleep in his clothes… then he will praise you, and Jehovah your God will be merciful to you.
Deut 24:17:You must pay them their wages on the same day. Don’t allow the sun to set before [paying them], because they are poor and they need it. For if you do, they will call out to Jehovah about you, and it will be a sin for you.
Deut 24:20:For, remember that you were once slaves in the land of Egypt, and Jehovah your God bought you from there. So, do what I’m telling you!
Deut 24:21:‘And when you’re harvesting the grain in your field and you realize that you’ve missed some, you must not return to get it. For these must be left for the strangers, orphans, and widows, so Jehovah your God will bless you in everything that you do.
Deut 25:15:You must have accurate weights and units of measure, so you may live a long time in the land that Jehovah your God is giving you as your inheritance.
Deut 25:16:For through the ages, everyone who has done such unrighteous things has been disgusting to Jehovah your God.
Deut 25:19:And so, when Jehovah your God finally provides you rest from your enemies in the land that He’s giving you to inherit, you must wipe the name of the Amalechites out from under the sky… don’t forget!
Deut 26:1:‘Once you’ve entered the land that Jehovah your God is giving you as your inheritance, and you each have received your own inheritance and started living there,
Deut 26:2:you must collect the first fruitage [from the harvest] in the land He’s giving you, and put it into a basket. Then carry it to the place where Jehovah your God will choose to have His Name called.
Deut 26:3:And when you get to the Priest (whoever it may be then), you must say to him, I’m testifying today before Jehovah My God that I’ve come to this land, which Jehovah swore to our ancestors that He would give to us.
Deut 26:4:‘Then the Priest must take the basket from your hands and set it before the Altar of your God Jehovah,
Deut 26:5:and he must answer you and say before Jehovah, A small group of my ancestors (who came from Syria) went down to Egypt and stayed there, where they grew into a large number and a mighty nation.
Deut 26:7:Then we called out to Jehovah our God and He heard us. And when He saw our humiliation, our hardships, and how hard we were working,
Deut 26:10:And now {Look!} I’m bringing the first fruits of the land that You gave us, O Lord, from the land that flows with milk and honey. ‘Then leave [the basket there] before Jehovah your God and bow low before Him,
Deut 26:11:as you rejoice over all the good things that Jehovah your God has given to you, your family, and the Levites and strangers that live among you.
Deut 26:13:‘Then you must come before Jehovah your God and say, I’ve collected a full measure of the holy things from my home and given them to the Levites, strangers, orphans, and widows, just as You commanded. I didn’t sin against Your Commandments and I didn’t forget them,
Deut 26:14:nor did I eat any of it during a difficult time, or use it for an unclean purpose, or offer it to the dead. I’ve listened to the voice of our God Jehovah, and I’ve done just as You commanded me.
Deut 26:16:‘On this day, Jehovah your God is instructing you to keep all of His rules and decisions… and you must obey them and follow them with your whole heart and soul!
Deut 26:18:And today, Jehovah has chosen you to be His people exclusively – as He promised in His Commandments –
Deut 26:19:to be above all other nations. He has made you famous, glorious, and something to brag about… a holy people to Jehovah your God, just as He promised.’
Deut 27:2:And after you’ve crossed the Jordan and entered the land that Jehovah your God is giving you, you must erect [two] huge stone [monuments] and cover them with plaster.
Deut 27:3:Then write all the words of this Law on them as soon as you’ve crossed the Jordan into the land that Jehovah the God of your ancestors is giving you… the land that’s flowing with milk and honey, which Jehovah the God of your ancestors promised to you.
Deut 27:5:Also, build an altar there to Jehovah your God from rocks that haven’t been cut with an iron tool.
Deut 27:6:Use whole stones and build an altar to Jehovah your God, then place whole burnt offerings to Jehovah your God upon it…
Deut 27:7:you must sacrifice peace offerings, which you must eat until you’re full, and rejoice before Jehovah your God.
Deut 27:9:Then Moses addressed the Levite Priests of Israel and said, ‘Be quiet and listen, O Israel, because today you’re becoming the people of your God Jehovah.
Deut 28:1:‘Now, if you listen to the voice of your God Jehovah and follow and obey all these Commandments that I’m giving you today, Jehovah your God will lift you higher than all the other nations of the earth,
Deut 28:2:and these blessings will search for you and find you. For if you listen to the voice of your God Jehovah: ·
Deut 28:7:Jehovah will give your enemies [into your hands], and those who oppose you will fall before you. And if they come against you from one direction, they’ll run from you in seven directions. ·
Deut 28:8:Jehovah will put His blessings on your barns and on everything that you do in the land that He’s giving you. ·
Deut 28:9:Jehovah will raise you as a holy people to Himself, just as He promised your ancestors that He would do if you would listen to His voice and walk in all of His ways.
Deut 28:10:Then all the nations of the earth will see that you are called by the Name Jehovah, and they will stand in awe of you. ·
Deut 28:11:Jehovah your God will bring [many children] from your bodies, many young from your cattle, and much fruit from your land… the land that Jehovah swore to your ancestors that He would give to you. ·
Deut 28:12:Jehovah will open His treasures in the skies and bring rain to your land in [the proper] seasons, and He’ll bless everything that you do. · You will lend to many nations and not borrow, and you’ll rule over many nations and not be ruled.
Deut 28:13:For Jehovah your God will make you the head not the tail, and He’ll put you on top. You’ll never be on the bottom if you listen to the voice of your God Jehovah, and if you obey all the things that I’m telling you today. ·
Deut 28:15:‘However, if you don’t listen to the voice of your God Jehovah and obey all His Commandments that I’m giving you today, these curses will come and catch up with you: ·
Deut 28:20:Jehovah will send shortages and famines [among you], and everything you do will be consumed until He has totally destroyed you. If you leave Him and start doing evil things, you will be quickly exterminated. ·
Deut 28:21:Jehovah will bring plagues among you until you’ve all been wiped from the land that you’re going to inherit. ·
Deut 28:22:Jehovah will strike you with dysentery, fever, chills, inflammations, sores, and paleness… they will chase you down and destroy you. ·
Deut 28:24:Jehovah your God will turn the rain that falls from the skies into dust, until it destroys you and quickly consumes you. ·
Deut 28:25:Jehovah will hand you over to your enemies and they will slaughter you. You will attack them from one direction, but you’ll run from them in seven other directions; then you’ll be scattered throughout all the kingdoms of the earth. ·
Deut 28:27:Jehovah will strike your bottoms with the sores of Egypt, and the scabs will itch and never heal. ·
Deut 28:28:Jehovah will strike you with mental illnesses, blindness, and anxiety,
Deut 28:35:Jehovah will strike you with bad sores on you knees and legs that won’t heal… from the soles of your feet to the tops of your heads. ·
Deut 28:36:Jehovah will drive you and the leaders who you’ll set over yourselves away, and you’ll be sent to a nation that neither you nor your ancestors have ever known. And there you’ll serve gods made of wood and stone;
Deut 28:37:and there [the all things that happened to you] will be used as amazing examples and illustrations among all the nations where Jehovah your God will send you. ·
Deut 28:45:‘All of these curses will come upon you and chase you down until they’ve consumed and destroyed you if you don’t listen to the voice of your God Jehovah and keep the Commandments and rules that He has given you.
Deut 28:47:if you fail to serve Jehovah your God happily and with a [cheerful] heart, because of all the many [good] things that you will have received.
Deut 28:48:‘Then you must serve the enemies that Jehovah will send against you. You’ll be hungry, thirsty, naked, in need of everything, and you’ll have to wear an iron yoke on your necks until they’ve destroyed you.
Deut 28:49:Jehovah will bring a nation against you from the ends of the earth; they will come like a fast-flying eagle, and you won’t understand their language.
Deut 28:58:‘So, if you won’t listen to and obey all the words of the Law that have been written in this scroll and fear the glorious and wonderful Name of your God Jehovah,
Deut 28:61:And Jehovah will even bring sicknesses and plagues that haven’t been written about in the scroll of this Law, until He has destroyed you.
Deut 28:62:Then, although you were once as many as the stars of the sky, there won’t be many left, because you didn’t listen to the voice of your God Jehovah.
Deut 28:63:‘And as Jehovah once rejoiced over you, did good things for you, and made you grow, He will then rejoice over destroying you and in quickly removing you from the land you’re going to inherit.
Deut 28:64:Then Jehovah your God will scatter you among all the nations – from one end of the earth to the other – and you must serve other gods there, which are made of wood and stone, and that neither you nor your ancestors have ever heard of.
Deut 28:65:‘In addition, [in the places where you will be] among those nations, He won’t give you a quiet [place to live], nor will the soles of your feet have any rest. For there Jehovah will give you weak hearts, failing eyes, and wasted lives.
Deut 28:68:Then Jehovah will take you back to Egypt in ships – back to the place that He said you should never see again – where you’ll be offered for sale to your enemies as slaves… but nobody will [want to] buy you!’
Deut 29:1:These are the words of the Sacred Agreement that Jehovah commanded Moses to make with the children of Israel in the land of Moab, which were added to the Sacred Agreement that He made with them at the dry place (Horeb).
Deut 29:2:Moses called all the sons of Israel and said to them: ‘You have seen all the things that Jehovah did to Pharaoh, his servants, and to his entire land of Egypt.
Deut 29:4:Yet down to this day, Jehovah God hasn’t given you the heart to understand, the eyes to see, or the ears to hear.
Deut 29:6:And you didn’t eat bread, or drink wine or liquor, so you would know that He is Jehovah your God.
Deut 29:10:‘Here you stand before Jehovah your God today… the heads of your tribes, your elders, your judges, your officers – every man of Israel –
Deut 29:12:And now you’re going to enter the Sacred Agreement of your God Jehovah and swear as many oaths as Jehovah your God asks of you today,
Deut 29:15:They apply to everyone who is here before Jehovah your God today, and to anyone who isn’t here with you today.
Deut 29:18:So, if the heart of any man, woman, family, or tribe isn’t with Jehovah your God, then go and serve the gods of these nations, so there may be no root that is filled with gall and bitterness among you.
Deut 29:20:for God won’t pardon him. Rather, Jehovah’s rage and zeal will blaze against that man and all the curses of this Sacred Agreement that are written in this scroll will come upon him, and Jehovah will blot his name out from under the sky.
Deut 29:21:Jehovah will also hold the children of Israel responsible for all their evil [and bring] all the curses of the Sacred Agreement that are written in this book of Law upon them.
Deut 29:22:Then future generations – your descendants who come after you and strangers who come from far away lands – will see the plagues on your land and the diseases that Jehovah has sent here.
Deut 29:23:For, there will be brimstone and burning salt, and the entire land won’t be able to be cultivated, nor will anything green grow there. It will become like [the cities of] Sodom, GomorRah, Adama, and SeboIm, which Jehovah destroyed in His rage and anger.
Deut 29:24:‘Then all the nations will ask, Why has Jehovah done this to His land? What made Him so fierce and angry?
Deut 29:25:And others will answer, It’s because they broke the Sacred Agreement of Jehovah, the God of their ancestors. For, this is what He warned their ancestors He would do to them when He brought them out of the land of Egypt.
Deut 29:27:So, Jehovah became very angry at that land and brought all the curses that are written in the scroll of this Law upon it.
Deut 29:29:‘The things that are done in secret [are known by Jehovah] our God, and He reveals them. So, the responsibility of we and our children is to obey all the words of this Law through the ages.’
Deut 30:1:‘And when all these things happen to you, you must recall to mind the blessings and the curses that I’ve set before you today, wherever [you may be] among all the nations where Jehovah will have scattered you.
Deut 30:2:Then you must return to Jehovah your God and listen to His voice, and [obey] everything that I’m telling you today with all your hearts and souls,
Deut 30:3:and Jehovah will heal you from your sins, have pity on you, and gather you back from all the nations where He scattered you.
Deut 30:4:‘It won’t matter whether you’re dispersed from one end of the sky to the other; Jehovah will gather you from there and take you
Deut 30:6:And Jehovah will purge your hearts and the hearts of your seed, and you must all love Jehovah your God with your whole hearts and souls, so you may live.
Deut 30:7:‘Then Jehovah your God will put all these curses on your enemies and on those who hated and persecuted you,
Deut 30:8:if you’ll return and listen to the voice of your God Jehovah and keep all His Commands that I’m telling you today.
Deut 30:9:Then Jehovah your God will bless everything you do, the offspring of your bodies and of your cattle, and the crops in your fields. And Jehovah your God will be happy over you once again… but [this time] in a good way, as He was happy with your ancestors.
Deut 30:10:[This will all happen] if you’ll just listen to the voice of your God Jehovah and keep His Commandments, rules, and decisions that are written in the scroll of this Law, and if you’ll return to Jehovah your God with all your hearts and souls.
Deut 30:16:If you’ll listen to the Commandments of your God Jehovah that I’m giving you today – to love Jehovah your God, to walk in His ways, and to follow all His rules and decisions – then you’ll live and grow in numbers, and Jehovah your God will bless you throughout the land where you’re going and which you’ll inherit.
Deut 30:20:Love Jehovah your God! Listen to His voice and stick to Him, for He’s your life, and [He’s] the length of the number of days that you will live in the land which Jehovah promised to your ancestors (Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob) that He would give to you.’
Deut 31:2:he said, ‘I’m a hundred and twenty years old today, and I won’t be able to [represent] you anymore, for Jehovah has told me that I may not cross the Jordan.
Deut 31:3:So, Jehovah your God will walk before you. He will destroy the nations before you and you will inherit them. And Jehovah has said that JoShua will now lead you.
Deut 31:4:‘Then Jehovah your God will do the same things to them that He did to Seon and Og, the two Amorite kings, and to their land on [this side] of the Jordan, when He destroyed them.
Deut 31:5:For, Jehovah has given them to you, and you must do what I’ve told you to do, to them.
Deut 31:6:So, be courageous and strong! Don’t be afraid or act like cowards, and don’t let them scare you, for Jehovah your God is marching with you and among you, and He won’t forsake you or leave you.’
Deut 31:7:Then Moses called JoShua and said to Him before all Israel, ‘Be courageous and strong, for you must walk ahead of these people into the land that Jehovah swore to your ancestors that He would give them, and then you must give it to them as their inheritance.
Deut 31:8:Jehovah will be going with you, and He won’t forsake you or abandon you; so don’t be afraid or have any fear.’
Deut 31:9:Then Moses wrote the words of this Law in a scroll and gave it to the Priests (those sons of Levi who bear the Chest of Jehovah’s Sacred Agreement), and to the elders of the sons of Israel.
Deut 31:11:when all Israel assembles before Jehovah your God in the place that Jehovah will choose, you must read this Law where all Israel can hear it.
Deut 31:12:The whole assembly – the men, the women, the children, and any converts who are living in your cities – must all hear it, so that they may learn to fear Jehovah your God, and to obey all the words of this Law.
Deut 31:13:Even the sons who haven’t [been born yet] must hear it and learn to fear Jehovah your God for as long as they live in the land that you’re crossing the Jordan to inherit.’
Deut 31:14:Then Jehovah said to Moses: ‘Look; The day of your death has arrived! Call JoShua and go stand at the entrance to the Tent of Proofs and I will speak to him.’ So, Moses and JoShua went to the Tent of Proofs and stood at the entrance.
Deut 31:15:Then Jehovah descended in a cloud and stood next to the entrance in a column of clouds.
Deut 31:16:And Jehovah said to Moses, ‘{Look!} [It’s time] for you to sleep with your ancestors. But, from among these people [some] will arise who will commit adultery with the strange gods of the land they’re entering. They will leave Me and break the Sacred Agreement that I made with them.
Deut 31:17:And when that happens, I will be very angry with them and I’ll leave them… I’ll turn My face away from them and they will be devoured. But after many bad things and plagues have come upon them, they will [finally] say, These bad things have happened to us because Jehovah our God isn’t with us.
Deut 31:23:Then he spoke to JoShua and said, ‘Be courageous and strong, because you’re now going to lead the sons of Israel into the land that Jehovah promised them, and He’ll be with you.’
Deut 31:25:Then he gave these instructions to the Levites who bear the Chest of the Sacred Agreement of Jehovah, saying
Deut 31:26:‘Take this scroll of the Law and put it inside the Chest of the Sacred Agreement of your God Jehovah, so it will [always] be there among you as proof.
Deut 31:29:For, I know that after my death you’ll become very sinful and turn from the ways that I’ve commanded you. Then bad things will eventually happen to you because of making Jehovah God angry by all the evil things that you’ll do.’ Then Moses spoke the words of this song, [and taught it] to the whole gathering:
Deut 32:4:His works are true and all His ways just. Yes God is faithful… He isn’t unrighteous, For Jehovah is holy and just.
Deut 32:6:Is this how you pay back Jehovah? ‘Are these people all foolish and stupid? Didn’t He become your own Father, Didn’t He purchase you back? Didn’t He form you and make you?
Deut 32:9:‘His people (Jacob) was the portion of Jehovah; Israel was His own inheritance.
Deut 32:12:‘It was Jehovah alone who led them, When no other gods did they have.
Deut 32:19:‘When Jehovah saw this He was zealous; He was enraged by His sons and His daughters.
Deut 32:27:‘Were it not for their enemies’ rage, They would have lived a long time. But their enemies have combined to attack them. And yet, may their enemies not say, It was by my own mighty arm. For, Jehovah has done all these things.
Deut 32:30:‘O how can one man chase a thousand, Or two men route tens of thousands, If it weren’t God who had sold them, And if Jehovah hadn’t handed them over?
Deut 32:36:‘For, Jehovah will judge all His people; He’ll take comfort [in the fall of] His servants. For, He saw they were weak and had failed, So, in a hostile invasion they’ll become feeble.
Deut 32:37:‘Then Jehovah asked: Where are those gods that they trusted?
Deut 32:48:Then Jehovah spoke to Moses and said,
Deut 33:2:He said: ‘Jehovah came from Mount Sinai; He appeared to us at Mount Seir; He quickly moved to Mount Pharan, With ten thousand Holy Ones at His right hand, And [all] His messengers were with him.
Deut 33:7:And this is the blessing of Judah: ‘O Jehovah; listen to the voice of Judah, And pay attention to [all of] his people. Although he will fight with his hands, With his enemies, You give him help.’
Deut 33:11:‘O Jehovah; Please bless his strength, And accept the things that he offers. Break all the enemies that come against him, And don’t allow those who hate him to stand.’
Deut 33:12:And to BenJamin he said: ‘Jehovah’s loved one will live in safety. For, God’s shadow will always be with him, And between [God’s] shoulders he will rest.’
Deut 33:13:And to Joseph he said: ‘His land is the blessing of Jehovah… Of seasons, sky, dew, and deep wells…
Deut 33:21:‘He’ll see that his is the first fruitage of the land, Where leaders will gather with the chiefs of the people. For, [he does what Jehovah proclaims to be] righteous, And to Israel he will bring justice.’
Deut 33:29:‘You’re blest, O Israel, for who else is like you… You who’ve been saved by Jehovah your helper. ‘He’ll hold His shield over you, And you will boast of His sword. Then you will walk on the necks, Of the enemies who dared to lie before you.’
Deut 34:1:Finally, Moses went from ArabOth in Moab, to the Nabau Mountains, and climbed to the top of Mount Pisgah (near Jericho). And there Jehovah showed him Mount Gilead [in the land] of Dan, the land of NaphTali,
Deut 34:4:Then Jehovah said to Moses, ‘This is the land that I swore that I would give to the seed of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. And now that you’ve seen it, you may not go there.’
Deut 34:5:Then Moses, the servant of Jehovah, died there in the land of Moab, as Jehovah said.
Deut 34:9:Then JoShua (the son of NaWeh) became filled with the spirit of knowledge, for Moses had laid his hands upon him. So, the children of Israel listened to him as they did when Jehovah was commanding Moses.
Deut 34:10:But there was never again a Prophet in Israel like Moses, who Jehovah knew face to face;
Deut 34:11:who Jehovah sent to perform all the signs and wonders to Egypt – to Pharaoh, his servants, and his entire land –
Josh 1:9:Look; I’m commanding you to be strong and courageous! Don’t be a coward or fearful, for Jehovah your God will be with you no matter where you may go.’
Josh 1:11:‘Go throughout the camp and tell the people to prepare their provisions; for in three days we will cross the Jordan to enter and take possession of the land that Jehovah the God of your ancestors is giving you.’
Josh 1:13:‘Remember what Moses, the servant of Jehovah, told you. He said, Jehovah your God has allowed you to rest by giving you this land.
Josh 1:15:[You must do this] until Jehovah your God has allowed your brothers to rest as He has [allowed] you [to rest], when they have inherited the land that Jehovah your God is giving them. Then you may each return to the inheritance that Moses gave you east of the Jordan.
Josh 1:17:And just as we listened to Moses, we will listen to you… but may Jehovah our God be with you as He was with Moses.
Josh 2:9:and said, ‘I know that Jehovah has given you this land, for we’re all afraid [of you].
Josh 2:10:We’ve heard how your God Jehovah dried up the Red Sea before you when you left the land of Egypt, and of the things He did to the two Amorite kings across the Jordan… to Seon and Og whom you destroyed.
Josh 2:11:And when we heard this, our hearts were stunned and we were barely able to breathe because of you, for Jehovah your God is truly the God of the heavens above and the earth below.
Josh 2:12:So now; Swear to me by Jehovah God, that since I’ve been merciful with you, you’ll be merciful to the house of my father,
Josh 2:14:And the men replied, ‘[We will offer] our lives for yours, even to death.’ And she said, ‘When Jehovah gives this city to you, you must be merciful and true to me!’
Josh 2:24:And they said, ‘Jehovah has put the entire land under our power, because everyone who lives there is shaking because of us.’
Josh 3:3:telling the people that; when they saw the Levite Priests bearing Jehovah God’s Chest of the Sacred Agreement, they should follow along,
Josh 3:5:Then JoShua told the people: ‘Make yourselves holy, because tomorrow Jehovah will perform a miracle among you.’
Josh 3:6:And JoShua said to the Priests: ‘Now, pick up Jehovah’s Chest of the Sacred Agreement and lead the people!’ So the Priests picked it up and walked ahead of the people.
Josh 3:7:Then Jehovah said to JoShua: ‘Today I’m going to start [raising your prestige] before all the children of Israel, so they will know that I’m with you just as I was with Moses.
Josh 3:9:Then JoShua told the children of Israel: ‘Come here and listen to the words of our God Jehovah.
Josh 3:14:So the people packed up their tents to cross over the Jordan, and the Priests carried the Chest of Jehovah’s Sacred Agreement ahead of them.
Josh 4:1:Well, after everyone had crossed the Jordan, Jehovah spoke to JoShua and said,
Josh 4:5:and told them: ‘Now walk in front of me and in the presence of Jehovah to the middle of the Jordan. Then each of you pick up a rock from there and carry it on your shoulders, one [rock] for each of the twelve tribes of Israel,
Josh 4:8:And that’s what the children of Israel did… just as Jehovah commanded JoShua, they picked up twelve rocks from the midst of the Jordan (after the children of Israel had finished the crossing) and carried them into their camp and laid them there.
Josh 4:9:Then JoShua placed twelve rocks [on the bottom] of the Jordan itself, at the place where the feet of the Priests who carried the Chest of the Sacred Agreement of Jehovah stood, and they are still there to this day.
Josh 4:10:Well, the Priests who were carrying the Chest of the Sacred Agreement kept standing there in the Jordan until JoShua had finished all that Jehovah had commanded him to do, and until everyone had crossed.
Josh 4:11:Then, after all the people had had crossed; they carried Jehovah’s Chest of the Sacred Agreement and the rocks [to the other side].
Josh 4:13:forty thousand armed men crossed before Jehovah to war with the city of Jericho.
Josh 4:14:So on that day, Jehovah raised JoShua’s prestige [in the eyes of] all the people of Israel, and they started fearing him as they did Moses.
Josh 4:15:Then Jehovah spoke to JoShua and said:
Josh 4:23:back when our God Jehovah dried up the Jordan’s waters before them until they had all crossed, the same as He did at the Red Sea when He dried up its water until we had all crossed.
Josh 4:24:[They are here] so that all the nations of the earth might know that Jehovah is powerful and mighty, and so that you will worship Jehovah our God in everything you do.’
Josh 5:1:And when the kings of the Amorites (on the [west] side of the Jordan) and the kings of Phoenicia heard that Jehovah God had dried up the Jordan River in front of the children of Israel as they crossed it, their hearts dropped, they were terrified, and they were beside themselves because of the children of Israel.
Josh 5:2:It was about this time that Jehovah said to JoShua, ‘Make some knives of sharp stones, then sit down and circumcise the children of Israel again.’
Josh 5:9:Then Jehovah said to JoShua (the son of NaWeh), ‘On this day I have removed the shame of Egypt from you.’ So He named that place GilGal (the Wheel).
Josh 5:14:And he replied, ‘I have come as the general of the army of Jehovah!’
Josh 5:16:And the captain of Jehovah’s army said to JoShua: ‘Take off your shoes, because the place where you are standing is holy!’
Josh 6:7:‘Give sacred trumpets to seven Priests, and have them blow [the trumpets] loudly as they walk before Jehovah… and they must be followed by the Chest of the Sacred Agreement of Jehovah.
Josh 6:8:‘Then tell the people to walk in a circle around the city with the men all armed and ready for war before Jehovah.
Josh 6:9:The army is to walk ahead of the Priests, who must keep blowing the trumpets, and they are to be followed by the Chest of the Sacred Agreement of Jehovah.’
Josh 6:12:Then the next day, JoShua got up in the morning and the Priests picked up the Chest of the Sacred Agreement of Jehovah.
Josh 6:13:And the seven Priests who had the seven trumpets walked before Jehovah, followed by the men of war, the rest of the group, and then the Chest of the Sacred Agreement of Jehovah, as the Priests blew the trumpets.
Josh 6:16:And on the seventh round, the Priests blew their trumpets, and JoShua told the children of Israel: ‘Now shout, for Jehovah has given you the city!
Josh 6:17:You must dedicate it and everything that is in it to Jehovah of Armies, except for the prostitute RaHab and the things in her house.
Josh 6:19:For all the gold, silver, brass, and iron is holy to Jehovah, so it must be carried to the treasury of Jehovah!’
Josh 6:24:Then the city was burned, along with everything in it, except for the gold, silver, brass, and iron, which they carried into the treasury of Jehovah.
Josh 6:26:And that day, JoShua made everyone swear before Jehovah that any man who rebuilds that city will be cursed… the one who lays its foundation will lose his firstborn, and the one who rebuilds it gates will lose his youngest son. And that’s what Hozan of BethEl did; he laid the foundation [with the body of] AbiRom his firstborn, and set up its gates [with the body of] his youngest surviving son.
Josh 6:27:Well, Jehovah was with JoShua, so His Name became [known] throughout the land.
Josh 7:1:However, the children of Israel committed a serious sin by taking some of the things that were cursed. It was Achar (the son of Charmi, the son of Zambri and grandson of Zara) of the tribe of Judah who took the cursed things, which made Jehovah very angry with the children of Israel.
Josh 7:6:Well, at this, JoShua started ripping his clothes; then he and the elders of Israel threw dust on their heads and fell with their faces to the ground before Jehovah [and lay there] until evening.
Josh 7:13:‘So now, get up and make the people holy. Tell them to make themselves holy, and then say, Jehovah the God of Israel says that you have cursed things among you, and you won’t be able to stand before your enemies until you’ve removed these cursed things.
Josh 7:14:So, all the tribes must gather tomorrow morning, then Jehovah will indicate to us, which tribe, which family line, which household, and which man [is guilty].
Josh 7:15:And whoever He points to will be burned with fire for breaking the Sacred Agreement of Jehovah and making all Israel [appear] wicked.’
Josh 7:19:So JoShua said to Achar, ‘Give glory to Jehovah the God of Israel today and confess. Tell me what you’ve done… and don’t [try to] hide it from me!’
Josh 7:20:Then Achar answered JoShua and said, ‘Yes, I’ve sinned against Jehovah the God of Israel, and this is what I did:
Josh 7:23:Then they brought them to JoShua and the elders of Israel and laid them before Jehovah.
Josh 7:25:And JoShua said to Achar, ‘You’ve destroyed us, so today Jehovah is going to destroy you!’ Then all Israel stoned him with rocks.
Josh 7:26:And it was after they covered him with a huge pile of rocks that Jehovah’s rage ended. This is why that place is called The Valley of Achar (the Troublemaker) to this day.
Josh 8:1:Then Jehovah said to JoShua, ‘Don’t be afraid or tremble, but now you must take all the men of war and return to Gai. For look; I’ve given the king of Gai and his land into your hands!
Josh 8:18:Then Jehovah said to JoShua, ‘Now, raise the spear that’s in your hand toward the city, for I’ve given it into your hands. And those who are hiding must quickly get up and enter [the city].’
Josh 8:27:Then (other than the things that were in the city) the children of Israel took all the rest as loot for themselves, following the command that Jehovah gave JoShua.
Josh 8:30:Then JoShua built an altar to Jehovah (the God of Israel) on Mount Ebal,
Josh 8:31:just as Moses (Jehovah’s servant) had commanded the children of Israel, and as it is written in the Law of Moses. It was an altar made of stones that hadn’t been cut or touched by iron. And there he sacrificed whole burnt offerings and a peace offering to Jehovah.
Josh 8:33:Thereafter, all Israel (including their elders, judges, and scribes) filed past the Chest on either side. Then the Levite Priests carried the Chest of the Sacred Agreement of Jehovah, as the aliens and the natives were divided into two groups. One half was stationed near Mount GiriZim, and the other half near Mount Ebal, just as Moses (Jehovah’s servant) had commanded, to receive the first blessing of the people.
Josh 9:3:However, when the inhabitants of Gibeon heard what Jehovah did to Jericho and Gai,
Josh 9:9:And they replied, ‘Your servants have come from a far away country in the Name of Jehovah your God. For we have heard of His Name and of all that He did in Egypt,
Josh 9:14:So the leaders [of Israel] shared their provisions with them, and then they failed to ask Jehovah’s direction.
Josh 9:18:but they didn’t fight against them, because all the leaders had sworn an oath before Jehovah the God of Israel. And this caused the whole gathering to start grumbling against their leaders.
Josh 9:19:However, the leaders spoke to the gathering and said, ‘We have sworn [an oath] to them by Jehovah the God of Israel, so now we can’t touch them!
Josh 9:24:And they replied to JoShua, ‘We were told that Jehovah your God ordered his servant Moses to [take] this land and to destroy us, and all who live here. And it was because we feared for our lives that we did this thing!
Josh 9:27:Then JoShua made them woodcutters and water bearers to the whole gathering and for the Altar of God; so the inhabitants of Gibeon will serve as our woodcutters and water bearers for the Altar of God, even in that [future] place that will be chosen by Jehovah.
Josh 10:8:And Jehovah said to JoShua, ‘Don’t be afraid, for I’m giving them into your hands. There won’t be any of them left to stand before you!’
Josh 10:10:Then Jehovah struck them with terror before the children of Israel… he destroyed them with a great slaughter there at Gibeon, and chased them all the way to the road to Oronin, and to Azeca and Makeda.
Josh 10:11:And as they were fleeing the children of Israel at the descent from Oronin, Jehovah threw hailstones from the sky at them all the way to Azeca, and more died from the hailstones than were killed in battle by the children of Israel.
Josh 10:12:Then JoShua spoke to Jehovah that day, as He was giving the Amorites into the [hands] of Israel. While they were destroying [their enemies] at Gibeon, JoShua said, ‘May the sun stand still over Gibeon and may the moon [stand still] over the valley of AiLon!’
Josh 10:19:But don’t just stop there; keep chasing your enemies and attacking them from the rear. Don’t allow them to enter their cities, for Jehovah our God has given them into our hands!’
Josh 10:25:and JoShua said, ‘Now, don’t be afraid or act cowardly… be courageous and strong! For this is what Jehovah will do to all the enemies who you will fight against.’
Josh 10:30:and Jehovah gave it into their hands. They captured it and its king, and they killed the inhabitants with swords… they killed everything that breathed there, and no one survived or escaped. Then they also did to its king as they had done to the king of Jericho.
Josh 10:32:And Jehovah handed LachIsh over to Israel, capturing it on the second day, and then they put all the inhabitants to death with swords and destroyed [the city], as they had done to Lebna.
Josh 10:35:Jehovah gave it into the hands of Israel on that same day, and they killed the inhabitants and every breathing thing there with swords, as they had done at LachIsh.
Josh 10:40:Then JoShua attacked all the hill country, the Negev, the plain country, AsedOth, and all their kings… they didn’t spare any of them. They destroyed everything that had the breath of life, just as Jehovah the God of Israel had commanded,
Josh 10:42:JoShua struck down all their kings once and for all and [captured] their land, because Jehovah the God of Israel was fighting on their side.
Josh 11:6:Then Jehovah said to JoShua, ‘Don’t be afraid of them, for tomorrow at this same time I will make them retreat before Israel. Then you must hamstring their horses and burn their chariots.’
Josh 11:8:and Jehovah gave them into Israel’s hands. They struck them down and chased them all the way to Sidon, MasEron, and eastward to the plains of MasSoch… they kept destroying until there no one was left.
Josh 11:9:Then JoShua did as Jehovah commanded; he hamstrung the horses and burned their chariots in a fire.
Josh 11:12:Thereafter, JoShua conquered all the cities that belonged to those kings, and killed everyone with swords. He left no survivors, just as Moses (the servant of Jehovah) had commanded.
Josh 11:15:For, this is what Jehovah had commanded His servant Moses to do, and it’s what Moses commanded JoShua to do, so JoShua did everything that Moses commanded.
Josh 11:20:For Jehovah hardened all the hearts [of the people in those cities] when they went to war against Israel, so that they might be destroyed without mercy, just as Jehovah told Moses.
Josh 11:23:Thereafter, JoShua took all their land, just as Jehovah had commanded Moses, and [divided] it among Israel by their tribes as their inheritance. And then the war ended.
Josh 12:6:They were the ones who Moses (the servant of Jehovah) and the children of Israel struck down, and whose [land] Moses gave as an inheritance to Ruben, Gad, and the half tribe of ManasSeh.
Josh 13:1:By then, JoShua had grown very old, so Jehovah said to him, ‘You’re getting very old and there’s still a lot of land to [divide as] inheritances,
Josh 13:8:Its boundaries run from the Jordan westward to the [Mediterranean] Sea.’ Now, Moses (the servant of Jehovah) had already given the two tribes of Ruben, Gad, and the half tribe of ManasSeh their inheritance in the east, across the Jordan,
Josh 13:14:However, no inheritance was given to the tribe of Levi, for Jehovah the God of Israel is their inheritance, as He told them. Here is how Moses divided the land among the children of Israel at ArabOth Moab on the other side of the Jordan near Jericho:
Josh 14:2:The nine-and-a-half tribes received their inheritances in a lottery, just as Jehovah commanded JoShua,
Josh 14:5:So the children of Israel did just as Jehovah commanded Moses, and they divided up the land.
Josh 14:6:Then (one of) the sons of Judah (Caleb, the son of JePhoNe the Kenite) went to JoShua at GilGal and said to him: ‘You know what Jehovah said to Moses (the man of God) about me at Cades Barne.
Josh 14:8:However, although my brothers who went with me preferred to listen to the people, I kept following my God Jehovah.
Josh 14:9:So Moses swore on that day, saying, The land where you went will become the inheritance of you and your children through the ages, because you made sure that you followed our God Jehovah.
Josh 14:10:‘So Jehovah has kept me alive until now, and this is the forty-fifth year since [the time when Jehovah] said that to Moses, and [during which] Israel [lived] in the desert. And today {Look!} I’m eighty-five years old,
Josh 14:11:yet I’m still as strong as when Jehovah sent me; in fact, I’m still strong enough to fight as a soldier!
Josh 14:12:And now I ask of you for this mountain [to fulfill Jehovah’s promise], which you heard that day. And although the Enakim are here in large fortified cities; if Jehovah is with me, I’ll destroy them just as Jehovah has instructed me.’
Josh 14:14:And since then, Hebron has been the inheritance of Caleb, because he followed the commandments of Jehovah, the God of Israel.
Josh 17:4:So they went before JoShua, EliEzer the Priest, and the rulers and said, ‘God commanded Moses to give us an inheritance in the midst of our family.’ So at the command of Jehovah, they were given an inheritance among their uncles.
Josh 18:3:Then JoShua said to the sons of Israel, ‘How much longer are you going to hold back from inheriting the land that Jehovah our God has given you?
Josh 18:6:But, now you must divide the [rest of] land into seven parts, and then bring the descriptions here to me and I will parcel them out in a lottery before Jehovah our God.
Josh 18:7:However, the sons of Levi won’t receive a share among you, for the Priesthood of Jehovah is their portion. Also, Gad, Ruben, and the half tribe of ManasSeh have already received their inheritance east of the Jordan, which was given to them by Moses, the servant of Jehovah.’
Josh 18:8:Then, as the men got up to leave, JoShua gave these orders to those who were to explore the land: ‘Go and explore the land, then come to me and I will divide it in a lottery here before Jehovah in Shiloh.’
Josh 18:10:And JoShua threw lots for them before Jehovah there at Shiloh.
Josh 19:51:These are the divisions that EliEzer the Priest, JoShua (the son of NaWeh), and the family heads of the tribes of Israel assigned in a lottery before Jehovah at Shiloh, at the entrance to the Tent of Proofs. And thereafter, they each went out to take possession of their lands.
Josh 20:1:Then Jehovah spoke to JoShua and said,
Josh 21:2:at Shiloh in the land of CanaAn, and said, ‘[Remember that Jehovah] gave the commandment through Moses that we should be given cities to live in, along with their surrounding countrysides (for our cattle).’
Josh 21:3:So, following the commands of Jehovah, the children of Israel gave the Levites cities and their surrounding countryside as their inheritance.
Josh 21:8:The children of Israel also gave the Levites the land around their cities, as Jehovah had commanded Moses, which were divided in a lottery.
Josh 21:40:and all their surrounding land and suburbs. Then JoShua stopped dividing the land and setting their borders, and the children of Israel gave JoShua his portion, because this is what Jehovah had commanded them. They gave him the city that he asked for, ThamnaSarach in the hills of EphraIm. Then JoShua built the city and lived there. Thereafter, JoShua took stone knives and circumcised the children of Israel who were born along the way in the desert, and had [them recuperate] at ThamnaSarach.
Josh 21:41:So Jehovah gave Israel all the land that He had promised to their ancestors; so they inherited it and lived there.
Josh 21:43:And all the good things that Jehovah promised the children of Israel happened.
Josh 22:2:and said to them, ‘You’ve heard all that Moses (the servant of Jehovah) commanded you, and you’ve paid attention to everything I said to you about his instructions.
Josh 22:3:You haven’t deserted your brothers during all this time and you’ve followed the commandments of your God Jehovah.
Josh 22:4:So, now that our God Jehovah has given our brothers [a place] where they can rest (as He promised), you can go back to your land and your homes that Moses gave you on the other side the Jordan.
Josh 22:5:However, be careful to obey the Commandments and the Law that Moses (the servant of Jehovah) gave you… love Jehovah our God, walk in all His paths, keep His commandments, stick with Him, and serve Him with your whole mind and life.’
Josh 22:9:So, the sons of Ruben, Gad, and the half tribe of ManasSeh left the children of Israel in Shiloh (in the land of CanaAn) and headed toward Gilead and the land they inherited at the command of Jehovah through Moses.
Josh 22:16:‘This is what the whole gathering of Jehovah wants to know: What is this sin that you’ve committed before the God of Israel by building yourselves an altar? Did you do this so you can turn away from Him?
Josh 22:17:Was the sin at Phogor – from which we have yet to be cleansed – that insignificant to you, despite the fact that it brought a plague among the entire gathering of Jehovah?
Josh 22:18:And now you’ve revolted against Jehovah, so tomorrow you will know the wrath of all Israel!
Josh 22:19:‘Why, if your land is too small for you, cross over [the Jordan] into the land that Jehovah [gave us] and where the Tent of Jehovah stays and receive an inheritance among us. Don’t turn away from God by building an altar apart from the Altar of Jehovah!
Josh 22:22:‘God – our God – is Jehovah. And God Himself knows, and Israel knows, that if we have broken away from Jehovah and turned aside, He won’t save us today.
Josh 22:23:But we didn’t build ourselves an altar to turn away from Him or to sacrifice whole burnt offerings or peace offerings on it (those things that Jehovah requires).
Josh 22:24:Rather, we have done this as precaution. We did it for fear that in the future, your sons might ask our sons what they have to do with Jehovah, the God of Israel.
Josh 22:25:‘Now that Jehovah has set a boundary between you and us (the Jordan), we don’t want your sons to alienate our sons and keep them from worshiping Jehovah.
Josh 22:27:but as a witness between you and us and between our children, that we do serve Jehovah, and that we will sacrifice our burnt offerings, meat offerings, and peace offerings to Him. Then your sons won’t be able to say to our sons that we don’t [belong to] Jehovah.
Josh 22:28:‘Therefore, to prevent them from ever saying such a thing to us or our descendants, [we want them to] see our representation of the altar of Jehovah. It wasn’t built for the sake of burnt offerings or meat offerings, but as a witness between you and us and between our sons.
Josh 22:29:Far be it from us to turn away from Jehovah today or to turn away from Him and build an altar for burnt offerings or peace offerings separate from the Altar of Jehovah that stands before His Tent.’
Josh 22:31:Then Phineas the Priest said, ‘Today we know that Jehovah is with us, because you aren’t guilty of a serious sin against Jehovah and you have saved the children of Israel from the hand of Jehovah.’
Josh 22:34:Thereafter, JoShua named the altar of the children of Ruben, Gad, and the half tribe of ManasSeh, and said, ‘It is their testimony that Jehovah is their God.’
Josh 23:1:Jehovah had allowed Israel to rest from all their enemies [who lived] around them for a considerable time, until JoShua was old and up in years.
Josh 23:3:and you’ve seen all that Jehovah our God has done to these nations around us and how your God fought for you.
Josh 23:5:and Jehovah our God will destroy them before us until they’re all gone. For, He will send wild animals against them until He has destroyed them and their kings, then you will inherit their land, just as Jehovah our God has promised.
Josh 23:8:Rather, you must stick to Jehovah our God, just as you have been doing until now.
Josh 23:9:Then Jehovah will destroy them – even the great and strong nations – from among you, for no one has been able to stand against us so far.
Josh 23:10:Why, each one among you has been able to chase a thousand, for Jehovah our God fought for you as He had promised.
Josh 23:11:So, be sure to love Jehovah our God.
Josh 23:13:realize that Jehovah won’t destroy them. Rather, they will become snares and stumbling blocks – nails in your heels, and darts in your eyes – until they’ve wiped you out of this good land that Jehovah your God has given you.
Josh 23:14:‘And now, I’m getting ready to die, as does everyone else on this earth. But know in your hearts and souls that not a single word has failed of all the things that Jehovah our God has [promised] about us.
Josh 23:15:And after all the good things that Jehovah God will bring upon you are done, remember that He will also do bad things until He wipes you out of this good land that He has given you,
Josh 23:16:if you break the Sacred Agreement of Jehovah our God and go and serve other gods and bow before them.’
Josh 24:2:And JoShua spoke to all the people and said, ‘This is what Jehovah the God of Israel said: Your ancestors (such as Tara, the father of Abraham and Nahor) once stayed beyond the river and served other gods.
Josh 24:7:Then, when they called out to Jehovah, I put a cloud and darkness between [them and] the Egyptians, and brought the Sea down upon [the Egyptians] and covered them. ‘Why, your eyes have seen all that Jehovah did in the land of Egypt, and of how you spent a long time in the desert.
Josh 24:8:And now He has brought us into the land of the Amorites who lived across the Jordan, and Jehovah has given them into our hands… you have inherited their land and destroyed them!
Josh 24:10:Yet, Jehovah your God wouldn’t destroy you; He blessed us and saved us from their hands, then He handed them over to us.
Josh 24:11:‘Thereafter, you crossed the Jordan and came to Jericho, where the people of Jericho fought against us – as did the Amorites, CanaAnites, Pherezites, Evites, Jebusites, Hittites, and the Gergesites – and Jehovah gave them all into our hands.
Josh 24:14:So, fear Jehovah and serve Him righteously and justly… get rid of all the strange gods that our ancestors served across the river and in Egypt, and serve Jehovah!
Josh 24:15:‘However, if you don’t wish to serve Jehovah, then choose who you will serve today… whether it’s the gods of your ancestors that were on the other side of the river, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you’re now living. But as for me and my household, we will serve Jehovah, because He alone is holy!’
Josh 24:16:And the people answered, ‘We won’t leave Jehovah and serve other gods.
Josh 24:17:Why, our God Jehovah is God! For, it was He who brought our ancestors and us out of Egypt, and who protected us all along the way that we walked, and from all the nations that we passed.
Josh 24:18:And it was Jehovah who threw out the Amorites and all the other nations that lived in this land. Yes, we will serve Jehovah, for He is our God!’
Josh 24:19:Then JoShua said to the people, ‘You won’t really be able to serve Jehovah, because He is holy. And because He’s zealous, He won’t forgive your sins and your errors.
Josh 24:20:So when you leave Jehovah to serve other gods, He will come against you, oppress you, and consume you, because He has done good things for you.’
Josh 24:21:Then the people replied, ‘No! We will serve Jehovah!’
Josh 24:22:And JoShua said, ‘Then you are witnesses against yourselves that you’ve chosen to serve Jehovah.
Josh 24:23:So now, get rid of all the strange gods that you have, and set your hearts right with Jehovah, the God of Israel.’
Josh 24:24:And the people replied, ‘We will serve Jehovah and listen to His voice!’
Josh 24:26:And then he wrote those words in the book of the Laws of God. And JoShua took a large block of stone and erected it under the oak tree before Jehovah.
Josh 24:27:Then he told the people, ‘Look, this stone will serve as a witness among you, for it has heard all the words that you’ve said before Jehovah. And because He has spoken to you today, this stone will serve as a witness against you in the last days when you deal treacherously with my God Jehovah.’
Josh 24:29:Thereafter, JoShua (the son of NaWeh), the servant of Jehovah, died at the age of a hundred and ten,
Josh 24:30:and they buried him in the land that he had inherited in Thamna Sarach, in the hills of EphraIm north of Mount Gilead. They put his [body] in a tomb, along with the stone knives that he had used to circumcise the children of Israel at GilGal, after Jehovah brought them out of Egypt… and they are still there today.
Josh 24:31:Well, Israel served Jehovah for as long as JoShua and the elders of JoShua’s era (who knew all that Jehovah had done for Israel) were still alive.
Josh 24:33:Shortly thereafter, EliEzer (Aaron’s son) the High Priest also died and was buried in GabaA in the hills of EphraIm (which had been given to his son Phineas). And on that day, the children of Israel took the Chest of God and carried it among the people. Then Phineas was appointed as [High] Priest in place of his father EliEzer (after his death and burial at GabaA). Thereafter, the children of Israel each left and returned to their own cities and homes, and they started worshiping Astarte, AstarOth, and the gods of the nations around them. So, Jehovah handed them over to Eglom, the king of Moab, who ruled over them for the next eighteen years.
Judg 1:1:After the death of JoShua, the children of Israel asked Jehovah, ‘Who will lead us in battle against the CanaAnites now?’
Judg 1:2:And Jehovah replied, ‘The Judeans must take the lead, for I have delivered this land into their hands.’
Judg 1:4:and Jehovah delivered the CanaAnites and Pherezites into their hands. It was at Bezek that they cut down ten thousand men.
Judg 1:19:But Jehovah was with the Judeans, and they inherited all the hill country; yet they weren’t able to destroy the inhabitants in the valley, because the Rechabites kept them from doing so.
Judg 1:22:The sons of Joseph went up against BethEl and Jehovah was with them.
Judg 2:1:Well, a messenger of Jehovah had traveled from GilGal to The Place of Tears at BethEl, to address the house of Israel. And he told them, ‘This is what Jehovah has said: I brought you out of Egypt and into the land that I promised to your ancestors. And I said that I would never break the Agreement that I made with you.
Judg 2:4:Well, after the messenger of Jehovah said all of this to the children of Israel, the people started shouting and crying,
Judg 2:5:and that’s why they named it The Place of Tears. Then they offered sacrifices to Jehovah there,
Judg 2:7:So, the people served Jehovah [faithfully] for as long as JoShua and all the elders (who knew of the great things that Jehovah had done in Israel) were still alive.
Judg 2:8:But then JoShua (the son of NaWeh), the servant of Jehovah, died at a hundred and ten years old,
Judg 2:10:And then the rest of that generation was laid to rest with their ancestors, and another generation came along that didn’t know Jehovah or of the things that He had done in Israel.
Judg 2:11:So the children of Israel started doing evil things before Jehovah, and they started serving Baal Im.
Judg 2:12:They left Jehovah (the God of their ancestors) who had brought them out of the land of Egypt, and started following and worshiping other gods – the gods of the nations roundabout them –
Judg 2:13:and this made Jehovah very angry… they left Him and started serving Baal and the stars!
Judg 2:14:And because Jehovah was very angry at Israel, He handed them over to looters who plundered them… He sold them into the hands of their enemies [who lived] around them and they were no longer able to stand against their enemies,
Judg 2:15:for the hand of Jehovah was against them. He caused bad things to happen, as He promised, and they [underwent some very hard times].
Judg 2:16:Then Jehovah appointed Judges to save them from the hands of those who were looting them, but they wouldn’t even listen to the Judges.
Judg 2:17:They just continued in their immoral relations with other gods by worshiping them, and they quickly turned from the way that their ancestors had walked, refusing to listen to the words of Jehovah.
Judg 2:18:Now, because Jehovah had appointed their Judges, He blest the Judges and continued to save [Israel] from the hands of their enemies during the entire period of the Judges, for Jehovah was moved by all their groaning about those who were attacking and looting them.
Judg 2:20:which made Jehovah very angry with Israel. So He told them: ‘Because this nation has broken the Sacred Agreement that I made with their ancestors and refused to listen to My voice,
Judg 2:23:So, Jehovah just left those nations (that JoShua didn’t conquer) alone, and He didn’t drive them away.
Judg 3:1:These are the nations that Jehovah left [in the land] to test those in Israel (those who didn’t know about the wars in CanaAn,
Judg 3:7:[Of course], this was evil in the eyes of Jehovah, for they had forgotten Jehovah their God and were serving Baal Im and the sacred poles.
Judg 3:8:As the result, Jehovah was very angry at Israel and He sold them into the hand of Chusar Sathaim, the king of Syrian-MesoPotamia, and the children of Israel served him for eight years.
Judg 3:9:It was then that the children of Israel started calling to Jehovah; so Jehovah appointed a savior for Israel who delivered them… GothoniEl (the son of Kenez), the younger brother of Caleb.
Judg 3:10:Jehovah poured out His Breath upon him, and he served as Israel’s Judge. And when he went to war against Chusar Sathaim, Jehovah gave the king of Syrian-MesoPotamia into his hands, and he was conquered.
Judg 3:12:However, the children of Israel kept doing evil things before Jehovah, so because of their evil ways, He allowed Eglom (the king of Moab) to grow stronger, and then come against Israel.
Judg 3:15:And again the children of Israel called to Jehovah and He provided them a savior, Aod (the son of Gera and grandson of JeMeni), who was just as strong with his left hand as he was with his right. And when the children of Israel sent him to carry gifts to Eglom,
Judg 3:28:and said, ‘Now follow me, for Jehovah God has given our enemies the Moabites into our hands.’ So they followed him and they captured the fords that cross the Jordan near the land of Moab, and they wouldn’t allow anyone to cross.
Judg 3:31:After him, Jehovah appointed SamEgar (the son of Dinach). He’s the one who cut down six hundred Philistines with an ox plough. And he too delivered Israel.
Judg 4:1:And again, after Aod died, the children of Israel went back to doing evil things against Jehovah.
Judg 4:2:So Jehovah sold them into the hands of JaBin (the king of CanaAn) who ruled from Asor. The leader of his army was SiSara, and he lived in ArisOth-of-the-Gentiles.
Judg 4:3:Then the children of Israel started calling to [Jehovah again], because [SiSara] had nine hundred iron chariots, which [he used to] oppress Israel for twenty years.
Judg 4:6:Then DeborAh sent for BaRak (the son of AbineEm) who was in Cades of NaphTali, and she asked him, ‘Hasn’t Jehovah the God of Israel given you any instructions? Take ten thousand men from among the sons of NaphTali and ZebuLon, and go to Mount Tabor.
Judg 4:8:And BaRak replied, ‘If you’ll go with me, I will go. But if you won’t go, I’m not going; because I’m not sure which day Jehovah will bless me [by sending] His messengers.’
Judg 4:9:And she said, ‘Then I’ll go with you, but understand this: You won’t be honored by this expedition, for Jehovah will give SiSara into the hands of a woman.’ So DeborAh left Cades and went with BaRak…
Judg 4:14:Then DeborAh told BaRak, ‘Now [get ready], for this is the day when Jehovah will give SiSara into your hands… because Jehovah will go ahead of you!’ So, BaRak descended Mount Tabor with ten thousand men,
Judg 4:15:and Jehovah created problems for SiSara, his chariots, and his army; and BaRak cut them down with swords. Then SiSara jumped from his chariot and ran.
Judg 5:3:Hear O you kings and listen you rulers, For this I will sing… Yes, I’ll sing a song to Jehovah… A psalm to Jehovah, Israel’s God.
Judg 5:4:O Jehovah; You went up to Seir… You went to the land of Edom; The earth quaked and the sky dripped with dew, And from the clouds dropped the rain.
Judg 5:5:Mountains shook before the face of the Lord; O God; Sinai [trembled] before the face of Jehovah (God of Israel),
Judg 5:9:My heart yearned for Israel to be ordered, (Among those who still praised Jehovah)
Judg 5:11:that you’ve been saved from those who disturbed us; And may those who go to draw water, Tell the righteous things that You’ve done, O Jehovah. And may Your righteous deeds keep growing in Israel; May the people of Jehovah return to their cities.
Judg 5:13:A small group of the strong people of Jehovah went with him; They were the mighty that came from among us.
Judg 5:23:May you be cursed, O Meroz, For, the messenger of Jehovah has cursed all who live there, Because they didn’t [fight] for Jehovah, And [they didn’t come] to the aid of His mighty.
Judg 5:31:May all your enemies perish thus, O Jehovah; But may those who love You be just as strong, As the voyages of the sun.’
Judg 6:1:However, the children of Israel kept doing evil things in the eyes of Jehovah, so He put them under the hand of the Midianites for seven years.
Judg 6:7:and the children of Israel started calling to Jehovah over Midian.
Judg 6:8:Then Jehovah sent a Prophet to the children of Israel, who told them, ‘This is what Jehovah the God of Israel says: I’m the One who brought you out of the land of Egypt, and it was I who brought you out of the house of slavery.
Judg 6:10:I also told you that I am Jehovah your God, so you are not to be afraid of the gods of the Amorites in whose land you now live; but you just wouldn’t listen to Me!
Judg 6:11:Then a messenger of Jehovah came and sat down under the fir tree at EphRatha (BethLehem) in the land of JoAs (the father of EsDri), as [EsDri’s] son Gideon was threshing wheat in a wine press (so the Midianites wouldn’t notice [what he was doing]).
Judg 6:12:It was there that Jehovah’s messenger appeared to him and said, ‘Jehovah is with you, you mighty [man].’
Judg 6:13:And Gideon said to him, ‘Be patient with me, my lord; If Jehovah is with us, then why are all these bad things happening to us… and where are all His miracles that our ancestors have told us about, such as when He brought them out of Egypt? For, now he has rejected us and given us into the hands of the Midianites.’
Judg 6:14:Then the messenger of Jehovah turned to him and said, ‘Go and use your strength to save Israel from the hands of Midian. For look, I am sending you!’
Judg 6:16:And the messenger of Jehovah said to him, ‘Jehovah will be with you and you must cut down everyone in Midian.’
Judg 6:21:Then the messenger of Jehovah stuck out the walking stick that was in his hand and touched the meat and fermentation-free bread, and fire came out of the rock and consumed it all. Then the messenger of Jehovah vanished from his sight.
Judg 6:22:It was then that Gideon realized it was a messenger of Jehovah, and he said, ‘Ah… ah… Jehovah my God! I’ve seen the messenger of Jehovah face to face!’
Judg 6:23:And Jehovah replied, ‘May you have peace. Now, don’t be afraid, for you’re not going to die.’
Judg 6:24:And so Gideon built an altar to Jehovah there and called it ‘The Peace of Jehovah.’ And it’s still there today in EphRatha, [at the home of his] father, EsDri.
Judg 6:25:Then that night, Jehovah said to him, ‘Now take the young calf that your father has, the second one that is seven-years old, and then destroy your father’s altar to Baal and his sacred poles.
Judg 6:26:For, you must build an altar to Jehovah your God on the top of this hill and get things ready; then take the calf and sacrifice it as a whole burnt offering, using the wood from the sacred poles that you cut down.’
Judg 6:27:So, Gideon took ten of his servants and did as Jehovah said. But, because he was afraid of the house of his father and the men of the city, he did it at night.
Judg 6:34:So, the Breath of Jehovah came upon Gideon and he blew his [battle] horn, and AbiEzer came to his aid.
Judg 7:4:Then Jehovah said to Gideon, ‘There are still too many people, so lead them all down to the water, and I will reduce their numbers for you. Then, whichever ones I select and say, This one must go with you, you must take. And those that I tell you not to take must not go with you… make sure that they don’t come along!’
Judg 7:5:So, Gideon led the people down to the water, and Jehovah said to Gideon, ‘Now, I want you to set all those who lap the water like a dog aside from those who get down on their knees to drink.’
Judg 7:7:And Jehovah said to Gideon, ‘Now I’m going to save you and give Midian into your hands with these three hundred men who lapped the water. All the rest may return home.’
Judg 7:9:And that night, Jehovah said to him, ‘Now get up and go down into the camp, for I have given it into your hands.
Judg 7:15:So, when Gideon heard the story of the dream and its interpretation, he thanked Jehovah. Then he returned to the camp of Israel and said, ‘Now get up, for Jehovah has given the camp of Midian into our hands.’
Judg 7:18:then I’ll blow my horn, and at the same time you must start blowing your trumpets all around their camp and shouting, For Jehovah and Gideon!
Judg 7:20:Then all three companies blew their trumpets and broke their pitchers, and they held the torches in their left hands as they blew their trumpets with their right hands and shouted, ‘A sword for Jehovah and Gideon!’
Judg 7:22:And when the three hundred blew their trumpets, Jehovah caused the entire army to start attacking each other with swords.
Judg 8:3:Why, Jehovah delivered the leaders of Midian (Oreb and Zeb) into your hands, and what did I do to compare with that?’ Well when he said that, they calmed down.
Judg 8:7:And Gideon said, ‘Okay then, but when Jehovah gives Zebee and Salmana into my hands, [I’m going to return] and tear your flesh with thorns in the BarKenim Desert.’ From there he went up to Peniel and made the same request of them, but they answered as the men of Succoth had.
Judg 8:19:And Gideon said, ‘They were my brothers… the sons of my mother. So, as Jehovah lives, if you had left them alive I wouldn’t have to kill you.’
Judg 8:23:But Gideon replied, ‘I’m not going to rule over you, nor will my sons, for Jehovah must be your ruler.’
Judg 8:34:So, the children of Israel forgot Jehovah their God who had saved them from the hands of all those around them that were oppressing them.
Judg 10:6:Then the children of Israel once again started doing evil things in the eyes of Jehovah,
Judg 10:11:but Jehovah said to the children of Israel: ‘Haven’t I delivered you from the oppression of Egypt, the Amorites, the children of AmMon, the Philistines,
Judg 10:16:Then they removed all their other gods and started serving just Jehovah again. However, He was hurt by all the trouble that Israel was causing.
Judg 11:9:So JephThah told the elders of Gilead. ‘Okay, if you bring me back to fight against the children of AmMon and Jehovah hands them over to me; then I must be your leader.’
Judg 11:10:And the elders of Gilead replied, ‘Jehovah is our witness that we will do just as you said.’
Judg 11:11:So JephThah went with the elders of Gilead, and the people made him the head [of their army and their] ruler. Then JephThah prayed to Jehovah about this at MasSepha.
Judg 11:21:However, Jehovah the God of Israel gave Seon and all his people into the hands of Israel, and they them cut him down and inherited all the land of the Amorites who lived there,
Judg 11:23:‘So, now that Jehovah the God of Israel has removed the Amorites [and given their land to] His people Israel, are you going to take it back?
Judg 11:24:Why not accept the land that your god Chamosh has given you as your inheritance, and allow us to inherit all the land that our God Jehovah has taken from you?
Judg 11:27:So now, I haven’t sinned against you, but you’re doing me wrong by preparing to war against me. May Jehovah our Judge serve as the judge between the children of Israel and the children of AmMon today!’
Judg 11:29:And Jehovah’s Breath settled upon JephThah, so he went up to Gilead (in ManasSeh), passed by its watchtower (as well as the children of AmMon), and went to the other side of the city.
Judg 11:30:Then JephThah made a vow to Jehovah. He said, ‘If you’ll give the children of AmMon into my hands,
Judg 11:31:then whoever is the first to come out of the door of my house to meet me when I return in peace after [conquering] the children of AmMon, must be Jehovah’s… I will offer him as a whole burnt offering.’
Judg 11:32:Then JephThah advanced to meet the sons of AmMon in battle, and Jehovah gave them into his hands.
Judg 11:35:And when he saw her, he ripped his clothes and shouted, ‘Oh no, my daughter! You’ve ruined me! Oh, I’m so sad, because I made a promise about you to Jehovah, and now I can’t change it.’
Judg 11:36:And she said: ‘Father, do to me whatever you’ve promised to Jehovah, for He has given you vengeance on our enemies, the children of AmMon.’
Judg 12:3:So, when I saw that you weren’t any help, I put my life in my own hands and attacked the sons of AmMon, and Jehovah gave them to me. So now, just why are you coming against me today?’
Judg 13:1:Then the children of Israel started sinning against Jehovah again, so He handed them over to the Philistines for forty years.
Judg 13:3:Then a messenger of Jehovah appeared to her and said, ‘I see that you have never given birth to a son.
Judg 13:8:So ManoEh prayed to Jehovah and said: ‘I beg You, O Jehovah my Lord, concerning the man of God that you sent. Let him come to us once again and teach us what to do to this child that’s about to be born.’
Judg 13:9:And Jehovah heard the voice of ManoEh and sent His messenger to the woman again as she was sitting in a field… but ManoEh (her husband) wasn’t with her.
Judg 13:13:And the messenger of Jehovah said to ManoEh: ‘The woman will be aware of all the things that I spoke to her about;
Judg 13:15:And ManoEh said to the messenger of Jehovah, ‘Please stay for a while and let us prepare a meal of young goat for you.’
Judg 13:16:And the messenger of Jehovah said to ManoEh, ‘If you want me to stay, I won’t eat your bread. But if you wish to sacrifice a whole burnt offering to Jehovah, you should do it.’ Now, ManoEh didn’t realize that he was a messenger of Jehovah,
Judg 13:18:And the messenger of Jehovah replied, ‘Why do you ask my name? It’s just too wonderful.’
Judg 13:19:So then, ManoEh took a kid goat and its meat offering, and offered it to Jehovah on a rock. And the messenger did something unusual as ManoEh and his wife looked on.
Judg 13:20:For the flames of the altar flew up into the sky, and the messenger of Jehovah went up in the flames. And when ManoEh and his wife saw this, they fell with their faces to the ground.
Judg 13:21:Well, the messenger never appeared to ManoEh and his wife again. But MonoEh then realized that it was a messenger of Jehovah.
Judg 13:23:But his wife said to him, ‘If Jehovah wanted to kill us, He wouldn’t have accepted our whole burnt offering and food offering, nor would He have shown us or caused us to hear all these things.’
Judg 13:24:Thereafter, the woman gave birth to a son who she named Sampson, and Jehovah blest him as he grew.
Judg 13:25:For, the Breath of Jehovah went with him into the camp of Dan and between SaraAh and EsthaOl.
Judg 14:4:Well, what his father and mother didn’t realize, is that this [action] came from Jehovah, for He wanted to bring His vengeance upon the Philistines, who were ruling over Israel at the time.
Judg 14:6:Well, the Breath of Jehovah came over him in a powerful way, and he crushed the lion as though it were a kid goat, leaving nothing in his hands. But he didn’t tell his father and mother what he had done.
Judg 14:19:Then the Breath of Jehovah came over him and he went down into the city and destroyed thirty men, took their clothes, and gave them to those who answered the riddle. And Sampson was so angry that he just went back to the house of his father,
Judg 15:18:Well, he was extremely thirsty, so he called to Jehovah and said, ‘Since it has pleased You to use Your servant’s hands to bring about this great deliverance, must I now die of thirst and fall into the hands of the uncircumcised?’
Judg 16:20:So when DeliLah shouted ‘The Philistines are here, Sampson!’ he woke up thinking, ‘I’ll just shake myself free and leave, as before.’ But he didn’t know that Jehovah had left him.
Judg 16:28:Then Sampson called to Jehovah and said, ‘O Jehovah my Lord; please remember me and give me strength just one last time, O God, so I can make the Philistines pay for the loss of my eyes.’
Judg 17:2:And he said to his mother, ‘Do you remember those eleven hundred silver coins that you once had, and which you cursed me for taking? Well, here they are, for I did in fact take them.’ And his mother said, ‘May Jehovah bless you, my son.’
Judg 17:13:And MicaYas said, ‘Now I know that Jehovah will treat me well, because a Levite has become my priest.’
Judg 18:6:And the priest said to them, ‘Go your way in peace, for the direction you’re heading is the direction of Jehovah.’
Judg 20:1:Then the whole gathering of the children of Israel (from Dan to BerSabeEh) came to a meeting before Jehovah at MasSepha in the land of Gilead.
Judg 20:2:They all stood there before Jehovah as an assembly of the people of God, along with four hundred thousand sword carrying soldiers,
Judg 20:18:But [before they went to battle], they went to BethEl to ask God, ‘Who must lead us in the fight against the children of BenJamin?’ And Jehovah replied, ‘Judah must go first and serve as your leader.’
Judg 20:23:[But first], they went and spent the day crying before Jehovah, and in the evening they asked Him, ‘Should we go to fight against our brothers the children of BenJamin again?’ And Jehovah said, ‘Go and fight them.’
Judg 20:26:Then all the children of Israel (the people and their troops) went to BethEl and sat there crying before Jehovah, and they fasted all that day until the evening. Then they offered whole burnt offerings and perfect sacrifices to Jehovah.
Judg 20:27:Well, back then, the [Sacred Chest] of Jehovah God was there [in BethEl].
Judg 20:28:And Phineas (the son of EliEzer and grandson of Aaron) would go and stand before it whenever the children of Israel wanted to ask Jehovah for anything. So, again they asked: ‘Must we go again to fight with our brothers, the sons of BenJamin?’ And Jehovah replied, ‘If you go there in the morning, I will give them into your hands.’
Judg 20:35:So, Jehovah allowed the children of Israel to cut down BenJamin that day. And all together, the children of Israel destroyed twenty-five thousand of BenJamin’s soldiers.
Judg 21:3:For they asked, ‘Why, O Jehovah the God of Israel, should one tribe of Israel now be missing?’
Judg 21:5:Then the children of Israel started asking, ‘Who among the tribes of Israel hasn’t come here to meet with the gathering of Jehovah?’ (For they had all sworn an oath that those who didn’t come to Jehovah at MasSephath would be put to death).
Judg 21:7:But, what must we do to provide wives for those [among BenJamin] who are still alive, since we’ve all sworn by Jehovah not to give them our daughters as wives?’
Judg 21:8:Then they asked, ‘Are there any among the tribes of Israel who failed to come to Jehovah at MasSephath?’ And they found that no one had come there from JabIsh in Gilead
Judg 21:15:The reason why the people made this concession to Benjamin, was because Jehovah had allowed this breakup among the tribes of Israel.
Judg 21:19:Then they said, ‘Look, there’s a feast of Jehovah that’s held each year in Shiloh’ (which is north of BethEl and east of the road between BethEl and Sychem, south of Lebona).
Ruth 1:6:So, she got up and told her two daughters-in-law that she was going to return to her own country, because she heard [from someone] there in the land of Moab, that Jehovah had returned to His people and was again providing loaves of bread to eat.
Ruth 1:8:But Naomi said to her daughters-in-law: ‘Please go back home to your mothers, and may Jehovah be as merciful with you as you’ve been with my dead ones. Thank you for meeting with me.
Ruth 1:9:May Jehovah give you each rest in the house of a husband.’ Then she kissed them and they both started to cry,
Ruth 1:13:And should you wait for them and not marry again until they’ve grown into men? No, my daughters, for I’ve become very bitter since the hand of Jehovah has been against me.’
Ruth 1:17:Wherever you die is where I will die, and that’s were I’ll be buried. May Jehovah [curse] me and add more to it if anything other than death will separate me from you.’
Ruth 1:21:Because, after I left [this land], Jehovah has sent me back with nothing. So, why call me Naomi, because Jehovah has humbled me, and [God] has persecuted me.’
Ruth 2:4:And {Look!} when Boaz came from the city (of BethLehem), he said to those who were harvesting there, ‘May Jehovah be with you.’ And they replied, ‘May Jehovah bless you.’
Ruth 2:12:May Jehovah repay your good deeds, and may the God of Israel who you’ve come to serve shelter you under His wings.’
Ruth 2:20:And Naomi said, ‘Praise Jehovah, for He hasn’t forgotten to be merciful [to the widows] of those who have died.’ Then she added, ‘This man is a close relative to you. He’s one of us… one of our closest relatives!’
Ruth 3:10:And Boaz replied, ‘May you be blessed by Jehovah God for your goodness and mercy, my daughter, because you chose the last over the first. You could have looked for a younger man, whether rich or poor.
Ruth 3:13:So, spend the rest of the night here, and in the morning, we’ll find out if he will do right by you as your closest relative. Now, as Jehovah is living, you may go to sleep until the morning.’
Ruth 4:11:And the elders agreed, saying, ‘We are witnesses. And may Jehovah make the wife who is entering your home like Rachael and Leah, the ones who built the house of Israel. May they succeed in doing that in a powerful way in EphRatha, and in [bringing forth] a name in BethLehem.
Ruth 4:14:And she said to Naomi, ‘May Jehovah be praised, because He didn’t rest until He provided a son for you today. May he speak your name in Israel,
1Sam 1:3:Well, each day [ElKanah] would leave his city and go up to Shiloh to bow and offer sacrifices to Jehovah of armies, along with Eli and two of his sons, Hophni and Phineas, who were Priests of Jehovah.
1Sam 1:5:but he only gave HanNah a single portion, because she didn’t have any children. However, ElKanah loved HanNah more than he loved PeninNah, yet Jehovah had kept her womb locked,
1Sam 1:6:for He hadn’t given her a child to love and to remove her sorrow, so she became depressed, and she believed that Jehovah wouldn’t allow her to have a baby.
1Sam 1:7:And each year she would go up to the House of Jehovah, and cry and fast there.
1Sam 1:10:and because her life was in such pain, she prayed and cried there before Jehovah.
1Sam 1:11:Then she made a vow, saying, ‘O Jehovah of armies; if You will look at me, You will see how Your slave woman has been disgraced. Please remember me and don’t forget that I’m your servant. Remember me and don’t forget me; and if You’ll give me a son, I will stand him before You and dedicate him to You throughout his entire life, and no razor will ever be used on his head.’
1Sam 1:12:As she was praying there before Jehovah, the Priest Eli was watching her mouth,
1Sam 1:15:But HanNah said, ‘No my lord, I’m just a woman who has had hard times. I haven’t had any wine or liquor to drink, and I’m not drunk. Rather, I’m pouring out my soul before Jehovah.
1Sam 1:19:Then, when they got up early the next morning, they bowed before Jehovah and went back home. And after ElKanah returned home to RamAh, he [had sex] with his wife HanNah, and Jehovah remembered her and she got pregnant.
1Sam 1:22:HanNah didn’t go there with him, for she said, ‘I will wait until the boy is weaned before I bring him before Jehovah, then he can spend the rest of the age there.’
1Sam 1:23:And ElKanah said, ‘You do whatever you see is best. But after he’s weaned, may [Jehovah hold you responsible] for the things you’ve said.’ So, the woman nursed her son until the time he was weaned,
1Sam 1:24:then they took him up to Shiloh along with a three-year-old calf, a quart of fine flour, and a skin flask of wine. There they entered the house of Jehovah in Shiloh, and took the boy inside with them
1Sam 1:25:and stood him before Jehovah. Then, after they slaughtered the calf, HanNah brought the child to Eli
1Sam 1:26:and said, ‘My Lord, may you live a long life. I’m the woman who stood before you while praying to Jehovah, and here’s my son.
1Sam 1:27:This is the boy that I prayed for, and Jehovah gave me what I asked of Him, so may he now serve Jehovah all the days of his life. [We are presenting him to you here] to be used by the Lord.’
1Sam 2:1:And HanNah prayed and sang: ‘Now my [faith] is firm, O God; For my heart [belongs to Jehovah]; My horn has been raised by my God; And against my enemies my mouth’s opened wide. ‘I thank You for my salvation, For, Your salvation has made me so happy.
1Sam 2:2:There’s no one as holy as Jehovah; There’s no one who is as righteous as our God… none are holier than You.
1Sam 2:3:‘We should never boast Or allow haughty words to come from our mouths, For, Jehovah is a God of [great] knowledge, And a God who plans all that He does.
1Sam 2:6:‘For, Jehovah kills and gives birth to the living; He takes them to the grave and leads them back out.
1Sam 2:7:It’s Jehovah who makes the poor and the rich; Yes, He humbles and raises.
1Sam 2:10:And it’s Jehovah who weakens our enemies… yes Jehovah is holy. ‘May the intelligent not boast of their smartness, And may the mighty not brag of their strength, Nor the rich of their wealth. But let them boast now in this: Let he who is bragging now see, And know that it comes from Jehovah; May they observe the ways that He judges, And see His justice in the midst of the land. ‘For, Jehovah has ascended into heaven, And there in the sky He has thundered. He will [find] and judge all the wicked, And to the ends of the earth [He’ll search] for the righteous. ‘It is He who gives strength to kings, And it’s He who’ll raise the horn of His anointed.’
1Sam 2:11:She then left him there before Jehovah and went back home to their house in RamAh. And there the boy served Jehovah before Eli the Priest. Now, Eli’s Sons were very wicked,
1Sam 2:12:because they didn’t [really believe in Jehovah].
1Sam 2:14:They would drop the meat hook down into the large kettle and grab whatever they could. So, rather than allowing [the people to eat their portion of the sacrifice], the Priests took whatever they wanted. And that’s how they treated the people of Israel who came to Shiloh to offer sacrifices to Jehovah.
1Sam 2:17:And that’s how the young men were sinning before Jehovah in such a great way, and how they made the His sacrifices worthless.’
1Sam 2:18:So, SamuEl served there in the presence of Jehovah as a boy, wearing a sacred chest piece of linen.
1Sam 2:20:And Eli praised ElKanah and his wife, saying, ‘Jehovah has taken the seed of this woman as a loan, for the way that she has acted toward the Lord.’ And then they went back home.
1Sam 2:21:Well, Jehovah visited HanNah once more, and she got pregnant again. So, she gave birth to three more sons and two daughters. But the boy SamuEl was given the responsibility of serving in the presence of Jehovah.
1Sam 2:23:And he asked them, ‘Why are you doing all these bad things that the people of Jehovah are talking about?
1Sam 2:25:Why, if you’re sinning against the people, they will go and pray to Jehovah about it. And if you’re the one who is sinning against Jehovah, who will pray for you?’ But they wouldn’t listen to their father, because Jehovah preferred to destroy them.
1Sam 2:26:However, the boy SamuEl went on to become great, for he was in good standing with both Jehovah and with men.
1Sam 2:27:Then a man from God came to Eli and said, ‘This is what Jehovah has said: I revealed Myself to the house of your fathers in the land of Egypt who were servants in the house of Pharaoh.
1Sam 2:30:Now, because of this, says Jehovah, the God of Israel, Your house and the house of your father will fall before Me through the age. Then those who glorify Me will be glorified, and those who treat Me with contempt will be disgraced.
1Sam 3:1:Well, the boy SamuEl served as an official of Jehovah under Eli the [High] Priest. And back then, the word of Jehovah was highly esteemed, because the [Priests] weren’t being given visions of what to do.
1Sam 3:3:the [sacred] lampstand of God had been left burning. Well, SamuEl also lied down in the Holy Place of Jehovah near the Chest of Proofs.
1Sam 3:7:Well, SamuEl didn’t realize that it was God speaking, and that the words of Jehovah were about to be revealed to him.
1Sam 3:10:and Jehovah came and called as He had done before. He said, ‘SamuEl… SamuEl.’ And SamuEl replied, ‘Speak, because Your servant is listening!’
1Sam 3:15:Then SamuEl went back to bed [and lay there] until morning. And when he got up early in the morning and opened the entrance to the House of Jehovah, he was afraid to tell Eli what he saw.
1Sam 3:18:So, SamuEl reported everything that was said to him… he didn’t try to hide a single word. And Eli said, ‘Jehovah is good, and He will do everything that He says He will do.’
1Sam 3:19:Well SamuEl became great, because Jehovah was with him, and there wasn’t a word he was told that failed to come true in the land.
1Sam 3:20:And all Israel from Dan to BeerSheba came to know that SamuEl was a faithful Prophet of Jehovah.
1Sam 3:21:So, Jehovah started to show Himself at Shiloh again, for He was revealing Himself to SamuEl, and Jehovah was speaking to him there. Then SamuEl became the trusted Prophet of Jehovah throughout Israel, from one end of the land to the other. But Eli was very old, and his sons kept doing things that were wicked before Jehovah.
1Sam 4:3:And when they returned to camp, the people asked, ‘Why has Jehovah allowed us to lose against the Philistines today? Perhaps we should take Jehovah’s Chest of Proofs from Shiloh and carry it in our midst [in battle], for it will protect us from the hands of our enemies!’
1Sam 4:4:So they sent people to Shiloh to get the Chest of Jehovah’s Sacred Agreement [to summon the power] of the cherubs [on its cover], and both sons of Eli (Hophni and Phineas) traveled with the [sacred] Chest of God.
1Sam 4:6:And when the Philistines heard it, they started asking each other, ‘Why are they shouting in the camp of the Hebrews?’ Well, they concluded that the Chest of Jehovah had been brought into the camp,
1Sam 5:3:But when the people of AshDod got up early the next morning and entered the Temple, {Look!} they found Dagon had fallen with his face to the ground before the Chest of God. So, they lifted Dagon up and set him back in place. Well, Jehovah’s hand continued to be heavy against the people of AshDod and the surrounding country, for He tormented them and struck them [with boils] on their backsides.
1Sam 5:4:Then, when they got up the next morning, {Look!} they found that Dagon had once again fallen on his face before the Chest of Jehovah’s Sacred Agreement, but this time his head had fallen off and both hands had broken off at their wrists, and were lying by the [front] door. So, all that was left of him was his torso.
1Sam 5:6:Well, Jehovah continued to oppress and torment the people of AshDod, and He struck them [with boils] on their backsides throughout all its borders.
1Sam 5:9:And as they were moving it there, Jehovah created a tremendous problem for them, for He struck all the men of the city (both the small and the great) [with boils] on their backsides.
1Sam 6:1:Well, the Chest of Jehovah just laid there in a Philistine field for seven months, and soon their land became overrun with mice.
1Sam 6:2:So the Philistines called a meeting of their priests, clairvoyants, and witches, and they asked, ‘What should we do with the Chest of Jehovah? Tell us how we can go about returning it to where it belongs!’
1Sam 6:3:And they replied, ‘If you return the Chest of the Sacred Agreement of Jehovah the God of Israel, return it empty. For, by doing this you will really upset them, but the thing will be settled. [Their God] will no longer [oppress you] and everyone will be healed [from the plague].’
1Sam 6:5:‘Each of the five Philistine governors should send along a gold [model of their] buttocks, because the fault was theirs… both the rulers and the people. Also, send along a representation of five gold mice, the type that are overrunning the land; and [don’t forget to] give glory to Jehovah if you wish Him to [stop being angry] with you, your gods, and your land.
1Sam 6:8:Next, take the Chest of Jehovah and put it on the wagon, then replace the things in the Chest with the gold representations of your torment and send it on.
1Sam 6:11:Then they put the Chest of Jehovah on the wagon and placed the gold mice and the images of their buttocks inside the chest,
1Sam 6:13:Well at the time, the people of BethShemesh were harvesting their wheat in the valley. And when they saw the Chest of Jehovah, they started cheering and ran to meet it.
1Sam 6:14:Then they took the wagon into the field of Joshua (which was near BethShemesh), up to a huge rock, where they split the wood of the wagon and sacrificed the oxen as whole burnt offerings to Jehovah.
1Sam 6:15:The Levites then took the Chest of Jehovah and removed the items of gold that were in it, and placed them on the large rock. Then the men of BethShemesh sacrificed the whole burnt offerings (along with other sacrifices) to Jehovah.
1Sam 6:17:Now, these are the gold buttocks that the Philistines sent to remove the torment of Jehovah: There was one from AshDod, one from Gaza, one from AshKelon, one from Gath, and one from Ekron.
1Sam 6:18:And each of the well-fortified Philistine cities sent gold mice, one from each of the five governors… they were also removed from the Chest of Jehovah and placed on the large rock. [You can still find that rock] in the field of JoShua near BethShemesh today.
1Sam 6:19:But then Jehovah struck the men of BethShemesh, because they had [been examining] the Chest of Jehovah. He struck down seventy of their [leaders] and fifty thousand of their people, and they went into mourning, because Jehovah had struck so many people with such a great calamity.
1Sam 6:20:And the men of BethShemesh asked, ‘Who can stand in the presence of this holy God Jehovah, and who can we send to carry this Chest?
1Sam 6:21:So they sent messengers to the people of Kiriath JaIrim saying, The Philistines have returned the Chest of Jehovah, so come here and take it.’
1Sam 7:1:Then the men of Kiriath JaIrim went and took the Chest of Jehovah’s Sacred Agreement and carried it to the House of AminAdab on the hill, and EliEzer and his son were [purified] there, so they could serve as guardians of the Chest.
1Sam 7:2:But the ‘day’ that the Chest was to be kept in Kiriath JaIrim became many days… in fact, it stayed there for twenty years! Meanwhile, the whole house of Israel started [turning to Jehovah].
1Sam 7:3:So, SamuEl spoke to the house of Israel and said, ‘If you wish to return to Jehovah with your whole hearts, you must remove the gods of the foreigners that live among you and their sacred poles, and prepare your hearts for Jehovah and serve Him alone. Then He will rescue you from the hands of the Philistines!’
1Sam 7:4:So, the sons of Israel [got rid of their images of] Baal Im and their sacred poles of AstarOth, and they started serving just Jehovah.
1Sam 7:5:Then SamuEl said, ‘All of Israel must gather at Mizpah, and I will pray to Jehovah for you there.’
1Sam 7:6:So, all the people went to Mizpah, where they drew water and poured it out on the ground before Jehovah, and they fasted throughout the whole day. For, they said, ‘We have sinned against Jehovah.’ Then SamuEl prayed in behalf of the sons of Israel there at Mizpah.
1Sam 7:8:So they went to SamuEl and said, ‘Don’t remain silent! Call out to Jehovah your God so He will save us from the hands of the Philistines!’
1Sam 7:9:Then SamuEl took a newborn lamb and sacrificed it as a whole burnt offering to Jehovah before all the people, and he called to Jehovah on behalf of Israel, and Jehovah listened.
1Sam 7:10:Well, just as SamuEl was offering up the sacrifice, the Philistines attacked. And then the voice of Jehovah spoke like thunder to the Philistines, which confused them, so they retreated.
1Sam 7:12:And thereafter, SamuEl took a [block of] stone and erected it between Mizpah and the old city, which he named EbenEzer, which means, ‘The Rock of the Helper.’ For, he said, ‘This is where Jehovah helped us.’
1Sam 7:13:So, Jehovah humbled the Philistines that day, and they didn’t enter the borders of Israel again, for the hand of Jehovah was against the Philistines during the entire lifetime of SamuEl.
1Sam 7:17:Then he would return to his home in RamAh, where he served as the mediator for Israel and where he built an Altar to Jehovah.
1Sam 8:6:But SamuEl viewed this as something wicked when they said, ‘Appoint a king to settle matters between us,’ so he prayed to Jehovah.
1Sam 8:7:And Jehovah replied, ‘Listen to the voice of the people and do whatever they’re asking. For, they aren’t treating you with contempt,
1Sam 8:10:So, SamuEl told them everything that Jehovah said about kings.
1Sam 8:18:And the day will come when you’ll call out to the king that you chose for yourselves, and he won’t pay any attention to Jehovah.’
1Sam 8:21:And after SamuEl heard what the people said, he spoke to them before Jehovah and said,
1Sam 8:22:Jehovah told me to listen to whatever you have to say and to appoint a king over you. Now, each of you should return to your cities.’
1Sam 9:15:However, Jehovah had opened the ears of SamuEl [the previous day] and told him,
1Sam 9:17:So when SamuEl noticed Saul, Jehovah said to him, ‘Look, this is the man that I was talking to you about. He will rule My people.’
1Sam 10:1:Then SamuEl took a flask of oil and poured it over [Saul’s] head, and kissed him and said: ‘Jehovah is anointing you to be the ruler over His inheritance.
1Sam 10:6:Then the Breath of Jehovah will come over you and you should prophesy with them, for you will become another man.
1Sam 10:17:Then SamuEl summoned all the people of Jehovah and told them to assemble at MizPah.
1Sam 10:18:And there he told the sons of Israel, ‘This is what Jehovah the God of Israel has said: I led Israel out of Egypt and I rescued them from the hand of its Pharaoh and from the hands of all the kingdoms that oppressed them.
1Sam 10:19:Yet, today you’re treating the God who saved you from all of this badness and oppression with contempt! ‘Now, you’ve all said that you want me to appoint a king over you. So, that’s why you’re all standing here before Jehovah today by tribes, states, and families.’
1Sam 10:20:Then SamuEl led each of the tribes of Israel [past Jehovah], and the tribe of BenJamin was chosen. Then he led the tribe of BenJamin [past Jehovah] and the family of Matri was chosen.
1Sam 10:22:So SamuEl asked Jehovah: ‘Is the man still here?’ And Jehovah replied: ‘Look, he’s hiding in the tool shed.’
1Sam 10:24:Then SamuEl said to the people, ‘Do you see who Jehovah Himself has chosen? There isn’t another man like him among you!’ Well, all the people recognized this and they shouted, ‘Long live the king!’
1Sam 10:25:Thereafter, SamuEl explained all the rules of kingship to the people, and then he wrote everything in a scroll and set it before Jehovah. So, he sent the people away and they each returned home.
1Sam 10:26:And when Saul got home to GibeAh, many powerful men whose hearts had been touched by Jehovah were there to meet with him.
1Sam 11:6:Well, the Breath of Jehovah came over Saul when he heard what they said, and he was outraged.
1Sam 11:7:So he took his two oxen and cut them up, then he sent [the pieces] throughout all Israel via messengers who said, ‘Whoever refuses to follow Saul and SamuEl will be treated like my oxen.’ Then Jehovah caused a change of heart to come over the people [of Israel], and they started shouting together as one person.
1Sam 11:13:But Saul said, ‘No; none of them are going to die today, because this is the day that Jehovah has brought salvation to Israel.’
1Sam 11:15:So, everyone went to GilGal, and SamuEl anointed Saul as king there before Jehovah. Then he offered sacrifices before Jehovah, and Saul and all the people of Israel were very happy.
1Sam 12:3:And look, here I am! So, answer before Jehovah and His anointed one: Whose calf or burro have I taken? Whom have I tyrannized or pressured? And from whose hand have I taken a bribe or even a sandal? Tell me what I’ve taken and I’ll return it to you!’
1Sam 12:5:Then SamuEl said to the people, ‘So Jehovah is my witness among you today, as is His anointed one, that you haven’t found anything in my hands that I’ve taken from you.’ And they replied, ‘It’s a fact.’
1Sam 12:6:And SamuEl said, ‘Then Jehovah, the One who prepared Moses and Aaron and who led our ancestors out of Egypt, is my witness.
1Sam 12:7:So now, come here and I will judge you before Jehovah, and I’ll tell you of the righteous things that Jehovah has done for you and your ancestors.
1Sam 12:8:‘After Jacob and his sons moved to Egypt, the Egyptians made them slaves. So, our ancestors called to Jehovah and He sent Moses and Aaron. They led our ancestors out of Egypt and settled them here.
1Sam 12:9:But [our ancestors soon] forgot Jehovah their God, so He gave them into the hands of Sisera (the commander-in-chief of JabIsh, the king of Hazor), then into the hands of the Philistines, then into the hands of Moab, and they had to go to war with [each of] them.
1Sam 12:10:But when they called to Jehovah and admitted that they had sinned by abandoning Him to serve Baal Im and the sacred poles and they asked Him to rescue them,
1Sam 12:11:Jehovah sent JeruBaal, then Barak, then JephThah, and finally SamuEl. So, He has continued to save you from the hands of the enemies that live all around you, and you’ve started to feel safe.
1Sam 12:12:‘Then, when you saw NaHash (the king of the sons of Ammon) coming against you, you said, We want a king to rule over us… yet our God Jehovah is your king.
1Sam 12:13:‘So now, look… here’s the king that I got for you and whom you chose. Yet, Jehovah was the One who appointed him as your king,
1Sam 12:14:so you must serve Him and listen to His voice. Don’t argue with Jehovah
1Sam 12:7:both you and the king who rules over you must follow Jehovah your God!
1Sam 12:15:But if you ever stop listening to the voice of Jehovah and you start arguing with Him, His hand will come against you and against your king.
1Sam 12:16:‘Now, stand and behold the great thing that Jehovah is going to do before your eyes today!
1Sam 12:17:Since this is the time of the wheat harvest, I will call upon Jehovah and He will send thunder and rain. And then you will see and know the bad thing that you did before Jehovah when you asked for a king.’
1Sam 12:18:So SamuEl called to Jehovah and He sent thunder and rain that day. Well, this made the people afraid of SamuEl and Jehovah.
1Sam 12:19:And the people begged SamuEl, ‘Pray to Jehovah your God on behalf of your servants, so we don’t die for this great sin of asking for a king!’
1Sam 12:20:But SamuEl told them, ‘Don’t be afraid of any of the bad things you’ve done. Rather, be in fear of ever turning away from Jehovah! You must keep serving Jehovah with your whole hearts!
1Sam 12:22:Never allow Jehovah to be pushed away from His people, because His Name is great, and He chose you to be His people.
1Sam 12:23:‘Now as for me; may I not sin against Jehovah by ceasing to pray that you will live good and straight lives.
1Sam 12:24:Fear Jehovah and truly serve Him with your whole hearts, for you see what He has done among you!
1Sam 13:12:So I [thought to myself], Now the Philistines are going to attack me at GilGal, and I haven’t been able to beg Jehovah for help. So, I just took charge and sacrificed the whole burnt offerings myself.’
1Sam 13:13:But SamuEl told Saul, ‘You’ve done a foolish thing by not obeying the instructions that I gave you from Jehovah, for He had meant for your kingdom to last through the ages.
1Sam 13:14:But now the kingdom [of your family line] will not stand, and Jehovah will search for another man – one who [pleases] His heart – and He will appoint him to be the ruler over His people, because you didn’t do as Jehovah said.’
1Sam 14:3:and AhiJah (the son AhiTub, the brother of Ichabod, who was the son of Phinehas and the grandson of Eli) the Priest of Jehovah in Shiloh, came carrying the sacred chest piece of the Priest. However, no one knew that JoNathan had left.
1Sam 14:6:Then JoNathan said to the servant who was carrying his weapons, ‘Come on, let’s go to the town of MesSab [and attack] the uncircumcised who are camped there, for, perhaps Jehovah will give them [into our hands]. After all, doesn’t [Jehovah give victory] over many to just a few?’
1Sam 14:10:But if they tell us to come forward, that will be our sign… we’ll know that Jehovah has given them into our hands, so we’ll attack.’
1Sam 14:12:So the men of MesSab called to JoNathan and the man who was carrying his weapons, and said: ‘Come on up here to us and we’ll show you a few things.’ Then JoNathan said to the man who was carrying his weapons, ‘Now follow me, for Jehovah has given them into the hands of Israel!’
1Sam 14:15:And this caused quite a change in attitude among the [Philistines] in and around MesSab, for they had caught the men they destroyed off guard. And everyone was very disturbed over what [Jehovah had done among them].
1Sam 14:22:And when the Israelites who had run to the hills of EphraIm heard that the Philistines were retreating, they all came and joined in the battle, and Jehovah gave victory to Israel that day. Well, the battle raged through BethAven, and by then, about ten thousand men had joined Saul.
1Sam 14:26:And when some of his people went up to them, they found that they were full of honey; but no one would taste any, because of the oath that [Saul] had made before Jehovah.
1Sam 14:33:And when the report was brought to Saul that the people were sinning against Jehovah by eating the blood, Saul said, ‘You have sinned! Now roll a large rock over here.’
1Sam 14:34:Then Saul sent orders for his men to each bring a calf and a sheep, and they were to slaughter them there on the rock and eat them. For he said: ‘You must not sin against Jehovah by eating blood!’ So, everyone brought [the animals] that night and slaughtered them there.
1Sam 14:35:Then Saul built an altar to Jehovah
1Sam 14:39:Why, as Jehovah (the One who saves Israel) lives; if someone were to even tell me that it was my son JoNathan, he would die.’ But nobody said anything.
1Sam 14:41:And Saul said, ‘O Jehovah, God of Israel, give us a sign.’ Then lots were thrown, and Saul and JoNathan were chosen, so the people were excused.
1Sam 14:42:And Saul said, ‘Now throw the lots between me and my son JoNathan, and whoever Jehovah chooses must die!’ So, they threw the lots between him and JoNathan, and JoNathan was chosen.
1Sam 14:45:Then Saul spoke to the people and said, ‘Shall I now kill the one who brought deliverance to Israel? As Jehovah lives, not a hair of his head should fall to the ground over the mercy that God has performed for Israel today.’ Then the people prayed on behalf of JoNathan, and he wasn’t put to death.
1Sam 15:1:Thereafter, SamuEl said to Saul: ‘It was Jehovah who sent me to anoint you as king over His people Israel, so now, listen to what He has to say!
1Sam 15:2:This is what Jehovah of armies says to you: Now I shall punish Amalech for what they did to Israel when they were coming from Egypt.
1Sam 15:10:So Jehovah said to SamuEl, ‘I have changed My mind about having Saul rule as king, because he has turned away from Me and he doesn’t listen to what I say.’
1Sam 15:11:Well, this saddened SamuEl, and he kept calling to Jehovah all night long.
1Sam 15:13:And when SamuEl reached Saul, he said to him, ‘Saul, you were blest by Jehovah and I’ve told you everything that He said to me.
1Sam 15:15:And Saul replied, ‘My men took them from the Amalechites. We only took the best of the herds, and we’re going to use them as sacrifices to your God Jehovah… we destroyed all the rest.’
1Sam 15:16:And SamuEl said to Saul, ‘Listen and I’ll tell you what Jehovah said to me last night!’ And [Saul] said, ‘Speak!’
1Sam 15:17:Then SamuEl said, ‘Weren’t you just a nobody before you became the chief of Israel? And wasn’t it Jehovah who anointed you to be the king of Israel?
1Sam 15:18:Then Jehovah sent you here and He told you to go and destroy the Amalechites for sinning against Him… He told you to war against them until you destroyed them all!
1Sam 15:19:Yet, you didn’t pay attention to what He said, for you took a lot of loot and you acted wickedly before Jehovah.’
1Sam 15:20:And Saul replied, ‘Well, I did this because I was listening to the people. I [personally] followed Jehovah’s instructions; and although I took the Amalechite king captive, I killed all his people.
1Sam 15:21:It was my men who took their flocks, herds, good things, and food… but they took it in order to sacrifice it before Jehovah our God in GilGal.’
1Sam 15:22:And SamuEl asked, ‘Does Jehovah prefer whole burnt offerings and sacrifices, or does He want you to listen to what He says? Look! Obeying is better than sacrificing, and paying attention is better than the fat of rams!
1Sam 15:23:Now, this sin is an omen of the grief and misery that’s going to come upon you. Because of the contempt you’ve shown for the words of Jehovah, Jehovah is going to treat you with contempt, and you’ll no longer be the king of Israel.’
1Sam 15:24:Then Saul said to SamuEl, ‘I have sinned by violating the instructions that you gave me from Jehovah. But I was afraid of the people, so I did whatever they asked.
1Sam 15:25:Now, please take away my sin and reinstate me [as king], and I’ll prostrate myself before your God Jehovah!’
1Sam 15:26:But SamuEl replied, ‘I won’t reinstate you, because you’ve treated the words of Jehovah with contempt. And now Jehovah is going to treat you with contempt by removing you as king over Israel.’
1Sam 15:28:And SamuEl said to him, ‘That’s how Jehovah has torn your kingship over Israel from your hands today, and He’s going to give it to your neighbor; someone who’s better than you.
1Sam 15:30:And again, Saul said, ‘I have sinned! Please glorify me before the elders of my people and before Israel. Come back to me and I’ll prostrate myself before your God Jehovah!’
1Sam 15:31:But SamuEl just walked around Saul, and then he bowed before Jehovah.
1Sam 15:33:And SamuEl replied, ‘As you have used your sword to make orphans and widows, your mother is going to be childless.’ Then SamuEl killed AgAg there in the presence of Jehovah in GilGal.
1Sam 15:35:and SamuEl never went to see Saul again until the day he died. Yet, he mourned over Saul, for Jehovah was unhappy that He had appointed Saul as king over Israel.
1Sam 16:1:Then Jehovah asked SamuEl, ‘How long are you going to mourn for Saul? Don’t I treat him with contempt, and am I not removing his rulership from Israel? Now, fill your horn with oil and come, because I’m sending you to Jesse in BethLehem… for I have found My king among his sons.’
1Sam 16:2:And SamuEl asked, ‘How can I go there… won’t Saul hear about it and kill me?’ And Jehovah replied, ‘Take along a brown heifer cow and say, I’m going to offer a sacrifice to Jehovah.
1Sam 16:4:So, SamuEl did everything that Jehovah said… he went to BethLehem. But the city elders were startled when they saw him, and they asked, ‘Is your mission here peaceful?’
1Sam 16:5:And he replied, ‘Peace! I’ve come to sacrifice to Jehovah. So make yourselves holy, then come and recline with me [and share in] the sacrifice!’ Then he went [to the house of] Jesse and made him and his sons holy, and invited them to the sacrifice.
1Sam 16:6:And when they got there, he said to [Jesse’s eldest son] EliAb, ‘What stands before [me] is Jehovah’s anointed.’
1Sam 16:7:Then Jehovah said to SamuEl, ‘Don’t pay any attention to what [a man] looks like, nor treat his size with contempt, for God doesn’t look at what a man appears to be on the surface… He sees what’s in the heart.’
1Sam 16:8:So Jesse called AminAdab to stand before SamuEl. And [SamuEl] said, ‘This isn’t the one that Jehovah has chosen.’
1Sam 16:9:Then Jesse brought ShamMah forward. But [SamuEl] said, ‘Nor has Jehovah chosen this one.’
1Sam 16:10:Well, Jesse sent seven of his sons to stand before SamuEl, and he said to Jesse, ‘Jehovah hasn’t chosen any of these.’
1Sam 16:12:So they sent for [David] and brought him there. [Now, David] had a ruddy complexion, beautiful eyes, and he was very handsome. Then Jehovah said to SamuEl, ‘Get up and anoint him, for he’s the one!’
1Sam 16:13:So, SamuEl took his horn full of oil and anointed him there in the midst of his brothers, and the Breath of Jehovah came to be upon David from that day forward. Then SamuEl got up and returned to RamAh.
1Sam 16:14:Well, the Breath of Jehovah then left Saul, and Jehovah brought a ferocious smothering spirit over him.
1Sam 16:15:So, even Saul’s servants were saying, ‘Look! For, a fact, there’s a ferocious spirit from Jehovah that’s smothering you!
1Sam 16:18:And one of his servants said: ‘Look, I’ve seen the son of the BethLehemite Jesse, who knows how to play. He’s very alert, he’s a warrior, he’s good with words, he’s handsome, and Jehovah is with him.’
1Sam 17:37:And David said, ‘It is Jehovah who rescued me from [the mouth] of the lion and the bear, so He will rescue me from the hands of this uncircumcised Philistine.’ Then Saul said to David, ‘Well then, go… and may Jehovah be with you!’
1Sam 17:45:And David said to the Philistine, ‘You’re coming to me with a broadsword, a spear, and a shield; but I’m coming to you in the Name of Jehovah the God of armies… the God of the army of Israel who you’re making fun of today.
1Sam 17:46:May Jehovah give you into my hands, for I will kill you, then cut off your head and leave your body in the Philistine camp [where it will be eaten by] the flying creatures in the sky and the wild animals of the ground. Then they will know that the whole earth belongs to the God of Israel,
1Sam 17:47:and these called ones will know that Jehovah doesn’t need their swords or spears to save them, for He’s the God of war, and He will save them from you!’
1Sam 18:12:Well, Saul came to fear David, for he realized that Jehovah was with him, so he finally had to leave Saul’s [house].